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Everything posted by Sanny

  1. One of those saved Thanksgiving a few years ago! My M swears by the pop up timer. She inadvertently bought a bird with no pop up! What to do! Thermapen to the rescue. I pulled the bird out of the oven based on actual temp (probably well before the pop up would have advocated), and the bird was the juiciest we'd had in years! M's not yet QUITE convinced, but she's less worried if she buys a bird without a pop up. I take that as progress.
  2. Treat for you, Naldo! Looks wonderful. Now, GET COOKIN!!
  3. Re: The bunny Follow me! http://www.komodokamado.com/forum/viewt ... 4378#24378
  4. That's Emma. She's half of my "flock." Not fur coat, but other stuff sometimes. I pluck her and her hubby, Harry, and spin yarn from them. They live in a 2 story bun-galow hutch, with skylights, and an enclosed bedroom. More room per square bun that I have in MY house! And NO scoopin up field mice, and boppin them on the head!!
  5. Re: See a Gen II at Newton, Kansas You're a fashion hero, David! A chef's outfits are as important as his cooker!
  6. Alas, I'm a gummint worker, Johnnyboy! No bonus. No clauses (except Santa, of course). Just me and my paycheck, working together toward a KK.
  7. Sanny

    baked beans

    Well, I've not done beans on the cooker, but I've done paella, and I can say that the smoke absorbed quite nicely! It wasn't like chewing on a ham hock, but it was gently smokey. Very yummy. If you left the beans on the cooker for longer than you would on the stove, why wouldn't they cook at the low/slow temp? You'd be cooking above 212, which is water boiling temp, right?
  8. Sanny

    baked beans

    Adding a bit of the smoked meat to the beans will add lots of smokey goodness, for sure. I made some soup this past winter, and added a chunk of pulled pork from the freezer. The soup had a wonderful flavor! No room to do the beans on the KK from the start? That would solve your problem. The KK is a wonderful "stove" for things like that. Cast iron dutch oven is your friend.
  9. Everyone gets to have my favorite (stock) color before ME!! Sigh. It's beautiful, Skit!
  10. My less than a cent With foil - it's a steamed potato. Without foil - it's a roasted potato. Depends on what you want, I suppose. There's a reason or preference for each.
  11. I got a stud finder at the store. Don't think it works.
  12. Howdy! Welcome!! You'll love your cooker. You'll love your Jammies! And, goes without sayin, you'll love US! lol What time's supper?
  13. Sanny

    Chuck Rolling

    Isn't easier just to post and ask Primeats to answer?
  14. Sanny

    Chuck Rolling

    ooh! Recipes and everything!
  15. Had I not washed all the "used" jams down the sink, that would be a great idea! It's clear, I haven't an appropriate cooker mentality. I should be banned from the forum as inadequate. Sad.
  16. Sanny

    Chuck Rolling

    Way to go, Saucy! You made the lovely Mrs Saucy happy, too! Excellent. Just a little piece of that part over there would be fine. Yes, just that one. Oh very good! Please pass the tomatoes.
  17. Horrors That's just wrong.
  18. Well, it was time for a new refrigerator. Something pretty, and energy efficient. And with an ICE MAKER! Never had one of those, and don't bother with trays, because they're a pain and take up freezer space. I measured where the frigerator goes, and did lots of research on what type and brand. I want a french door style!! Freezer on the bottom, double doors (with ice and water) on top. Oooh, pretty! It arrived on Saturday. RATS!! Forgot to measure the door between the dining room and kitchen. Ugh!! It's the same width as the refrigerator (with doors off)! Ok, not quite the same - 1/8 inch smaller. Now there's a refrigerator in my dining room, until a friend can come and take the molding from around the doorway. At least the frigerator isn't out on the front porch. I'd have to figure out how to park the Prius on blocks in the yard!
  19. Sanny

    Lid Falling Apart

    Told ya it would be ok.
  20. Sanny

    Chuck Rolling

    Yes, please, Saucy. I'd like some of that. Just a little. And some horseradish, I think. Open face would be fine, thanks. Tomato? Oh, yes thanks! That would be great.
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