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Everything posted by Sanny

  1. Re: Rib Racks as an art form? MOMMY!!!!!!! Dennis is talking potty!!!!! (Yes, Dennis, your RIB rack is spectacular! I want a SIGNED one!)
  2. I think the guy in the avatar will let you experience the pink grill by the hour... Low and slow is extra.
  3. I'm Sorry Johnnyboy! Get UNsorry! Primemeats was TEASING you about some restrictions placed on certain types of speech at Some Other Manufacturer's forum. You know they one - you got kicked off twice. Unpout, Johnnyboy.
  4. A brilliant idea, whizzy... Wonder why I didn't think of it myself? But maybe our loud chorus will convince them. Besides, once you chimed in, it was an EXPERT voice. Not just one crying in the wilderness.
  5. New heading? Maybe this is worth a new heading, Admin people? A heading for sharing shipments of CoCoNut, and then each thread for a different geography? Just thinkin, is all. Probably easier than sorting it out on the "look what's new" thread.
  6. Excellent choice. And you know, there's nothing like being pallet captain or shipment coordinator to get to know the people on the boards! Shipping per person goes down, everyone is happy. Looks like you've already got Mungeti on board, and I bet Johnnyboy would too (depending on geography - I have a terrible time with you square-sided states...). I've even heard of people making a party of the whole thing. "Come at 4, get your CoCoNut, and meet everyone, bring some meat (grill is hot), have some Q and a beer." One of the pallet captains in my area distributed the boxes and then they all went out to a local watering hole. You might have a career, Zorro!
  7. That few boxes, the shipping costs will likely be prohibitive. Splurge! Go for LOTS!
  8. Sanny

    Tonic Water

    I used to love bitter lemon when I was a kid. Still do, now I think of it. lol. Guess that's just tonic with lots of lemon in it, huh?
  9. Maybe an obliging tornado could pick some up in CA and drop it off in Kansas for you? I've heard those Kansas tornadoes take houses and dogs and little girls to whole different lands!
  10. Re: 19.5 hours - for an 11 pounder!! There you go. The words of a gen-you-wine expert. He's been there, he's done that.
  11. That's what I'm remembering, too, Trish. Here's a thread where Bobkat left his in for over 20. I'm not sure how the jury ever came out on that. Not sure if he left it in too long (and it got dry), or he didn't leave it in long enough and didn't get past the plateau. http://www.komodokamado.com/forum/viewt ... roll+hours Just one of many posts on the subject.
  12. Re: I'm cooking for 70 over the fourth. Anyone else think that's cutting it too close? My last pork butt cook (2 'Costco sized' butts) took longer than 12 hours at just under 250. Can't imagine how long two 20 lb chuck roasts would take, but I'm thinkin longer than "on at noon, off in the AM." And if all that meat is in one cooker, doesn't that take longer than if only one of them were in the cooker? Longer to heat up a larger quantity of meat, etc? Or doesn't that apply to 4 individual pieces of meat? Surely it would if it were one 56 lb piece...
  13. Shoot, why not just two of the big boys? It's for 70 people, after all. I think you NEED two, anyway. I mean, kosher and all. Cook porky things in one, and non-porky things in another. Yup, for sure you need two.
  14. Hey! Lookit that! Tim changed his geographic information on his profile. Well done, Tim! Next, quit biting your fingernails... Reflects badly on the PBR, you know.
  15. Re: Check out my new toy.... Alas, it would be wasted on me. I had a six pack of Guinness in my frigerator for over a year! But what a great thing for people who drink beer! Or if you are having a lot of summer parties. You're right, though. You need variety in your brands. Wonder why only two brewers participate. Hmm. How large are the kegs (capacity) that go in? Do you have to chill them before they're drinkable? Or does the minder chill the beer as you serve it?
  16. Yah, I guess I wasn't clear. If you have a meat thermometer that you can plug into the meat and leave in, and read from outside the cooker, keep an eye on the temp without opening the cooker. If you have an instant read (as I do), poke it in the butt at some point after, say, 8 hours (for a hefty butt) and see where you are. Don't forget that there's the interminable (but very necessary) time in a low and slow butt cook that the meat temp will just SIT there and not move. I think it's around 170, but I forget. You'll see it on the boards here. That's when all the magic happens! The collagen is breaking down, and the meat is getting wonderfully tender. And you are losing your mind with anticipation. Once that's finished, the temps will climb again. So, why tell you that? Don't go messing with the cooker temperature, thinking that you need to raise the heat to get it over the plateau!! Just keep your hands off it and let the magic do its thing. lol It's all very exciting. Since it's your boss or other important person (other than yourself and family) coming to supper, consider whether an overnight is what you want to start with. I mean, sure, it's impressive. But make sure there's grill time for a steak or chicken or fish or grilled veggies! Of course, you could do those after the butt comes off the grill, if you time it right.
  17. no imagination required So, it's TRUE!! He DID get a cooker! Not just imagining. David, you've been around here for a couple years. When did your KOmodo arrive? Is this a new arrival? I like how the cooker color sort of matches the Supervisor's coat. Complementary, anyway. No clashing. Excellent choice, and your new KOmodo looks wonderful in the location you chose. And it sets off the long neck brew quite nicely.
  18. Giggle... or it would just quit for no reason, and put up a little sign that said "oops. My bad. Good thing you weren't doing anything important." hehehe. (I've had Macs at home since 1984!!)
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