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Everything posted by Tyrus

  1. Tyrus

    Baked Stuffed Cod

    Ckreef, if you make it use a torch at the end to finish up the stuffing for presentation, the KK holds the moisture which is great for fish cooks and the stuffing dries a little however a little torch is a good finish. Used apple wood wrapped in foil for smoke with a deflector.
  2. The wife went to the store and bought 4lbs of Cod, I like Cod but 4lbs is um, a bit. Fired up the KK to around 300+ and placed the tray in to cook. Used the Rub some Fish and a little Old Bay on them with a good addition of stuffing over the top. Tow sides, one baked was Acorn squash with basil, celery salt and dry chipped onion wrapped in foil at 300. Spinach with caramelized onion was the other. Checked the freezer for old forgotten fish,,,,,,,,,,,,,no luck Mac.
  3. No, wasn't on Dune chasing worms but drove to Bass Pro Shops for a quarterly restock on some rubs. Location in Foxborough, Ma with a great supply of outdoor, camping, fishing etc supplies to keep you tidy. Went right to the spice dept and found that there regular selection diminished from the last visit but I found these to keep things going. Added were a couple of snaps inside showing only a fraction of it's offering and right next door was the stadium where banner #6 will rise in September. Great BBQ history in these parking lots.
  4. I believe as in anything of worth that if you take care of it, it will take care of you. You can use a small wired brush, a little WD40 on the threads wouldn't hurt if it starts to stick. Other than that, at least for moi, it's been maintenance free.
  5. Tyrus

    Brisket Reheat

    130-5, just warm enough as if it were already plated. That's what I'd do, enjoy. Sometime I just wrap my chunks in foil, cut a few lines and bury em
  6. Tyrus


    2 years on mine now and it still looks great. Now I don't do alot of pizzas and high temps, just periodically. I just latch mine tight all the time but I believe if you release the pressure to first latch as a cautionary prep it may serve to extend the life of your gasket. I have adjusted the lid catch twice to stop the smoke exiting on one side I had a issue with,,this may have been from keeping it in the 2nd latch position compressing the gasket or the catch loosening and moving on it's own a bit. Anyhow, the problems are small and easily remedied.
  7. Don't worry Mac....the ferry sank....think it was a U-boat...gonna swim back to shore. Lusitania?, thought that ships name I was on was familiar.Don't feel bad, had some good BBq on board before we went down
  8. Looks good Aussie, a little on the rare side but I'm with ya
  9. For a quick marinade try the Grill mates spice blend pkg's. Oil, water and contents are a quick fix if your in a pinch. They used to be 50 cents and as I remember the longer you left them in the mix the more intense the flavor obviously, to a point. With popularity and time they have increased in price and most times I overlook them at the grocers today but, once in a while I re:discover them, as the other day. Had some on steak tips and nostalgia came roaring back. Grill mates.......makes you think with "mates" on the headline if the headquarters are really in AU
  10. You can never have enough straps. Snug as a bug in a rug
  11. Nice and meaty and those potatoes are the way they should always be, with sight bit of crunch. I'm on the ferry over, what was that address again
  12. Great following of bbq enthusiasts. Once they see what they've been missing, they'll come around
  13. Nice find. 40 stairs?!!! Think you'll find the journey was worth the effort. Let's put on some fish tacos.
  14. Geez, I'm Jealous of the real estate also. Those are big pieces of meat but are diminished in size picture wise by the amount of surface area. I recently did 5 racks on a rib rack in my 23, they fit yet it's not as comfortable as what you present. Still, I'm happy with it and can make it work for larger events however, that is the ultimate large capacity grill. May the 4th be with you............................
  15. I saw that ramp also, must of taken the top off..had too. Or else they were Marines, correct SSGT93 and just pushed it up the hill.
  16. Great job, doesn't matter how it gets up the hill as long as it gets there. So seeing the Jeep and the tires leads me to believe Godzilla is right up your alley. This is going to be my go to channel for action movies. Best of luck on the burn in and Happy 4th one and all
  17. Congratulations. Seems to be the trend of going big and skipping the story line and jumping on the ending. That's fine because, "what an ending it is".
  18. Think were being poked at Steve. All I have to say is when I call Amazon I keep my fingers crossed hoping I get someone that's been speaking English over a week. Are there special instructions for attaching a camera to a rotary phone? Gonna have to see if Prime has Shogun running again, thought I saw my rice cooker in the movie.
  19. Those were the days when movies were movies. Checkout the cinema photography, simply amazing and so life like. See Jeff,,,,see what happens when you pick a name like Godzilla
  20. Ditto, what Bruce said. Impressive to say the least
  21. So what's cookin on such a momentous day as Canada Day. Happy Birthday Canada🌭
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