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Everything posted by Sanny

  1. Giggle... or it would just quit for no reason, and put up a little sign that said "oops. My bad. Good thing you weren't doing anything important." hehehe. (I've had Macs at home since 1984!!)
  2. Re: Iowa Boy at Heart Doesn't Johnnyboy have a KK yet? Hmm. Tim, your next purchase needs to be a cover from our own Johnnyboy. [email protected]. He does BEAUTIFUL work, in marine grade Sunbrella. Choice of colors, etc. Keeps the baby safe between cooks. Do a search in this forum on "Jammies," and you'll find effusive praise of his covers.
  3. Oooh, Baby pictures! Excellent, Tim! You'll be thrilled.
  4. Re: Still trying to perfect the Roti Chicken Yup, you're golden. It's now an accepted member of the family.
  5. You gotta wonder how these rumors get started. I wouldn't think there'd be much meat on a butterfly's leg, but one never knows. I mean, one wouldn't think anyone would grill bugs at all, but Dennis showed otherwise...
  6. I think, FM, that the increase or decrease in height comes from the height of the legs, and the way the cooker sits in the midst of the spider of legs. Looks as if the cooker itself is the same height. And, the molds and design stuff of the cooker are already established. Easier to tinker with just legs now, probably.
  7. I think those are shins, Dennis. Beef shin meat is often found in Chinese cuisine. Probably same deal with lamb. Those garden greens look pretty good! Play on.
  8. well, I dunno. If making it shorter means stacking in the container, and if putting more cookers in the container makes for less costly shipping, and the price is part of the lure for a somewhat smaller cooker (face it, it's still not portable, and a person can cook small on the big one just as easily as on a smaller one), then make it shorter. Also, if size is part of the lure for some (available space is limited), then maybe a shorter cooker would be helpful. I agree that it's easier not to have to bend over, but maybe someone could develop plans for a stable platform for a smaller cooker, to make it counter height. Win win - Dennis gets less expensive shipping and less cost for tile, etc. (passed on to happy customer), and customer can raise the height however much. But I think Dennis should take advantage of cost savings, if possible.
  9. Sanny

    K or KK

    Re: Amazes me! Back atcha, Johnnyboy!
  10. I wonder if there's a way to do these vegetarian. I have a misguided friend (since jr high) who hasn't had meat since high school. Granted, we're still very young, but it has been a number of years. He loves grilled non-meat things, and spicy hot non-meat things. How to keep these moist and delicious, without the bacon?
  11. Sanny

    K or KK

    Hope springs eternal. Best of luck with that.
  12. Sanny

    Newbie Questions

    Re: Quick and easy.. Washes right off A pleasant change for you, I'm sure. I mean, I've seen some of the stuff you cook over there!
  13. Just keep hands and feet away from their mouths. lol Good for you, Whizzy! Hope it was as good a day for you as it was for the Marines.
  14. It's true. I said that my cooker was all snuggly in its jammies, ready for whatever weather. And the name stuck! Imagine that.
  15. Rather, it'll teach you to quit skipping my posts! They're not ALL silly (or "inane," as some have called them)!
  16. Yah, there are a few "we're fine" posts here, from when I did a head count earlier in the week.
  17. An appreciative customer I have a blue jammy for my Other Manufacturer's Cooker. Johnnyboy made a piece of ART! It's not just a jammy, it's a masterpiece! It came time to be a grownup and admit that I'd been mistreating my central air conditioner unit. It sits outside, near where my properly jammied cooker sits. So, I went on line and found a company that makes a/c covers out of Sunbrella fabric. I ordered the right size in about the same color. The a/c cover arrived. It's ok. Will certainly do the trick, and no complaints about how it's made. But, it's by no means a Johnnyboy Jammy! The seams are not as well finished, the stitching not so fine. Sure, it's serviceable, but it's not a Jammy... Not even in the same league. So, again, I give three cheers for Johnnyboy Jammies!!! :cheer:
  18. Yah, but you are a secret agent. You could come back in disguise, and we'd never know! Sorry, but you'll have to sort that out on your own. The BEST KOmodo, you know, is the one you have and can cook on right now! Different one could have features, but you'd have to weigh that against the benefit of instant gratification.
  19. Re: The Gen 2.2 has it all! I think a KOmodo has better gas mileage. AND looks just as good by the side of the garage. Maybe even MORE spectaculous.
  20. Re: Moving Never know when that sort of thing might happen.
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