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Everything posted by Sanny

  1. I miss Porkchop, too.
  2. It's good stuff, Jackie. The skin is shatter crispy! oooh aaah!
  3. Somehow, commuting 40 minutes to Trenton, NJ, every day doesn't seem so exotic anymore...
  4. Speaking of Cozy's mills... Just a shameless plug here. I receive almost weekly compliments from the happy recipient of your mills, Cozy. When I go there, the mills are prominently displayed on the kitchen counter - to be USED, not merely admired. Anyone who hasn't seen/tried, you just HAVE to!! Required purchases for your KK ensemble: Jammies, and Cozy mills. * We now return you to your chuck roll, already in progress....
  5. Re: Nice But my beautiful puppy has reappeared!
  6. I have no recollection, Huey, sorry. In fact, I don't know if I did this recipe, or Mad Max (I think I did Max). But I probably used the temps that are in the recipe, though, or nearly. But I know I didn't ice the breast.
  7. A thing of beauty, Firemonkey! Excellent. Let us know how delicious it is, when you and the vultures set to it.
  8. Shoot. I'd have been arrested by now, if I had 25 lbs of beefy wonderment sizzling on my grill. I'd not have been able to contain myself!
  9. Now you need a STOP stick!
  10. That's still 2x what he paid at Costco (20 lbs for $6). But not a bad price. Our local ACE Hardware now charges $11.99 for 20 lbs. of Cowboy.
  11. The people in the cubbies next to me are peering over the walls, wondering why I'm moaning in here. (Honest, my hands never left the keyboard! But I'm drooling onto my strand of pearls.) What lovely food porn, Firemonkey! You do do us up right, huh? Magnificent... :swoon:
  12. Maybe it's true what they say. Familiarity breeds contempt? Sad.
  13. Sheesh, TK, tell ALL my secrets? Here he thought I was goddess of quote, or something. Talk about stepping on a buzz... lol
  14. oooh.... Food porn.... Oooooh!! lol Thanks, Tim!
  15. or Dunno about where YOU come from, J-boy, but that's just not DONE hereabouts... Won't go havin none of THAT kinda thing, now. Hear?
  16. Angry mob... Ok, Tim. Time's up. You have your grill now. We know you know how to take and post pics. So? Natives are getting restless.
  17. Re: Welcome. Tim! Whatcha cookin? Sorry you missed cooking for your Important Company, but you and your family are MORE important. Are you already loving life with KK? What color? Show us pics! WE WANT FOOD PORN!!! lol
  18. Dunno, since I'm in no position to order. But I bet it's better to admire here, and "order" by email or phone. Just guessing. I know if I were trying to keep track of who wants what, I'd lose people right and left, and make them all upset with me because I lost them, just because I couldn't remember who posted "I want one" on the board. That said, isn't that rib rack a work of art? SPECTACULAR!!! I bet Dennis wishes he had hefty piggy ribs to fit in there. Little piggies there in Indonesia.
  19. YAY!! Welcome, Jackie! Where in NJ are you? Are you a neighbor? Ooh - corner of NY and PA. Nope - not a neighbor. I'm closer to corner of PA and DE.
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