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Everything posted by cschaaf

  1. My Harbor Freight weed burner did the same thing a few weekends ago while I was burning weeds. I put it back together and haven't had the issue since. It's funny how quickly your mind goes back and forth between the two logical solutions - "Control the hose!" "No, shut off the gas!" "But if I don't control the hose, it might go into the fire while I am shutting off the gas!" "Yeah, but if you don't shut off the gas, there is more of a chance that this all will ignite!" And your body is trying to jump between the two and you don't accomplish either fast enough. Glad everyone is okay, Shuley! I only tried lighting the kamado with it once and didn't like using it that way - but I do love burning weeds with it I think my issue was, I had the valve opened a little too far (it wasn't even a full turn) and when I shut the valve on the burner handle, the pressure must have been too great for the clamps on the hose. When I use it now, I don't even go 1/4 turn.
  2. There aren't 2 on my 23". Nice looking KK - I especially like seeing the pictures of the table. Those things look incredible.
  3. Wow, those look great. I love roasted tomatoes. I've always done them at higher hear, I'll have to try them this way. Now if I could only grow some. I've tried a few times and haven't had any luck.
  4. Looks great. I love ANY figs, but have a very hard time finding fresh ones.
  5. My wife likes her chicken breasts 'charred'. I really have to work at it to get them to char and still, they could out moist and tender. Also am I the only one that sings this in my head when @Shuley references her koko kamado? "I cooked on Koko, Koko Kamado" Just me then? Not anymore after you watch this video. Seriously, do yourself a favor and watch this whole video - it is spec-tac-u-lar
  6. Yeah, I'm now sorry I said he should stick it out... but not as sorry as I would have been had I finished in 2nd place
  7. I hope you did eat lunch, you'll need your strength to unpack all the boxes
  8. It looks like your son is wearing some over-sized denim overalls. Like the 'after' picture in a weight loss ad. And I love the night shot. Are there two probe ports on the 32"?
  9. Yeah, but... if Bobby was smart with his money (or, even better, had someone smart managing his money for him), he may have been better off with the payout up front. I saw an article last year where a bunch of money managers said that Bonilla left some money on the table with that deal - but only if someone smart was managing it. It was a good idea by the Mets that turned went sideways on them. They didn't know that Madoff was a scumbag that was playing with Monopoly money - should they have known? Maybe. But Madoff had a lot of other smart people fooled for a long time. Even then, $1.2M isn't a huge hit on their cap. It would put Bonilla in the lower half of the yearly salaries they are paying out. Heck, Syndergaard is only pulling in $535k, but that will change this off season. By 2035, the rookie minimum might be more than $1.2M Their deal for another former Pirate, Jason Bay, was much worse. 4 years, $66M handicapped them for those 4 years.
  10. Some simple chicken breasts that came out looking great. Some lemon pepper on top and pecan smoke. They tasted even better than they looked.
  11. Hahaha Way to go, Bobby Bo! That dude will have a great 4th of July for the next 18 years, too. I was a big Bobby Bo fan back in his days with the Pirates. For those who don't know, the Mets pay Bobby just shy of $1.2M every July 1st through 2035. It's been going on since 2011, and he hasn't played since then. The Mets owed Bonilla $5.9M for the 2000 season (they wanted to trade him away away, but they had to eat some of his contract). His agent worked out a deal where they didn't have to pay until 2011, but attached 8% interest starting in 2000. The contract called for equal payouts every year through 2035. It was a good idea by the Mets that didn't work out so well. They lowered their cap hit and were able to get a few players to make a push to the World Series in 2000 - but lost. They also had what they thought was a rock-solid plan to pay back Bonilla. The Mets owners were involved with Bernie Madoff. At the time, Madoff's investments were making well over the 8% interest - almost double that. So, the thinking was - put the money designated for Bonilla in a Madoff account. By the time you pay each year, you will have made a nice chunk on the interest. Great plan - except for the fact that Madoff accounts weren't making real money lol
  12. I do have SV and want to try some SV burgers, but I did a round of smashburgers a few months ago and my wife hasn't wanted them any way since. Next time, I'll just tell people to get out of the pool earlier and/or eat mine without them.
  13. Made some smashburgers for dinner last night and learned an important lesson. Our daughter had some friends over and there were all swimming. We called them for dinner before the burgers were done, but by the time they got changed and ready to eat, about 10 minutes had passed since the last burger was pulled off the grill. I kept them in a warm oven while we waited. They were not nearly as good as they would have been right off the grill. Lesson learned - serve these things as quickly as possible!
  14. Depends on the individual delivery person, I'd guess... and how much you slip him on the side Good luck with the gate. Glad you thought of that today and not at 3am tomorrow morning.
  15. Somehow, I think my entire Christmas list this year will be KK related!
  16. Just came to post this. The FDA site has product, UPC, and date code information: http://www.fda.gov/Safety/Recalls/ucm504235.htm I can't get the GM site to open, must be getting killed by traffic.
  17. Saw that this afternoon, i wasnt about to look that up at work.
  18. I did a Google Image search for "Komodo Kamado basket splitter" and one of the results pointed towards this thread from @wilburpan You can see how he set up the splitter here. http://komodokamadoforum.com/topic/5415-rotisserie-chicken-on-smaug/#comment-51385
  19. I got a code too - feel free to use it anova-bf69ebbe
  20. Looks great. I wouldn't have ever thought to try that.
  21. Found em. Got them at World Market. Yeah, they probably aren't teenaged son sized. http://www.worldmarket.com/category/mobile/dining-kitchen/cooking-baking/bakeware.do?template=PLA&plfsku=512679&camp=ppc%3AGooglePLA%3Anone%3A63000991512c_conditionvnew&adpos=1o2&creative=62747531219&device=m&matchtype=&network=g&gclid=CjwKEAjw7qi7BRCvsr3N58GvsTkSJAA3UzLvdpfQkVI6clo-CiMw3DIBM-Ul2GRDGkGm_jxc7ABWihoCk9bw_wcB
  22. We bought some crock-style soup bowls to make French Onion Soup. They work great for individual sized chicken pot pies, too. I think we got them at Bed Bath and Beyond, but can't find them on their site.
  23. This is why everyone should have a KK expert on hand for delivery. @ckreefknew what the cotter pin was for and hooked me up
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