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Everything posted by gerard

  1. Just curious on that one PC, but the are a lot of folks that say the meat will not accept any more smoke once it reaches 140 degrees. I have also read that in several books; some even saying 130..... Isn't there a theory that the color change associated with the smoke ring stopped developing after that 130-140 temp is reached but that the flavor continues being infused? Where I got that from I have no idea... might have been from someone as clueless as me.
  2. The wood chips Jack Daniels sells in zip lock bags sell very well at the local Wally World. I don't know that I can tell any difference in anything cooked with them, but damn they smell good. Maybe you can get a piece of that business.
  3. Re: KO-KA LUMP? First, lose the name. Sounds like Caca lump - which I have no problem finding - it goes by the name Kingsford Charwood. Ahh... so this is what had D_J so adamant that Coconut Shell Lump was preferable to CEL. Well that, and the opportunity to brown nose you without the rest of us knowing. Are you announcing that you are now offering these or are you just considering and looking for feedback? Whatever you pick, I sure hope you can assure a steady supply cause making promises you can't keep would be very bad for business
  4. Glad to hear Dennis came through for you. Welcome aboard.
  5. Kutas Sausage Making Book I would have stuck this in a reply to D_J's SausageMaker.Com post but it seems the forum nazi won't let us reply to messages in this folder. Anyway, available at that site is this book: It's not just about making sausage, it's also a biography of the immigrant founder of the company. I found it a great read. I don't remember many details but for a few days I knew a heckuva lot about sausage making. Actually inspired me to try my hand at it a few times. Made both raw and cooked sausage. The sausage was okay, the kitchen looked like Holy Hell. I have been forbidden from ever making sausage again.
  6. gerard

    Tri tip

    Stop playing, FM...the subject is BEEF. And here's the question: Any of you other Southeastern boys EVER see a TriTip? I know I haven't and I've been on the lookout for years.
  7. gerard

    Tri tip

    Ditto. I was impressed at FM's flexibility.
  8. And here's a video of D_J testing his red beans and rice recipe: Red Beans and Rice
  9. Why am I not surprised? Yep, PC only. And I don't do twitch games.... slow moving mmorpgs only.
  10. Our website manager and allround whipping boy is having his back surgery today. Here's hoping for a speedy recovery.
  11. Hey, if D_J says it looks like the back end of a sheep... I guess that settles it.
  12. Sled dog? Seriously... give us a hint: Game or domestic?
  13. A packet, though admittedly small for $4.50, goes a long way. I imagine I do a dozen or more steaks with each packet. Doesn't seem that expensive on $10/lb meat. (Esp when that meat is on a $1000+ cooker ) Now, if you only order one packet and still have to pay the 8.50 shipping, then it gets less appetizing. But I usually order a half dozen or more at a time. Best bet if you don't want to get more than one, would be to find a local source so you didn't have to pay shipping. There is a phone number to call at the website. I forgot they had a commercial size. I bet that costs a pretty penny.
  14. Whatcha got in mind? Bubble wrap each piece? That's some damn fragile looking charcoal, even by lump charcoal standards. Now that you've revolutionized website design, ceramic cookers, and the brewery and winery industries, ready to move on to another project? Percoset hitting kinda hard this AM, isn't it? Actually, I shouldn't make too much fun of you and your infirmary. If there's a way, you'll come up with it.
  15. If memory serves, TNW reports that extruded lump tends to arrive intact whereas all other lumps are only as good as the handlers in the supply chain. That alone may be a reason to start off with CEL. Maybe I'm playing up the CEL demand among K'ers too much. It's funny how the label affects the user's perception: many years ago, there were eggers that swore by BGE lump and wouldn't cook with any other lump. They looked very silly when it became public knowledge it was Royal Oak. Likewise, I imagine the K fanboys would love virtually any Johnson labeled lump whereas I would automatically hate it. Presuming, of course, it wasn't made from real Johnsons. Then we might have a bidding war.
  16. Re: Welcome! Nah, he should start with the extruded. I've never used either but apparently there's quite a market for the extruded, and the other company, for whatever reason, cannot supply it. It would be a great way for other ceramic cooker enthusiasts, e.g. BGE fans etc, to learn of the kk company's existence. Dennis has been known to exploit a competitor's incompetence before; to the benefit of both the consumer and himself. I hear there's talk of Dennis making tiled wood stoves some day.
  17. Re: Hmmm... This is the thanks I get for turning you onto ABTs?
  18. Re: Yeah, Gerard... ...you've had several years now to hone your craft. Step up and post some recipes, eh? I recently stumbled over the only recipe I ever felt qualified to post: http://web.archive.org/web/20030122010154/www.kamado.com/forum/archives/Jan00/jan00.cgi?read=6054 I say it's all I've ever posted cause I tend to use commercial rubs and sauces and stick to the basics. All my experimentation was with cooking techniques... direct/indirect, hd/dp setups, etc. Anyone that is reading this forum is a better cook than I am.
  19. Re: Hello from Greggd Howdy Gregg. Glad to have you on board.
  20. Dennis, If you're looking for the best drip pan and heat deflector setup, you could probably learn a lot by studying the Primo Oval. In particular, look at their two piece drip pans and racks, two piece grills, and their firebox divider. I don't know how much of their system is patented but its ability to provide direct and indirect cooking at the same time and its general utility is raved about by its owners. I'm merely relaying what I've read, I don't own the Oval.
  21. Re: What is too much heat deflection? What is too much heat deflection? Too indirect? ... TC is right. I once made a massive heat deflector for my K. It was made from a slotted disc harrow disk. It sat on the rim of the base of the K and had 8 semicircular slots at its periphery. Those slots measured about 4x2" each. In other words, they permitted much much more air flow than the dampers would permit. Nonetheless, it was terribly inefficient. A whole load of charcoal that would usually last 20+ hours was gone within 5 hours. Yep, the larger the heat deflector, the hotter the sides below the deflector will get. I've also seen that many times on my Primos, which are made to withstand the heat. FWIW, RJ apparently knows it too... since, though he marketed and sold a heat deflector that was as large as my disc harrow, blamed my heat deflector for the massive tile loss my K suffered. Apparently my heat deflector caused massive tile loss on K's all across the country. Asshole.
  22. D_J, I don't have a kk so I'm handicapped in this discussion. But then again, neither do you. You reckon there's enough vertical clearance for this contraption of yours? How about with a heat deflector/drip pan? Figuring that some ribs go 8 or so inches... seems like it might be a tough fit. Maybe you've just designed the perfect babyback rotisserie! Or maybe you're gonna have to purchase a #9 mexi-K! Also, I'm not sure what the perceived benefit is. Not trying to be argumentative (well this time).
  23. Assuming it's an LT225R, TelTru lists its stem diameter as .150". At least, that's what I think this website is saying (don't want you making too large a hole based on my reading of the stats): http://www.teltru.com/cart/detail.asp?subcat=16&product_id=23100565
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