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Everything posted by Tyrus

  1. Knowing how the sauce is manufactured makes it hard to understand how a powder can replace the tasty delight. Aging in wooden barrels for months and a prescribed method is used in the process. I do believe fish is a major additive anyhow, it is manufactured in merry ol' England and also in New Jersey as a result of demand. A little history of Lea and Perrins with the original stopper and cork surround
  2. Tyrus

    U5 Shrimp

    Happy Birthday CKreef. And a happy one by the looks of it
  3. Well fancy that, didn't realize Dennis might be having TB autographs on KK's. What a great promotion! Would love to have the Pats logo in a roman mosaic featured on the dome, could be the start of something big. You know once you have GOAT you just can't seem to get enough of it.
  4. I know nothing,,,,,,nothing !! Actually, I loved a dish called Hasenpfeffer or Rabbit stew with a sour cream base, potatoes and more. I've seen some on line but, the one from years ago is a loss of memory. That would be good in the KK. We stop at a old authentic German restaurant in Springfield Ma on our way from the Berkshires. The wooden booths with bench seats and all the beer stiens around up top remind me of some of similar places in Germany. Sounds to me as if you should book a Viking cruise down the Rhine, you know,,satisfy the urge. A quick fix might be potatoe pankcake with sour cream, 3 large tatas and 1 med onion, s&p, works for me if I'm Jones n'.
  5. Cutting will work however, for a precise fit a bench grinder {circular grinding stone } removes the steel slowly allowing you to go back and forth and work the piece for a just right fit. If you cut make sure the mark is correct...you don't want to remove too much stock
  6. Definitely an A+ on the science project. I as well wait with bated breath for the results. Nice color! Did you know today is a special day...........that's right, it's Tom Brady's birthday . And in celebration of the coming pigskin season you are cooking two bacons, that's wonderful. That was part of the plan praytell, oh if not...we here in New England salute you and await a slice
  7. Basket split on a roto chicken, looks good to me. Looks like you've been putting the 32 through the trials as evidence of it's dark belly. I don't see you leaving it behind when the time approaches, if you do, your gonna miss it. Love the roto, dislike the clean up, no matter how easy
  8. It's like a seat belt or a bike helmet, your choice. I don't wear either, but I ride with my clamp cause it don't move on the road,
  9. Merrill, nice colors, good for the summer and just right for the turning season to Xmas. That clamp for the thermometer belongs on the inside Merrill, no biggee, turn it around. Sous vide first to temp and sear for tenderloins, can't miss. Looking good, just hope you have a cover for the weather
  10. "God bless you", thought that might be appropriate since it was a church related event. Introducing John Barleycorn through the back door, you little devil. All kidding aside Syzygies that looks good with an effort factor of 10. Hope you brewed a pot of coffee for that trip or maybe sipped on a little sauce to bring you back. Nice bark.
  11. Had that meal kinda sorta last week but, "you brought it to the table". Think taco shells maybe next time, heat them up in the oven for some crunch as an alternative. It's a keeper
  12. Thanks eggary. Must be summertime with roasted chocolate and marshmellow in firepits are a staple. If this is a reminder, it's a good idea
  13. Average size butts in my area are generally 8-10lbs that butt was 16 lbs. Hogs in Germany assuming from your earlier picks of meat must be going to market later because of the size being offered. That's a big butt, and because of it's size it will require added time. Cooking time as you know is relative to size so, just keep that in mind or you'll be ordering wiener schnitzel from the local Kaufmann.
  14. I'm not sure if you got the Rotisserie when you purchased it but, if you didn't that would be something to think about. A solid quality piece with a powerful 50# motor to meet all your needs. BBQ on the move, amazing. Go for it
  15. It appears so, you could say, peaceful meadows. Going to make it a point to try all the flavors like the ice cream shop, you know Lay's potato chips, betcha can't eat just one.
  16. Deal! Clandestine like. We'll tell her it's California desert steak.
  17. Got a system for Powerball.....let us in
  18. From your local I wouldn't hesitate to drive, 900 is at the top of a days ride for the wife and I but, doable. Probably be at each others throats after a ride like that. Thought you were closer for some reason. Will have to check the Rand McNally again,,,,,,,,hell no were flying
  19. Nice, very nice. Spain...love it. Gonna be in a place not far from you called Vale soon and I don't suppose they'll have octopus. I wonder what kind of delicacy's we might find,,,,don't tell me oysters! I'll be lookin though
  20. Some great looking cooks here, sometime I miss this channel. Say El Pescador, I would pay for a seat at the dinner table when that was placed in front of Mac.
  21. Great video, something Toney should have shown prior to dinner....do you think?
  22. Tyrus

    Up early for the cook

    Black ops brisket rub, I think salt and pepper is good too. 71/2 or 8 hrs avg temp 260. I think this one would have made the grade for a turn in. Oh well, only a few guests, all gone. Thanks for looking
  23. Lot of work Toney and nicely done, after that was done I would preferred something a little stronger than the Lagranja, before the guests arrived.
  24. Tyrus

    Up early for the cook

    The end DSCF2412_Large.mp4
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