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Everything posted by Tyrus

  1. Tyrus

    Funky Old Cow

    May the cooking gods be with you
  2. Was kind of obvious Toney, that leaf has a distinctive form. She smiled, and began to instruct me on cultivation. AS far as Florida is concerned let me tell the boat a ya, Guess whom the best customers are for this particular herb in the sunshine state, that's right, works on glaucoma, arthritis, relaxes you while your driving and I even heard it's great on brisket. You realize I'm only kidding right, not sure about the brisket...it's what I read in Mad Magazine but, everything else is Gospel. Honest Injun
  3. That looks great Mac, nice color on the meat and you made my favorite taters. Yum Just wanted to show you my meater with the handy dandy take it with you neck tie. Well, I'm still waiting for the new meater coming out that says, "take me off the grill, now" at 120 db. Technology is fantastic, spin away without a care in the world. Think I'll do the same tonite, what say you
  4. About 8 years for me now. Unfortunately, I don't head in that direction when I venture out because the road system is a little long. Definitely on the radar now
  5. Tyrus

    Funky Old Cow

    How true. Interested in what kind of appetizers you may have in the works. Will you light your guests on fire with spice or take the subtle approach. And the beef, it looks like a winner. If your interested look this one up on Utube,,Smoked Salmon Spread in Cucumber Cup. I did that for my daughters wedding shower as an hors d'oeuvers. Changed it around by cooking the salmon the day before in a traditional way of salt, brown sugar, pepper and dry dill. Made the mix as stated and added cold diced cooked scallops and shrimp. Made 3 dishes and all disappeared. Cold appetizer My wife didn't like my first idea of placing the salmon on a plate surrounded by crackers. Gotta admit this was better.
  6. So as promised, pictures of the place. This place is definitely going to be a keeper for sausage night or those special guests. She had quite the selection of sausages obviously but, inclusive were things like candied jalapenos, chilli with 5 local contest trophy's for it on display, bangers, bratwurst, ribs, pulled pork southern style and a variety of marinated meats. Inside the small shop a wood stove sat in corner for winter heat and the inside was all dressed in old knotty pine as well as the floor. A picture of the cooker shows a 250-300 gallon oil tank one would have kept in there cellar as heating fuel storage tank. With the advent of LPG and natural gas piping many converted for it's cleanliness and convenience and some storage tanks were lucky enough to end up as bbq cookers. As I looked out her business window I couldn't help and comment to her from seeing the plants on her back deck how well her marijuana plants were doing. She smiled,..... and assured me they were not in the sausage. I said, you never know...could be a big seller. The splitting area for wood was right out of a magazine, wood stacked under a shed roof quite a distance and about 7feet tall with a number of rows, all oak, white and red. The place just reeked BBQ ambience. So here it is, not the greatest photographer so excuse the lack of detail in quality
  7. If you look on one end red, a lobster, blue, a crab and shrimp between. Artist drawn and found at a antique store. You see I sometime drop one on occasion and the wife although is slow to anger I always replace with a better piece. This can't go on indefinitely.
  8. Two miles from my home unbeknownst to me a Sausage factory exists, a small house you would pass on this country road if you weren't looking. Set aside of it was a large shed occupying the business end and I stopped in and picked a provolone basil sausage to go along with a Sockeye salmon I chose at another market. The woman inside had various flavors of sausages and was in business since 1986. She was presently cooking ribs on a 250 Gallon old oil tank outside of the shed and that was split to open having an attached wood stove vented in. The cooker was covered by a nice old large shed roof with a detachable assembly for the the smoke stack. She offered a Sweet Italian sausage with stewed tomatoes but was all out, tomorrow we'll return to purchase that item. Didn't have my camera to shoot the cooker but tomorrow I'll remember and post it's unique figure. Her Dad started the business, she keeps it going. Two miles as the crow flies, 5 miles through winding roads for me, that is why I never found it.
  9. Tyrus

    Zucchini Boats

    Thanks Syzygies, but I believe all of those parts were there in one form or another except, the eggs. I'll remember em the next time but, it all stayed together well. Summertime...live it, love it, kiss it,.. for it will soon be gone
  10. Surf and turf as they say'. That's definitely the right combo and generally what I get on a cruise. Allow me to join you, I was 22 once, lobster always looks good, enjoy
  11. Tyrus

    Baked Stuffed Cod

    True. How could I forget that, heritage breeds. Well, you lucky dawg.
  12. Wings are my favorite, trade a boat for some wings
  13. Tyrus

    Zucchini Boats

    Fresh from the garden, 3 med- lrg zucchini stuffed, drizzled with sauce and dumped on with cheese. Stuffing was a Pepperidge farms with Italian herbs, added 1 med shallot, 1 halve of red and orange sweet pepper , 1 clove garlic, stick of celery, some basil, chive, or green onion top and whats in arms reach you like, all diced and sauteed down. Add chicken broth to boil and add stuffing to mix, let sit. Fry up Italian sweet sausage, dice and add to mix. Scoop out boats and cook on KK at 350 top shelf to desired tenderness, 45 min, has a little crisp still present. Add sauce to top, close and let sit a couple then add parm mozzer mix cheese. I used apple to smoke, on top naked. Great as a main course or sliced for hors de hourves. Some sour cream might work to garnish however, I didn't try. Inspired by a fried provolone breakfeast seen recently. Pennsylvania beer. Tasty
  14. You take cheese pizza to a whole new meaning, original.
  15. Someone is always watching, camera on corner,,think you'll have to go underground, satellites, dress in the shower until it blows over. Tekebo can be trusted
  16. Tyrus

    Baked Stuffed Cod

    Well Toney, seafood by the sea is always a plus and does help with a great meal. I'm sure beef in your area is remarkable. The trade-off to which is better hasn't been determined, unless your name is Mackenzie.
  17. I choose to do butts at 250-75 and find they come out well, moist and in short time. I've done them at 225 but the clock keeps ticking. Tucker or Sygies and I'm not sure whom but, one of them does the lower temp. I've done jerky and that would entail a lower and an extended period to dry the meat however, your working with pieces 1/4 in or slightly bigger. There may be a few who could better explain some evaporation ratio as temp to time and conditions present but, it's just a butt. Nice looking butts you have, the both of them, you know what I mean.
  18. I guess you keep up on your stocks and business and I hope if you do they all pan out for you. Not me, I only bet on sure things, dogs, horses and against Tekebo. Great day Sarge........Hoorah
  19. Hey, Tom Sawyer if your thinkin of fishin down in the Ozarks you better pack a extra pair of sneakers and keep those worms on ice, seems ta me that's quite a hike. Looks like a good fishin hole
  20. Keep in mind while your KK is heating up the refractory is absorbing all that heat as well as the stainless and the deflector if your using the one provided. My other two Komado's of a different brand heat up in half the time. Now you can catch up and pull the door on the bottom but risk overshooting your goal. For me I see the KK once fully absorbed and at target as a unit that holds temp well at settings that are stingy on fuel because it keeps releasing that energy back. So have a little patience, start earlier and the payback is more rewarding in piece of mind.
  21. Bass Pro bought out Cabella's and so the name is being integrated into it's store. At the time both names remain separate on buildings at store sites, what the future holds is anyones guess. Worms in a paper bag???,,we all begin somewhere
  22. I knew ribs would be good as they they always are. The chicken is interesting, resembles Alabama white sauce. Good job
  23. Tyrus

    Baked Stuffed Cod

    There were 3 of us and we had leftovers that left the house in a container. Make it every so often, definitely a keeper
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