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Everything posted by gerard

  1. gerard


    Re: Greetings Most sophisticated spam bot I've ever seen! Just kidding... inside joke. Welcome aboard, PJ.
  2. More terribly off topic stuff. But I KNOW there are plenty of fellow geeks here that'll enjoy this: http://video.google.ca/videoplay?docid=-3777596751111900112
  3. Arggh... D_J snuck his answer in while I was typing. I guess his is perfectly acceptable
  4. Re: Pictures of bird on roti. I got this one covered... A heat deflector and some air space below the drip pan. Typically I use a pizza stone as the heat deflector and lay three or four small broken pieces of pizza stone (though a couple of pieces of gravel would work fine) on top of the pizza stone and then set the drip pan on top of that. Without the air space, the drippings still spatter and smoulder and impart a nasty flavor, though not as badly as with no heat deflector at all.
  5. Holy shit. It's huge. I had no idea.
  6. What the hell is that? Do those smilies need to get a room?
  7. Gawd, a steady supply of tiled cookers with new inventory continuously available... what a radical concept! OTB's only? Classics taking a backseat? You phasing them out or is the demand just not there? Sorry for the endless questions, just terribly curious. And: Is that a new facility? Just don't remember everything looking so well lit and spacious, even photos from your production. And of course, photos from Surabaya from 3+ years ago always seemed to be outside on dirt or in open sided buildings . If it is a new facility, you might want to take some more photos and post them in your gallery. I imagine all us hardcore fans would love to see them.
  8. Speaking of Curly, where-o-where is the boy? Hasn't posted in a week... Even D_J is starting to seem witty in his absence.
  9. Like YOU should be talking about our signal:noise ratio.
  10. Re: Huge gusher of hot gas and mud Ahem. Metric clueless? How about math clueless??? That's actually an area 1 mile x 1 mile x 1.9 inches. Don't worry, that's only 3 orders of magnitude off. BTW, you misspelled "coming." :P
  11. gerard


    Re: Hi Howdy. You'll find yourself quite welcome here even if you don't own a kk. I'm a regular and I've yet to place an order. Didn't even know that was a word. Afraid I had to look it up.
  12. I've tried fish too... nothing special. It needs beef and a searing temp to do its magic. Give the Original Hickory Grilled a try. It chars well over a direct flame at 500ish.
  13. I don't have first hand knowledge of kk cooking either but from my days with the other tiled cooker and from my current ceramic cookers: Basically the same pattern that Jasen suggests though I'm very happy with about 500F max temp for 1.5min per side, then shut both dampers down and let it dwell for another few minutes depending on thickness of steak and desired level of done-ness. Typically I let 1" steaks dwell for about 6 minutes for medium rare steaks. But I really posted to plug a product: Charcrust. Available from http://www.charcrust.com/ and many other online sites. I simply can't make a comparable steak without it. It was once the biggest and best thing on the ceramic forums but now I rarely see it mentioned - not sure why - perhaps folks got tired of the unique kinda-sweet charred crust that develops or perhaps they've found something better and I missed the boat - or maybe a bunch of people are using it and just haven't talked about it in a while. And, no, I have no financial ties or any other connections to the product. I almost exlusively use the original blend and have been somewhat disappointed by the other flavors.
  14. That, and the fact that he's not a breeder.
  15. Is that an emoticon? What the hell is it? Smurf sperm? Ahhh.... angry Smurf Sperm!
  16. Re: I do like this! They are cool. In fact, they're damned cool. I bet most of us have a pair or two. Catch up with the times, D-J .
  17. Brisket? Where? Surely you don't mean that teeny little ribeye you have on your grill. After 5hrs, it's ruined for sure. Unless, of course, that's a photo of the new, top secret, #13 OTB kk... you know.. the one with the 50" grill. I've got a brisket starting in a few hours. But it is a REAL brisket, weighing in at 11 lbs. Tomorrow I'll probably be a lot more humble, brisket has a way of doing that to me.
  18. I guess no one else is childish enough to comment but: Does it bother anyone else that Dennis, TC, and D_J are teaming up for orifice research?
  19. He's also an Alaska boy... how about "Yellow Snow?" Just kidding. Actually it's quite nice but I didn't want to leave Curly by himself in the doghouse.
  20. Re: New Door with US nipple.. It may be wonderfully functional but it gets an F in feng shui. What is it with you people and your gas fetish ???
  21. gerard

    Ham loaf

    It's pretty... but what is this "ham loaf" you speak of? Seriously, I have no idea what that is. Oh, and how about a picture of a cut surface?
  22. I don't know, but I'd have a terrible towel on hand.
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