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Everything posted by gerard

  2. Re: asbestos accusations Yeah, I got that too... but it was neither funny nor worth mentioning But cummingtonite... that was both.
  3. Re: absolutely asinine Bout damn time... it's the only thing that's kept me from ordering. Well that, and the money thing. And the marriage issue.
  4. Re: Welcome I had forgotten this post and forgot what amosite was... quick trip to wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amosite yields: "...The amosite referred to by Peacock is fibrous actinolite or cummingtonite ." I've been hanging around FireMonkey so long that my eyes immediately latched onto the latter term. Another click http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cummingtonite and I see: "...Cummingtonite was first described in 1824 for an occurrence near Cummington, Massachusetts, hence the name..." There's a link http://www.chm.bris.ac.uk/sillymolecules/sillymols.htm there. It yields: "Cummingtonite This mineral must have the silliest name of them all! Its official name is magnesium iron silicate hydroxide, and it has the formula (Mg,Fe)7Si8O22(OH)2. It got its name from the locality where it was first found, Cummington, Massachusetts, USA." Figured I better explain how I came in possession of this knowledge.
  5. Welcome aboard, bugs. Your questions over on the K forum have been very entertaining. Sorry to hear the bugs show has come to an end there. Some of us have put Dennis through some pretty rigorous questioning already but it'll be good to have you help us keep him on his toes.
  6. Very cool. Glad to hear it. Now, if only I had a kk to adapt my spiffy Stoker to
  7. Re: Knock down and move in two pieces... Dennis, could we see a photo of a kk or a kk bottom supported by the harness? I found moving my Sacro-K a dreadful experience. I live in fear of repeating that move so I would love to see what you've come up with. Thanks in advance.
  8. You give up too easy! That article showed the difference...and a elephant ear is no more a funnel cake than Suzuki Samuri is a Jeep! Like we're gonna follow one of your links
  9. Curly, You eat those elephant ears down by the branch?
  10. I want the one with the goldfish, but given those choices, I vote #2.
  11. Congratulations. It's beautiful. Was that your first cook on a ceramic kind of grill? You have concrete floors in your house but you invested in a kk first??? I like your priorities . I hear Dennis can sell you something to cover that concrete too.
  12. From an old alt.food.barbecue newsgroup thread: http://groups.google.com/group/alt.food ... 966a7a04b2 post #99: "...Again, plenty of room for competition, if the backlog is that severe. I'm picturing a product called "The NotKamado"..." post #101: "...or maybe the "AntiKamado". I picture it looking like a hibachi...just big enough to grill a Kamodo dragon."
  13. Re: natural chicken Boil it.
  14. Re: natural chicken Gawd, not another beer-butt chicken fan Thought your type was extinct but I forgot you've been out of commission for a while. That fad is soooo yesterday. But in its day, Chicken on the Throne was the greatest yuck yuck product since the sneaker phone.
  15. Now the subject lines are too small again.... ya'll are just screwin' with me.
  16. Thanks for changing the subject font size. But did the message font size get smaller in the process? I'm squinting, but maybe I've always squinted.
  17. TNW is right, it is nice... ... but I have another nit: See the subject line above? It's smaller and less readable than the message. I often start my messages in the subject line 'cause it's so clever . But this way, folks think I just write incomplete sentences. I've noticed the same thing in the Kamado Fraud Forum, just in case anyone happens to know who is running that.
  18. Oh cool. It's a Rorschach test!!! I see a big ol' ... ummm...errr.... nevermind... what do you guys see?
  19. As long as your stealing stuff... here's something I found via Google Images: This might make Porco Grande (sp?) happier.
  20. I'm dating myself now but...Remember the Incredible Mr. Limpet movie with Don Knotts? Remember Mr. Limpet gets a girlfriend at the end of the movie. She was all curvy and had lots of fins? Had you seen that movie lately, Mike? j/k
  21. Kanji? He invented Japan! That whole WW2 unpleasantness was just a prototype.
  22. Did you get RJ's permission to post that symbol?
  23. Looks like the bird bath is missing one goldfish.
  24. Re: That's Curly.. You dare say that without a smiley face beside it??? Apparently I've been targetting the wrong manufacturer. This means war.
  25. Actually Maurice's mustard based bbq sauce is pretty widely available. You can probably find it easily. It's good.
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