I stopped by LeadDog's family store yesterday and purchased some almond lump. I haven't cooked with it yet as I don't have my KK yet... but it will be a masterpiece ! I have opened the bag and the size of the lump is good, appearing to be predominately fist sized (manly fist).
LeadDog was not there, I assume he was off making wine or slaying deer. A couple of LeadDog's women folk were around and they are very impressed with his cooking on his KK. They are totally amazed that he even bakes cookies on his BBQ. The KK has made LeadDog a legend in his family!
By the way, I did not see any deer hanging by their tiny hooves while I was there, but the other barnyard animals all seemed very nervous!
For the life of me I could not find the home made wine either.