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Everything posted by gerard

  1. you'll Hard to believe anyone is north of you. Real Southerners know how to use y'all
  2. gerard

    Pork breast

    Seems it's a new yuppie cut: http://www.theotherwhitemeat.com/hotnewcuts/porkbreast.aspx Best advice I could give is to post your question on the PrimoGrill Forum :http://www.hwforums.com/2016/index.html in the hope that Ask-A-Butcher (who regularly hangs out there and also has his own website- guess you could google it and ask there) answers it. Thought I knew a lot about meat until I started seeing some of his posts.
  3. Dennis, Glad you're following through. I'm sure that Kooky and Fubar aren't the only readers that were anxiously waiting for a letter . Assuming you get that letter and post it in it's entirety, it'll be interesting if a certain manufacturer that has asserted your product contains asbestos publically apologizes and withdraws his statement. I'm sure if a retraction isn't issued, it'll be the subject of several posts in the Kamado Fraud Forum .
  4. Figured you had gotten Dennis' new microwave option. Actually I saw that glowing coal and figured it was a testament to how efficient the cooker was. You cooked that entire meal with just one piece of charcoal.
  5. gerard

    Support Question

    Bah. Kamados got Kamadettes. Dennis' kkomodette is still 20yrs in the future.
  6. If there's any truth to the rumor about the fine relationship Kamado Co. has with Shotgun Fred, you're lucky they didn't tell you, "Inducer tube? For a Kamado? Yeah, I've got your inducer tube right ***HERE***."
  7. Now that you mention it, that does look like it could be a hassle. Tough enough to get at burgers when the grill is below the rim of the cooker, especially when the bars of the grill are oriented perpendicular to the spatula. How about it, Porkchop? Is access and flipping okay? BTW, since this is my first post in this thread... Larry is drop dead gorgeous. I wanted a tiled kk but I'm starting to lean pretty heavily to a Larry clone when I get ready to order.
  8. Got a relative who was a good strict father when his daughter started dating. Kept a cup by the front door in which her suitors had to place all their piercings until the date was over. Made for some very uncomfortable moments. I always admired that. About 3 years later, she moved out, quit school and started stripping for a living. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
  9. That's probably how Edgar escaped. Sanny, did your cooker arrive with a skinny guy labeled CEL?
  10. If only you could put some chrome on that thing so it would be more visible on the road.
  11. Wingnuts? On a kamado? Nah... On their forum? Maybe...
  12. Prenup??? Where's the romance in that? Friggin lawyers ruin everything.
  13. Next time they ought to have you provide the beer. BTW, whatever happened to that finger?
  14. and the living is easy. I can be pretty dense... looked at that name for quite a while... soo MER tim... soo MERT im... SUM err tim. Hell with it, must be foreign. Welcome aboard.
  15. One more: http://www.break.com/index/japaneseprank9.html
  16. http://www.break.com/index/bathroomprank1.html
  17. That chicken looks wonderful but that photo reminded me of why I stopped using rotisseries long before I started the ceramic path: GAWD I HATE CLEANING 'EM. Don't particularly know why, they're not big or any dirtier than a grill but they're just sooo awkward. Maybe, after countless rib racks, drip pans, chicken sitters etc, I won't find it so odious anymore.
  18. Curly, too bad you've already had a vasectomy, cause it's your ovaries that are ruling you.
  19. gerard

    Curly & Porkchop

    Re: Curly & Porkchop ???WTF??? With all the expertise on this board, you ask for *their* opinions??? Snort. Well, on second thought, nevermind about Porkchop.
  20. *****wuss***** Had the same procedure. I'd rather go through it again than get another crown; and the crown ain't so bad, just really really boring. My biggest fear was that the nurse would be cute.
  21. Meat Cake? I'll match your Meat Cake with a: Litterbox Cake Which, if memory serves, is made of white cake and spice cake mix, crumbled vanilla wafers - some of which are colored with green food coloring, pudding, and microwaved tootsie rolls. No, I've never made it, but it's a big deal in my profession. Some day I'll get up the motivation to make one for a covered dish supper. Some add a few coconut flakes to the tootsie rolls to simulate tapeworm segments.
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