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El Pescador

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Everything posted by El Pescador

  1. Looks, great, @Alohapiggy - spatchcocked chicken has been one of my favorites on the KK - always to moist and perfect. Glad to see you're making the most of your KK parental leave!
  2. Great, video, @mguerra - thank you! Glad to see all came out well. I'm certain to give this a try!
  3. Thanks, Bruce! You too!
  4. Ahhh - Thanks, @tony b! I like the cork idea - I'll have to give that a go!
  5. Thanks, @Pequod - this is awesome. Your point about conduction leads me to ask a question that's been rattling around in the back of my head - what's the best place to clip the pit probe for your controller? Does clipping it to the grate give a misleading temp reading or is the device calibrated to account for the higher temp of the grate? Maybe it doesn't matter because the grate and the metal probe itself are the same temp? Geekin' out here...!
  6. The KK twosome - looking good! I'm working on a couple butts that I put on last night night before bedtime - on their way to a Memorial Day shindig tonight.
  7. Back in Black - just sayin'...
  8. If people at the office knew I hand washed and waxed my grill....
  9. Straight to the SBB - you're ruined for life!! Enjoy the anticipation - the day it arrives will be a memorable one!
  10. I take it this means the ribs came out ok? LOL! I did exactly the same thing with my first slow cook - futzed with the bottom vents but didn't think about using the damper as a primary means of controlling the temp. You'll start to learn that a quarter turn of the top does x, a half turn does y, a full turn does z. Next thing you know, you've got it dialed! [bad pun sort of intended]
  11. Congrats, @Alohapiggy! Looks great! If the 21 is anything like the BB, that metal plate should come off by unscrewing some nuts from the backside (the inside). I don't thinks its necessary or desireable to do that though. When I clean mine out, I usually just scoop out most of the ash from the inside and then give it quick hit with the shop vac. Keeps it nice and tidy. Hope the steaks came out as good or better than expected. You're in for a real treat!
  12. Congrats, Alex! You're not going to regret it. Really looking forward to hearing of (and, I suspect, learning from) your BB experiences!
  13. This is going to be exciting - I can tell already!
  14. Well done, @Tyrus - those look great! I like the new color scheme.
  15. Now that's a proper breakfast, @MacKenzie! Fantastic!
  16. The loin looks delicious, @Tucker!
  17. I'm sure there's a thread to be found somewhere, but in the interests of being lazy, can I ask when one might choose coffee lump over coco char (or the other way around)? Is it simply a matter of flavor profile (coffee vs none)? After all I've read, it seems I'd be foolish not to place an order when the time arrives. Knowing full well the gluttons on this board will "both!", I'll nevertheless ask, which should I consider buying?
  18. Congrats @Alohapiggy - you're gonna love it!
  19. As Buddha once said, "there are only two mistakes once can make along the road to truth: not going all the way and not starting."
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