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Bruce Pearson

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Everything posted by Bruce Pearson

  1. Did you know owls don't make any noise when they fly?
  2. Happy birthday! Looking good standing next to that beautiful KK.
  3. Pretty cool video a new twist to the Thanksgiving turkey. Or anytime turkey
  4. I hope all goes well with your move this sounds interesting. Please take plenty of pictures happy Thanksgiving to everybodyhappy Thanksgiving to everybody
  5. Sounds like a good plan to me. Happy Thanksgiving Mac
  6. Hey Mac have you ever tried an air fryer? Only need to use a tablespoon of oil. By the way your fries look really great I can taste them just by looking at the pictures
  7. I have no problem telling you that all the people on this site eat really good. I am amazed every time I logon and see the meals that members have Cooked.
  8. Wow that gives me the shivers. I hope you're not in to much pain. You're lucky you didn't lose your finger that's that's bad.
  9. I am used to the metal detectors going off at the airport just another inconvenience. Sorry to hear about the cancer I hope that the radiation takes care of it for you. Have a happy Thanksgiving
  10. I was doing pretty good until I got old. Now I have a steel plate in my neck the steel ball in my left shoulder and a steel ball in my left hip. I'm afraid to jump into the deep end of the swimming pool with all that steel I would probably stink right to the bottom lol
  11. It would probably be a good idea to take the top off,that way it won't be so top-heavy. Plus the top weighs about 200 lbs
  12. Nicely done. Looks great
  13. Great looking set up.the carts beautiful I like the shelves below.
  14. That looks delicious. how long did it take to cook and what temperature?
  15. Beautiful KK and I really like the backdrop. Don't know about the copper sounds like it would be pretty cool though.
  16. Yummy ribs look great and that salad looks really good too.
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