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Everything posted by samantha

  1. Yeah...the yella ones are endangered!
  2. Maybe he just blocked you from seeing them since you made fun of his color choice!
  3. That's a pig right? I understand there is a lot of wild boar around Paso Robles. Or is this commercial livestock?
  4. Looks kinda like the stuff they make firepkace screens from?
  5. It looks good, I personally like a little more browning on the outside to crisp up that skin that is so bad for us.
  6. Haven't we had this discussion before?
  7. Gregg...I think your jerky expertise will be a great addition and I look forward to hearing more details. You are right about commercial jerky, it is way too tough. I have had venison jerky before and that is quite different.
  8. Welcome Gregg....help with recipes and technique is given generously here. Humor is offered as a bonus...but it does help ease the blood pressure issues you refer to. Tell us about what cooker you are using, color, size (yes I asked the size question guys) . I am also hopeful someone will be adding the lump item for US distribution.
  9. I believe Gerard designed a heat deflector once....maybe he would like to offer an opinion from his experience.
  10. Hey nakedwhiz just saying remodel and I get the picture been there and finishing that myself. Your observations are awaited.
  11. That little princess could melt the coldest heart.
  12. Hey Mudman...welcome and glad to hear things worked out for you. I'm sure it was frustrating, shipping damage can be so disappointing no matter what the product. And now that you have made your first post, I hope to see you posting up more What I am most impressed with is you (or Dennis) got NakedWhiz into one of these cookers. I thought he was solely an egg man. So NakedWhiz...where is your post about your new ceramic grill?
  13. Hey firemonkey...haven't you ever heard of 'hot pink'?
  14. Welcom pjflash, looks like there is three of us in this area. I have heard there is a landscape firm in the SLO area that was promoting a lot of the MexiK's. Maybe we can get him to switch push products since Dennis is building stock and easier to deal with.
  15. Great idea DJ..I would enjoy it.
  16. Very nice Dennis..But it might be considerably smaller than the MexiK plant. If you are lucky enough to get anyone on the phone down there they talk as though their plant is so large there is no way they can locate the BBQ you have ordered because it is just too large an area! Or that anyone you might want to speak to is so far off into the production area they can't be found.
  17. Would this be the 6" or 8" cradle? Or is it improper to ask?
  18. Firemonkey...I'm sure the fire gets just as hot in a pink BBQ as other colors.
  19. majestic wrote: You mean that's not for Firemonkey? I'm glad Firemonkey has a great sense of humor.....I'm laughing at his expense.
  20. Hi Betty...Welcome to the forum. People here are very willing to share their knowledge of ceramic cookers and humor. If you have any questions feel free to ask....we were all newcomers at one point.
  21. Hey Firemonkey....Didn't you use ther word 'coral' to describe your BBQ, or did you want a KK in coral? Still both very appropriate for South Beach
  22. Goddess de Oro....Golden Goddess
  23. DJ are you crying in your beer? or your smokey joe?
  24. I recently started using the charcrust again, the roasted garlic peppercorn flavor topping a 50-50 onion powder/garlic powder mix on some ribeyes that was excellent.
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