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Everything posted by MacKenzie

  1. tony, I wouldn't risk my dogs safety either! CC needs to make the rounds of our yards:)
  2. tony, I just came in the house from taking down the feeders, the raccoons are now out from their winter digs. Glad we don't have possums:)
  3. ckreef, sounds like my adventures with my corn and the raccoons. They'd come and test it and if the corn wasn't ripe they left it alone and would come back a little later when it was ripe and then ate the whole patch. I stopped growing it:)
  4. ckreef, yes a blueberry pie would be great and with some homemade vanilla ice cream:) BTW our blueberries are at least 2 months away.
  5. Wilbur, that was an amazing write-up, very interesting and very informative, and everything looks soooooooooo tasty. Thanks for the great presentation
  6. tinyfish, I'd love the chicken ones but both look wonderful and very tasty looking
  7. I usually make my pixs 1024 X 768 or 768 X whatever.
  8. tinyfish, this is how I do it but it will be interesting to see how others do it to. http://prntscr.com/6l9qdi Open this up and you will see this screen- Click on LightShot near the purple feather on the top left hand side and this screen will open- Click on BROWSE IMAGES or drag your image and you will see- Sometimes this takes awhile but that maybe my slow internet. You will see a screen that says Success when it is done. Right click and copy, then go to the KK forum and paste it into your post.
  9. I didn't bother to take the time to sear the steak because I had dessert on my mind;) I make maybe 1 pie per year so I'm not very good at getting it picture perfect but the taste is spot on. As you can see I don't know how to weave:) This a rhubarb pie and the rhubarb is just fresh from the garden. Baked or perhaps a little over baked. A mangled slice of pie:)
  10. Hephaestus, your lamb roast looks very tasty and moist and some nice bark there also
  11. tinyfish, wow, you sure know how to get a smoke ring with your KK. The ribs look wonderful and the colour is fantastic
  12. Yes, anything that will steady the camera is a good thing:)
  13. No, the tripod helps a lot and if I'm not using that I probably am using my elbows and a small f stop. Having gotten all those things going for the pix then if things need a little help try Photoshop or other photo enhancing program to do a little more enhancing. But you need to have the basics right or even a picture enhancing program is not going to give you the pix you want.
  14. A lot of SV cooking is done in the danger zone, 40F-140F and so one needs to stick to certain tried and true techniques to avoid problems that may cause food poisoning. I'll mention a couple of things. There is a limit to how thick the meat can be in order for the transfer of heat from the water to the centre of the meat is done in a reasonable amount of time. When cooking is done you need to cool the bag and contends in ice water if they are not going to be eaten immediately. The reason for that is the contents are in an air tight bag, ideal for the growth anaerobic bacteria. Done correctly it is a wonderful technique but it needs to be done safely. Personally I would only do ground beef that I had ground myself and never from the store as it is very likely to have a much higher bacteria count than beef I've ground from a roast. These things and others apply to veggies as well as meat, etc. Again, that's my 2 cents:)
  15. Dennis, those SS sheet grates sound interesting.
  16. You would have to have something to catch the water just in case there was a leak or it could be a disaster for the grill, that's my 2 cents:) Something else is you want to maintain the exact temp. you would not want it to go up or down from the set temp. even a couple of degrees will make a big difference in you steaks appearance. I just don't think it is practical and in the water bag the water is continually circulating to keep the entire contents at the same temperature. The circulators are coming way down in price and for the convenience is well worth the price. That's my 2 cents
  17. MacKenzie

    Flank Steak

    bryan, I'll be watching this:)
  18. Happy Dad's Day to all you Fathers:)
  19. tinyfish, thanks. Of course you know I used your posting of the beer can burger for this dinner. As far as the pixs go I sometimes use a very small tripod, that helps a lot and the camera is a Canon S95 which I have had for years and try to use natural light as much as possible but not in sun. If I like what I see in the viewfinder or screen I go for it. Keep out the distractions and or crop them out. It is just a hobby that I have enjoyed for many years, you should see my first pixs. This a tripod that looks exactly like mine. It is very flexible and you can rest it on the edge of the grill, but not for long.
  20. Thanks, everyone, I was on a roll this morning.
  21. Tony, what were you thinking - no drool pixs
  22. Certainly looks and sounds like you nailed that dinner
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