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Everything posted by Tyrus

  1. Oh, one last thing...when your lookin out your window 2Club into your neighbors yard, you won't have to think Geez, I wish I had Jessie's grill cause he's sayin that now.
  2. Hold on to the feeling of opening day as long as you can because as it disappears and your cooks become more frequent they're replaced with a degree of satisfaction and contentment. No wondering,,,did I do the right thing. Enjoy the ride
  3. Looks like good chicken. Saw the extended grate and it made me think that I've never had occasion to use it. Still clean as the day it was shipped.
  4. Nicely done vid and cook, cutting time off the back end is always a plus.
  5. Nice color, nice bark and you said you were going to share, Frere.
  6. A little more info does help. Unsure what a comfortable grilling surface is good for you as height is concerned. Placing 4 or 5 inch spacers that run along each side wall and then adding another flat on top would raise your KK and maybe the motor above the counter surface. My cooking height is 39 inches and I'm comfortable. If raising your KK for the motor to be above the counter surface doesn't work well, it's either cut somewhere or pull out. You won't ruin the look because you'll be creating another space for storage. This way you can remove the motor at your pleasure for storage. Check it out and raise it up and see if it's workable. Also the second shelf up would eliminate any overhang if you extend it out an inch or two
  7. If that's the gas unit door to the back side I believe that has been discontinued, but, not totally certain. anyhow I see a box and something in the garage. Keep the Komodo Kamado sign a safe spot, you may find a place for it later. Looks beautiful and already jumping into the fire
  8. Cut the two walls on either side and move them back. The tool you need is rockwell oscillating side to side with a diamond tip or carbide. I do believe that's stone correct. Support the back side obviously when you cut the bottom about 18 inches back and you may even be able to use this piece again for support further back if not a different matching look. As far as the cut is concerned you can always find something to cover over it from end to end . The tool is nice and works well however, I haven't used it on stone but from what I see it looks like your rest is the bottom shelf for the cut and that's a plus. You know once you cut that piece back and the piece is not useable it's not the end of the world, you can always find book ends to match on either side glued down. Thats what I'd do. Or do as Toney suggested, a wheel castered shelf that would pull out to what you need and no more, you don't want it out extended, just for what you need. Somethings gotta give, hey you get a new tool and they are quite useful when the situation presents itself. Oh, use some water to keep the cut cool if it's diamond, like a tile cutter, looks pretty thick. to me. And one last thing, if you lay a piece over the cut make it glued down to prevent the stub leg from popping through.
  9. MMMMMM, enjoy your holiday. I will PM you to ease through this meandering contract and consult with my Atty. I see no rush and a little research may prove worthy, besides you have full plate with getting the recipe grillin site up and producing with Alex. I'll be back
  10. Can you build or cast something in the front to catch the overhang? Something that looks like it belongs, the look bringing it forward may be nice
  11. Congratulations to you both. For one Xmas is early and well Alex..the road is somewhat longer, Anticipation
  12. Beauty! Dark and mysterious. Like I've always said, " Hides the stains really well". Enjoy
  13. Thanks, that clears it up somewhat. I would imagine a container holds a vast amount of charcoal.
  14. Yes, please...it's cooking season, post haste. I had an Ethiopian Berbere that I mixed with a number of spices and placed it on chicken to brighten it up. That's one warm spice and I found very little on it as how to use it on the web. Intimidating. Your venture will require time and effort and I'm sure the both of you work and have responsibilities, that being said I for one appreciate the effort. Tekebo, I picked up that gauntlet you so carelessly dropped on floor and considered it's merit. If it is to your liking, please consider as an opener the team with the best season record and IF your team makes it to the playoffs, will cross that next bridge, as it would be appropriate again to re:negotiate. For me I have work to do now, unlike some that sit on the dock of the bay and watch the tide roll away. lol
  15. An event worth participating in for sure. Well what flavor, bouquet, draft or color did you bring to the table. Did I say congrats, tonite you may need two pillows to sleep but, that's all good.
  16. Do you think? Really. At first I thought a bow tie was akin to the butler serving your guests, a kind of bridge between you and your guests...the table that is. So my wife looked at it and saw a Martini glass double sided and called it a nice bar. For me, if I just turned it, it would serve a dual purpose. To you it looks like an hour glass, I guess your right, ya know I nailed that with brads and probably glued it ta boot, maybe, will just let it rest,,,it's for the best.
  17. Help me here, what is it about charcoal that Governments throw the red flag on about not allowing import. Are they afraid of drugs being smuggled in. Ok it's burnt, so bacteria and pathogens are at minimum. Dennis quoted Ramadan or maybe that was a pause in shipping. I understand fruit and live stock or untreated products but, charcoal is one thing I felt that was out of the sphere. Is it an agreement between countries within trade laws?
  18. Tyrus

    Drip pan conundrum

    That's a shame, that you haven't used it. My first thought was the extra layer would prevent warping being closer to the fire. I did use the original drip pan once but, found it turned, although it did come true again once it cooled. Have you thought of raising the Dpan a little higher? For me Toney I would look to find a use, maybe even wiring or hooking it just below the top grate. I always thought that was such a cool tool when I looked at it, sure it has a discovery.
  19. First, let me say nice to hear from you Tekebo, I thought by now you and the Hubby would be speaking Italian and enjoying a cappuccino by a seaside villa, so is the word. A bet,,,, what if I lost? I think I would have to shackle it to my back and take the chance by swimming across the pond rather than pay the outrageous postage or freight which demands a pint a blood or your first male child, no gender reference intended, it's a historical reference. The cast iron pot is for comfort food, chilli, beef stew, ribs of a different occasion, bread, veggies, desserts and so much more. Our KK's are so useful yet, I look for alternatives as anyone does to find a way to do things differently, just as you when you entertain, and put out dishes that leave your guests waiting for their next return. Confession, the motif on the bronze table should be turned 180 degrees, it was supposed to be a bowtie and well, my dyslexia comes to fruition at the end of the day after some pints have been consumed. Have a nice trip, and I'm looking forward to the collaboration of your neighbor [Mr.B] and you, on food recipes from AFRICA. Does sound yummy, maybe it'll lead to a series on the tele'. This year we will bet,,,, and loosing is not an option. Bon Voyage, don't forget the cork puller.
  20. You must have an active job to eat all those dishes, they look irresistible...I'm hungry
  21. Well thank you Ckreef, unfortunately I find the older things falling by the wayside, maybe unnoticed, that's ok. So it's name is Beti not to be confused with the newer model Yeti. $55 total and a little sweat equity, works for me
  22. It's a nice looking piece and may I add well cared for. Whomever falls into this deal will have years of enjoyment. For me ahhh, I have 4 behemoths now, adding another runs the peril of drawing my wife's....should I say attention. Twin 23's do sound good....bookends. And additionally but unrelated you have one handsome, peaceful looking yard. Zen Good luck
  23. A small journey unlike yours Steve. I do have a small pavilion in progress....and will reveal it's simplicity if I ever get it done. An open area with room to expand and engineered to last through the deepest fog. lol and yes the stock, soon as the weather climbs above 80
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