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Everything posted by Sanny

  1. Re: I have not got a clue.. Hmm. I know of a guy who is moving his family from Surabaya to Bali. Woudn't be HIS house, would it? Sure would explain the rush.
  2. You kidding? It's like Bottega Veneta. Beautiful stuff, but don't EVER ask the price! lol
  3. whoa.... I've seen a cooker moved with a tractor, but a back hoe?? Impressive!
  4. I want one! I wonder what the zoning/building code requirements for that are...
  5. Huh. That face looks familiar! It's the face that launched a thousand cookers! And a handsome one at that, if I may say so. All the more so, because handsome is as handsome does.
  6. Oooh! Limited edition, indeed!
  7. Re: New Side Cabinets Cozy, you mean like the dividers in kitchen cabinets for cookie sheets and stuff? Up and down places to slide in the tall stuff? What a good idear. Keep them easily accessible, without having to empty the cabinet (and all the stuff stacked on top of them) to get them in and out.
  8. Ok, I'll bite. What IS a V4 in the grilling world?
  9. Wheeee! Have fun! And WELCOME!
  10. Re: didn't cook anything - I know Bad Boy! Did not. If you had, there'd be PICS!
  11. Re: I'd have to agree after just doing a 24 hour 225 deg coo (We interrupt this thread for an important message.)
  12. Sanny

    Lamb Rack

    They look great! Sorry about the flood. You DID deserve a lammy treat!
  13. I have Another Manufacturer's Cooker, and I must say that Trish is right. Friend's daughter's engagement party. Would you cook a couple pork butts? Neighbors are giving Mother a fence raising. Would you cook a couple pork butts? Nuther friend having a group of her schoolteacher friends to the house for a party. Would you cook some pork butts? Guys in the mailroom need ribs. Maybe 6-8 racks? You get the idea.
  14. Sanny

    Smoked Salmon

    Wow! You KNOW I'm going to try that one!! Woo hooo!!!!
  15. Johnnyboy, do you cook the "wet dough" a little first, before putting the toppings on? Or do you put the pizza, toppings and all, on the hot stone?
  16. Some of the articles I've read suggest lard, hydrogenated cooking oils such as Crisco, and palm or coconut oil. They don't go rancid too easily. I do confess, I use plain old corn oil or olive oil on my cast iron. Go figger. lol.
  17. Part of the issue, Johnnyboydeer, is the breakdown of the oils. They break down in heat, and turn to glop. Different vegetable oils have different temps. That's why some oils are good for deep frying, and others not. Have you ever felt the sticky on a cookie tray after using PAM on it? Hard to rub that off. For lubing your cooker, an oil that doesn't turn to glop is best. Vegetable oil can't stand up to the temps that a cooker generates, so the oil doesn't get sticky and freeze your damper or something. For your cast iron, vegetable oil works fine. If you were to put your frypan in a bonfire, you'd probably burn off all the seasoning. The temps are too high. But part of what is happening under normal circumstances is the oil is making a coating on the iron to protect it. It's no longer slippery grease (or else you could just wipe it off). The oil actually bonds to the metal surface. Even so, it's recommended that for seasoning you use oils that are high in saturated fats, and therefore less likely to become rancid.
  18. Well, is it any WONDER? I mean, he comes back and there is a picture of a turtle on a grill, for Heaven's sake. What self-respecting Turtle would want to hang out here? Hi, Turtle!
  19. Ooh, how pretty! Any other colors? In green, I bet it would look like its namesake dragon!
  20. Yup, all you were missing. It's what the well dressed KOmodo is wearing this year!
  21. One of those saved Thanksgiving a few years ago! My M swears by the pop up timer. She inadvertently bought a bird with no pop up! What to do! Thermapen to the rescue. I pulled the bird out of the oven based on actual temp (probably well before the pop up would have advocated), and the bird was the juiciest we'd had in years! M's not yet QUITE convinced, but she's less worried if she buys a bird without a pop up. I take that as progress.
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