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Everything posted by DennisLinkletter

  1. I don't recommend using your KK as a high temp grill cleaner The stainless in the basket is the same 304 used in the grills.. When we were testing with high heat runs the stainless in the bottom of the baskets would distort and sag a bit.. Could not tell you what temps.. Especially as your gasket is food grade silicone I don't recommend you regularly using your KK as a high temp grill cleaner.. I have a customer that ran his on his first cook without realizing that the latch had two positions and toasted it enough that the silicone that attaches it failed and it was distorted.. For quick sears bouncing up to 800º is fine but I'd stick to 700º for max long time running because continual extreme expansion is not good for your KK. Surprisingly stainless steel scrubbers work great too.. My grills are always pre-oiled I use Firemonkey's rolled and tied up towel in a small tupperware full of oil trick.. I give them a simple scrub from the top with a stainless steel scrubber. I can get almost everything.. I don't usually worry about what's on the very bottom of the grills.. as my food does not touch it and I'm sure it gets sanitized every cook..
  2. I'm Back.. It was amazing. I'm back.. it was amazing, here is a link to a gallery on my FB page.. I'll get some pics up here soon.. iPhoto put up this gallery painlessly. http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=66157&id=1019964350&l=3c3cd620e1 Here are a few teasers...
  3. Is there a 2.65 mile high club? We won't be doing any hiking and they have guests there frequently so I'm sure they have plenty of strategically placed oxygen bottles. We'll only be at 14,000 for the day and will sleep at 10,000. Is there a 2.65 mile high club?
  4. Tomorrow night I'm flying to Timika, Papua.. We will go about 1 day up a serious jungle river and stay three nights with the Kamoro tribe with world famous anthropologist Kal Muller as our guide. We will then return to Timika and be flown in Hueys to the base camp of the Grasburg Mine at 10,000ft. We will then proceed to go to 14,000 to see the worlds richest open pit copper and gold mine.. The best part is my mother, Bobbi her significant other Tony French and Sai are going with me. Gotta have someone to feed the natives if they get hungry.. You know they will want Sai not us! My momma and Tony are going to earn their tough as the Donner party stars for doing this trip at 74... It's will be be real interesting to see what breathing at 14,000ft is going to be like for all of us.. Google Grasburg Mine indonesia and the Kamoro of New Guinea to get a better idea how wild this ill be.. It will be an amazing trip.. I'm really excited. If I don't end up in a pot myself.. I'll be back online and on the phone on the 17th... Maybe I'll get to BBQ some grubs and piggy with the Kamoro...
  5. Multi meat cookin' First I smoked/cooked a chicken for the nachos... Then 4 racks of ribs, followed by three Wagu wanna be Tri Tips and right as I was sneaking away from the two hot Komodos I was called back in to grill the zucchini.. Thin sliced the Tri's for sandwiches.. Saisuda made up some pumpkin and green curry to add some Thai zing to the table also.. There was a big batch with lots of 2 Rums & some Contreau with orange and coconut juice and the party was a total success.. Of course!
  6. When I was reading about MMS there was lots of information about all kinds of meat and vegetables being dipped chlorine dioxide solution or gassed with chlorine dioxide. For those of you who have never heard about MMS http://jimhumble.biz http://jimhumble.biz/biz-brochure.pdf http://www.mmsanswers.com http://www.jimhumble.biz/biz-fundamentals.htm http://mms-articles.com/MMS-howdoesitwork.htm http://mmsinstructions.com http://www.jimhumble.biz/biz-mms2intro-eng.htm
  7. a stainless tray/heat shield Yes the heat deflector is refractory and designed for high temps.. It comes with a stainless tray/heat shield that should be used if it is frozen, very cold to protect it from heat shock.. and slow down the heating process. The Baking stone comes with one too..
  8. Maverick I've had a couple of Maverick's.. I gently and slowly straightened the sensor.. It just needs a little straightening to get thru the hole..
  9. Congrats It's on it's way.. Congrats It's on it's way.. Also a belated, welcome to the forum.. YOu will be cookin' for your party..
  10. Congrats It's on it's way.. Congrats It's on it's way.. Also a belated, welcome to the forum.. YOu will be cookin' for your party..
  11. Senior Moment? Am I having a senior moment? I don't remember anyones KK being absconded with.. Anyone know where this is posted?
  12. New Twist on Old Idea.. New Twist on Old Idea.. I added some (frozen) apple juice concentrate and a little bit of water to white vinegar that made a great tangy glaze on my ribs..
  13. Re: KK Insurance In your planned location could it be rolled off you property? If not running about 588 lbs I seriously doubt that anyone will be able to get it up or down stairs without some planning and equipment. It's fully insured to your door..
  14. On my 2 KKs... A chicken for nachos.. four racks of ribs.. 10lbs of Tri Tips.. And a partridge in a pear tree
  15. I corrected the poll questions.. I corrected the poll questions.. I was not wearing a watch when I posted that... You know I need to peek!
  16. It seems the consensus is if it aint' broke dont fix it.. I spoke to someone who suggested a way to improve the KK would be an easier way to empty the ashes out.. so I put on my thinking cap and went to sleep.. It seems the consensus is if it aint' broke dont fix it.. That's why this feedback is invaluable.. I refer to it as interactive BBQ design..
  17. Welcome to the forum.. Heylo Reece.. Welcome to the forum.. Always nice to have a face to attach to a name.. I look forward to you cooking on your KK.
  18. Home Run.. Knocked out of this World! Serious Food Porn... Even the uncooked meat shot has me flustered... Wish I could be meat like that here.. Seriously beautiful.. Thanks for sharing..
  19. DINING & WINE | June 30, 2010 The Minimalist: 101 Fast Recipes for Grilling By MARK BITTMAN The summer is young, and the backyard grill is ready for something new. Expand your cooking repertory with these ideas.
  20. Another idea.. Trans bag holder What about a frame with the same rods that the front draft door have. It will fit into the draft door frame assembly.. A trash bag can be slipped inside the frame and folded back.. Then frame with rods (and bag) can then be slid into the guide tubes holding the bag in the front draft door hole.. ashes can then be swept into the bag without 15% ending up on your porch.. Anybody follow that?
  21. What's your feelings about a 4" big old pipe dead center in the floor of the KK which could be opened with a sliding plate like the volume adjuster on the Guru's airflow nozzle? Up top in the floor it could be a bit wider like a funnel. This way you could put your dri pan under your KK slide open the plate and your ash would simply and easily slide down into it.. PS You could also attach a leaf blower to it to get those serious high temps for searing and smelting metal!
  22. I've shipped hundreds of containers from Asia in the last 25 years.. I've often had containers get stuck in Singapore trying to get on the Mother ship to the States especially durning the pre-Christmas rush.. But this is a first.. my last box was "discharged" in Kobe Japan... I never knew that any of the big mother ships did anything but go directly to the States.. It looks like the Japanese pay more and can get boxes pulled and sidelined so their boxes have a place.. I will raise hell to deaf ears.. Especially difficult to swallow when I'm paying almost $5,000 for a 40' container. This bumps up the ETA to July 14th.
  23. Ten Cabinets on the way ETA July 2nd I just realized that I never announced that we built 4 of the larger Teak and Marble OTB shaped cabinets and 3 Pairs of the smaller Teak OTB fitting cabinets..
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