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Steve M

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Everything posted by Steve M

  1. I like the mesquite. Not too popular around these parts; I don't think I have ever seen it in lumber yards.
  2. I had thought about something similar myself both for doing the task you mentioned as well as storage for the others when I'm not using them. I was thinking a pullout shelf that is slightly recessed to hold the grate in place and some type of non-combustible surface like tile. I also thought about cutting a large hole so that it would only be touching the outer edges of the grate to cut down on the mess it would make.
  3. Looks like a road warrior economy car
  4. Marinated some kebabs and wings in the cornell chicken marinade. I really like this recipe. I also used it as a baste on the corn. Best corn I have had this summer. Threw in some cheese and bacon stuffed baby portabellas.
  5. Now that's how to do a burn in. I thought those ribeyes were ribeye loins.
  6. Those are some fine looking wings. I have one of Keith's baskets but haven't had a chance to use it yet.
  7. Gorgeous kk. Always nice to get it just before the weekend. Start the chillin' and grillin'.
  8. plus wagyu and an epipen for special occasions.
  9. Nice looking bird. I like the idea of the stixs.
  10. I should include audio of my stomach growling. time to eat lunch.
  11. That looks pretty good. If you think about it, the Cornell recipe uses the basic ingredients for mayonnaise so they are pretty similar.
  12. Glad to hear it went well. You may still see some venting depending on how high the temp got last time. I discovered I needed more when doing a pizza cook at about 600 degrees. I hope you will post some pics of the new deck.
  13. Welcome to the forum. I look forward to the pics of the new kk.
  14. I think that is the recipe. The article mentions a Cornell professor that came up with it. Cornell chicken is new to me but I really liked it. I think next time, I may score the chicken breasts to get a bit more surface area for the sauce. That's where the kebabs really shined with all of that surface area.
  15. Those are some pretty impressive skills. Great job!
  16. Those looks awesome. I agree about the foil for indirect cooks. Easy works for me.
  17. A friend of mine from upstate New York posted this article on a recipe that brought back some great child hood memories. The ingredients are really simple and I expect most of us have them in their pantries. I tried it and I think it has become my new favorite for grilled chicken. for the poultry rub, I used Dizzy Pig IPA; probably not what they used back in the day but it is one of my favorite rubs. BBQ sauce Thunder storms are moving in but we're not askeered. Kebabs go on. I tried out a new german grocery store that just opened up (Lidl) and picked up about 6 boneless skinless chicken thighs and a bunch of boneless chicken breasts. One funny thing was the boneless thigh package had a boneless breast in it. I cut them up and added to the skewers. I brushed them with EVOO and added salt and pepper before thinking about how much salt was in the sauce. It wasn't too salty and I would do the same next time. I basted and turned them pretty often moving them around the grill to make sure they were cooking fairly evenly. Just about finished up. This recipe was awesome. There was plenty of sauce in this recipe and I still have at least half of it left in the fridge. I also cooked all of the chicken breasts but didn't grab any pics. I plan on eating them this week.
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