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Everything posted by Sanny

  1. Re: New buyer in South Bay (Torrance, CA) - also Antelope Va Pirate wants a hug before he/she clicks "send" on the order. Anyone available?
  2. That's when you insist someone press auto theft charges against the kid... Cause either he stole it, or he had permission. Mom can choose whether she wants to pay you, or visit son in jail.
  3. wow... not one, not two, but all available facts screwed up. It's a gift... lol
  4. Doc, I understood it in the spirit in which it was given. It was Dad - can't give him away. He doesn't have a KK, so he can't give that away. In fact, nor do I, although I'd be willing to give what I do have away if someone contributed an equivalent amount toward a KK...
  5. Safest thing is to get a wrought iron fence built and put it around the kids, so they don't get out.
  6. One of the Happy Camper posts is working on various types of lump. I figured I'd continue the discussion over here, what with the whole 411 thing. ___ Can you imagine?? The comment I had when I cooked a leg of lamb on the cooker was that it had too smokey a flavor?? I was using Royal Oak. No added flavor lump (no hickory, apple, cherry, etc.). Frankly, I think the commenter was out of his mind. The meat tasted like it had been cooked over a fire, not over a glowing element. Hrumph... But, perhaps KKEC would have been a more neutral flavor. Too smokey... BAH!
  7. Note to self: Don't live next to a rice paddy...
  8. Sauced It's safe to assume that both you and the ribs were sauced during the cook.
  9. Re: 2,716 unique IP hits for the 12th alone.. Yah, I was afraid of that. Only the second word of the name was visible on the name plate on the front of the cooker during the piece. But, it'll be obvious from the design that it's not the same. They'll figure it out. Maybe Chris has his own website with a pic of the KK on it. With a name.
  10. Hooray!!! That was an excellent segment, Dennis and Chris! Those ribs looked mouth wateringly wonderful, and the chicken too! I liked it. Not so much Matt rubbing down the ribs with his bare hand, but I guess they do that sort of thing on the streets of Manhattan. Could almost see those skinny starving TV hosts salivating on camera. I bet everyone from the camera guy to the makeup lady swooped in to suck up the leftovers as soon as the red light went off. How thrilling to have so many calls right afterward. Three cheers, Dennis!
  11. Or wee on your foot, to let you know there's an intruder...
  12. Re: temp probe Ah. A kamado type grill. Possibly Imperial Kamado (if I recollect correctly).
  13. Maybe give this its own thread? Perhaps using the polling feature? For discussion, I mean. Describe the item, give what would you pay? And then different price ranges. But Thermapen is SO good, and that is a whole lot of features! So exciting!
  14. Just figgered all you men needed a fashion reminder, what with all the fire and raw meat talk.
  15. But remember, it's important that your crocs match your grill.
  16. Or prepare the crust on a parchment paper, slide that on your peel, and on your grill. Works great.
  17. The dilithium crystals can't take much more, Captain! She's goin' as fast as she can!
  18. Camera returned! Now it's NOT an imaginary cook! Lamb just came off, pork went on. Lamb was higher temp than I wanted, but it'll be ok. M wanted to stop after church to get pics developed, so I left the roast on the fire longer than I otherwise would. But that's ok. Actually, it was (according to the package) perfectly done. It said pull at 155, and let rest. It was just about there. Some genius put a pop up timer in the roast, and it hadn't popped yet. So, I know it wasn't OVER cooked. Overcooked is when the timer pops! I took some to Dad's (he's a lamb fan) and he said it was delicious. And I had some and do agree. Not at all funky tasting, the way grandma's always were (sorry grandma). Maybe Aussie lamb is different from 'murrican lamb. But I think the dog ate my guru plug. Rats. It was there, sitting on the planter by the cooker. I went inside. Dog didn't. Then the guru plug was gone. Circumstantial, but I'm suspicious...
  19. Um... Guru goes in there. (Not included with cooker) Now, if you don't have a Guru, you need a plug to put in it, or else you have an unregulated air supply.
  20. Sanny

    lighting the grill

    I've had a ceramic cooker for sometime, and only today discovered the wonders of a chimney starter. Where has it been all my life! Lighted lump in a matter of minutes. Amen!
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