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Everything posted by Sanny

  1. Since I'm not sharing this one, I'll let you interested parties work it out. My input is purely speculation (not that I usually let that stop me! ).
  2. I bet that "pallet" is a relative thing. Don't know for sure, of course, but I price suspect that you can get more than 28 on one shipment, and still get the break for 600 lbs., even if less than 1000 lbs. I don't think that it's multiples of 28 boxes only. Ask Dennis. The charcoal is in boxes (not bags) so they will stack nicely for trucking and delivery.
  3. Quite impressive, I must say... I'll try that, next time, instead of a liberal application of elbow grease! Those steaks look spectaculous, by the way. DROOL!!!
  4. I scrubbed my upper and regular grills this weekend. Grease cutter and the brass grill brush. Bleh. What a mess. I keep saying to myself that I'm going to sell it (and buy a KOmodo), so I clean the grills. But I haven't yet.
  5. Trish, it also shows up on your list of unread posts. So, if you keep going back to that, you can click "mark all posts" on the top right, once you've read your fill.
  6. OH MY!!! Jackie, I'm so glad Mr. Jackie wasn't badly hurt! But, bet he doesn't do THAT again. Glad you liked the pork. Yup, "they" like the raspberry around here, too. Guess we're just "jelly on pork" kinda people.
  7. No no. The whole thread was screwy on my computer. All I saw was Zorro's first post, about not being able to place an order. I didn't realize it was somewhat stale. I thought it was current. So, I was responding to "no one will answer me!" I KNOW no one would poke at Dennis! No cause!
  8. Yah, just imagine having to do that by HAND!!
  9. Dennis is pretty much a one-man operation. For good or ill. Good because he's in charge of all his quality control and development. Bad, because when he goes to Bali on holiday (where he posted that he'd be for a couple weeks), he can't respond quickly to email. Even if there were a more automated system, with him the only one to answer, you'd still not get a rapid response if he's away with his family. Just relax. Believe. You know it's a fabulous product. And you know he'll do you right when he gets back. :) It's easy to want instant gratification in this internet age, but it's worth the wait. (And you KNOW it is!) (think of the alternative - there are SOME companies we've heard of who would have people talk to you on the phone and blow smoke up your pant legs, all the while having no intention of shipping or following up)
  10. Wow... I wonder if they made a patch and sewed it on? Kinda like Girl Scout Cookie Patch, only not the same at all. It's quite an amazing piece of work. Surely though, a person would have to have quite the monogramming and embroidery business to justify the startup cost, huh? Maybe there are pre-owned ones out in the marketplace. In college, the guys would bring me their jeans that had worn through. I'd hand sew patches on for them, but the deal was they'd have to take whatever I put on. One guy's seat had worn through, and I (hand) embroidered eyes on the patches, then sewed them to his jeans. Hehehe.
  11. Sanny

    Tonic Water

    If one charges it in seltzer bottle for liter (or whatever) at a time, would one still have to use CO2 bottle on the keg? Not familiar with the carbonating process. Just wondering how to try this and still have room in the frigerator for food!
  12. Oh my goodness! That's funny. I must say, though, I have mixed feelings. I mean, I find it funny. And I'm somewhat ashamed of myself for finding it so. If it were embroidered to be a Mammy, would it be funny? If I were a woman whose beliefs required me to wear that garb, would I find it so? Not meaning to start a debate thread. Just thinking out loud. (But I do think it's great! And it's about the first thing that came to mind when I first saw a black Jammy.)
  13. You sure? Costco around here (south of you in NJ) always has lots of butts. They're labeled "pork shoulder" I believe. Cryovac in a two pack. Never have I been and not seen them. Maybe go and ask the meat guy. I bet they do have them back there somewhere. Do ask. Hate to be buttless for your party!
  14. I was hoping the same thing!! We've had only that one Curly sighting in months (when TLinder posted photos).
  15. Sanny


    good tip - live and learn.
  16. Porkchop!! How YOU doin!!! Wonderful to see you.
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