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Everything posted by Tyrus

  1. I know the feeling. Opening the freezer door and looking in can be quite the adventure. Most times it turns into CSI story and decisions gotta be made. Lucky you have those glaciers flowing in the backyard up north, a quick jaunt out the back door with a pic-ax and there it is, ( voila ) a meal as fresh as the day you placed it in, although 20 feet from where you left it. Give the Doc my best
  2. You know Mac there's a story in there somewhere. A little girl having a bad experience with a fish years ago...maybe. Well we got the cure, a Dr I know works well with these cases. His name is Dr. Vinny Boombah and you can reach him at 8675309 any time is a good time. It was a nice presentation Mac, looked great. Did you say the fish was two years old? Looked purdy fresh to me, heck I'd ,put on a bib and pull up a chair and enjoy that meal too, providing you take the first bite...you know 2 year fish and all
  3. You know those Lite beer cans of aluminum are so fragile they dent on impact. Now the cans I remember were made of steel, yep, them cans could take a beating and probably put a dent in the wall when empty. Not that we'd do that but, evolution in containers has come full circle. Actually I'm doing the same cook as you right now coincidently, and have to run off to wrap, because time is running short and the guests are coming. Best of luck with yours
  4. I remember when. Hold on and enjoy her as long as you can, one day you'll be standing there giving her away. Well,... by that time you'll be ready. Congrats
  5. DON'T leave home without it. Like the credit card
  6. Now that sounds interesting,,is there an occasion it suits you to present or would you say it's an all around meal. White wine although it has the Madeira. Sounds like it has some Portuguese influence
  7. Oh, what a lucky man he was,,,,,and will continue to be. Well, that looks like the perfect place to start the fire. 4 kids? Jeech, you deserve all you get, congrats
  8. That chicken and rice look tasty smothered with the red peppers. Did you kick it up a notch? Or was it a safe, maybe a less imposing spice added besides the chilli. Nice combo but I can't taste it no matter how many times I lick the screen
  9. At least it has a nice geometric pattern.
  10. Family comes first. Hey, if you decide to move someday, your just a click away
  11. Look at all those presents to open on top, I'm thinking this may be your last June Xmas for a while.
  12. Go for it, sorry to be late to reply, my best wishes in your endeavor
  13. Bruce, you've been in the California toooo long. Let me ask you, Do you run a wood stove during the winter or do you have a winter? Bruce,,,,,,you are a treasure. Anythin cookin?
  14. Wheels are the best consideration as Tekebo made mention of for future, and present considerations for ease of movement . Anything on wheels is the way to go especially with a removable top to make the transition easier. It is easier to roll into a designated area as opposed to lifting into an area that wasn't planned. What's your plan, the look of a built in is the flat bottom KK and is generally shelved, that leaves you with dimensions you have to account for or, otherwise choose the wheels. If I were to choose to move my 23 to the another location well, I'm on wheels and ready to go, done.
  15. That was a great story all in all. I remember Paul did a similar trip kind of close by to his, should I say ranch. Well anyhow the passing of the torch and how well it was taken and transported was a good story. I liked that. Again
  16. Oh, that looks good. To early for garden veggies, right?
  17. Hope the new addition does you well, it sure looks nice. Enjoyed your adventure through the badlands of Texas and meeting up with Geo,,hats off to ya Geo for being so generous. Oh by the way, the pebble thing is a misconception but, for the time being will let you run with that, you know, since it's your first day and all. That you'll have to prove with evidence...pictures of fantastic cooks will do
  18. Sorry I'm a little late to the conversation but, I have been laying a floor down in the stick burner house/pavilion for the past few days. Keeps the rain off my head, and the rain off the Lang 48 when doing a cook, and you know how that can be. Staying up all night is not a consideration for me anymore either, never was really, however, a long cook during the day or getting up early to do so ain't so bad. If I'm doing a brisket on the Lang I can get the time down to 7-8 hours, a 14-15 lb brisket running around 275 with a nice clean smoke, 2sticks/45min starting with a small charcoal base. Easy to clean later, steam cleans itself as you hose it down and you brush it to knock off any remainder, then it empties out the drain valve into a bucket. I like it,.... like it now more than ever with a floor and a roof over my head. Having a stick burner is a plus, having a 23 KK is a convenience. Now, I don't have the Guru set up because when cooking I'm generally around the yard. If I leave for 2-3 hrs and the KK is purring along I don't feel the need to hurry back, that's how well it's engineered and when I return it's generally where I left it. I like a little work with a stick burner, you feel like your doing something, it's primal and part of the big plan. And on the opposite side of the coin is the relax side and here the KK shines. The people here LOVE their KK's and especially all the add ons they buy and research that make it hands free to run,.. almost. If you haven't noticed, cooking is just about a science here. It's a cooking tool of the 21st century, you won't regret making the choice because you'll know exactly what I mean when you see it as you open the crate. As long as you care for it, it will last longer than any ceramic cooker out there, and it looks so damn nice. I'd say it's like comparing a newer Porche to 68 GTO, the Porche is hands down the better car but, something about that Goat wants you to come back and give it one more ride. Were all moving forward, keep them both, you won't be looking back.
  19. Sarge, I believe your ordering the 42, the largest unit and your comfortable with that, good. I have the 23 Ultimate and fuel isn't a consideration at this size however, a 42 seems a lot more mass to heat....I was wondering how fuel played into your equation. Enjoy retirement, you only get one lick.
  20. Hello Garvinique, Whats next? It's what's in succession. Always looking around the corner, as presented there are many quality pieces out there providing you have the room. I, do have a limit, and although interests of new products are always coming to the forefront I'm comfortable with what I got. If you like , go ahead, and roll the dice or better yet do a good search of the Summitt, then compare, and tell me the difference. I have other products that I defer to at times at home that I prefer to use because, they have been with me for so long. If your looking to have more to supplement your KK, well, I think there are quite a few, who do. Hey, best of luck with your new joy.
  21. And a Dowhop to you Shoebop. 32 seems to be the measure now,,,,,,,,,, well congrats to you.
  22. Guess it means summer is cutting the corner, excuse the camera work. Bought this ready made at the packy, while drifting in, had a taste and bought it local. 3-2-1 maybe but the 1 was at the register
  23. Hello Mac, nice Burger, and I wish it were mine, Do you remember some time ago in a post lost in memory we referenced pixels and camera works. Well, that definition is exclusive to your photos, because I do believe you have a 20 or better pixel camera and obviously that's not to take away from your camera work. I only say that because my 12 was purchased years and years ago, and just doesn't compare. Let me down easy if I'm wrong, but, I believe you at the point of capture are tempting too many people so please tone it down. Just kiddin
  24. Tyrus

    19 TT

    KVG, if your looking for cooking for two people and don't have expectations of expanding I for one would say yes, order the 19 inch . However, Dennis is a great person to assist you along the lines you need, and how it meets your needs, Call him,, my discussions with him were comfortable and I haven't looked back. Just a phone call....
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