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Everything posted by Sanny

  1. Grr... fire went out again. Ok, so the ribs had been on since around 11:30am, and the fire went out sometime between 4:30 and 7:30pm. I was out, and the fire was, too, when I returned. Temp was just below 150, and falling. Vents were set at the 225-250 openings, as they'd been all day. Fortunately, the meat was pretty much done. Not really "bone wiggling," but sufficiently cooked to be good eating. Lots of barky goodness, and good flavor. I'd have liked to give them another basting and let the sauce get sticky, but that wasn't to be. Nevertheless, the rub was good, and the sauce yummy, too. I can recommend the Cola ribs in this issue of Cook's Country. They're cut into individual rib pieces, and in ziplock bags for storage/distribution now. I'll just have to provide the sauce on the side, instead. Tomorrow, when it's light and the cooker is cool, I'll do a post mortem, and find out why the fire went out. I thought I'd arranged the lump sufficiently that each was touching another. And I thought there was plenty of lump. But, one or the other was wrong! Otherwise, the fire wouldn't have gone out. Hrumph. I'm loath to start the two butt cook on an overnight, when I don't know why the fire keeps going out. And yes, they're imaginary ribs, because of the camera's being on the lam.
  2. Wow! What good taste that KK has! Puts on no airs, but does insist on the best. Huh... Classy!
  3. YAY! I gotta know. Is the KK a finicky star? Demanding nothing but yellow M&Ms, Evian water, and peonies in the dressing room?
  4. Sanny


    Kinda like building a boat in the basement... :::giggle:::
  5. I use the Thermopen for all sorts of stuff in the kitchen - not just for Q. Works great for bread. Pokes a skinny little hole, and goes well into the loaf. No more "thump and guess"! Grandma Anna Lucia was great at that, but I didn't ever figure that out.
  6. That's sad. I don't have one at all - even in the process of delivery. That's sadder. But, I do have 6 racks of ribs on Another Manufacturer's cooker. I'm trying the cola glazed ribs, I mentioned above. Of course, they're imaginary. Someone's Mother has liberated my camera. For the first time, I peeled the silvery membrane, and trimmed the flap and all off the ribs. Perfect rectangles, now. Broke my heart! But, I'm sure it will all be for the best. I'll put the extra meat on the grill when the ribs come off. There's no room on there now. First cook of the year. The lump is a little damp from the wintertime, even in the shed, so there's lots of steam at startup. And it's taking a while to come up to temp. But that's ok. It'll dry. And now I can go get a new bag of lump.
  7. Might as well resurrect this thread... Anyone cookin anything this weekend? I'm hitting Costco for butts for the engagement party. I promised a friend I'd do pulled pork for her daughter's party. It's not til June, but there's lots to do. She's going to freeze it. And maybe pick up some ribs, while I'm there. Cooks Country this time has a Cola baste for ribs that looks pretty good. The same issue (June/July 2008) has a "south carolina pulled pork," with a yellow mustard rub and sauce. I know a lot of you use mustard on your butts, so I'm going to give it a try. Dry mustard for the rub, mustard, brown sugar, vinegar, etc, for the sauce. Don't know if I will try it for THIS cook, since I am going to make lexington and raspberry chipotle sauce for a choice at serving time. I just scrubbed the grills (WHY don't I do that right after a cook? Would save so much time...), and filled the lump basket. Doggy is sniffing happily - this process means good stuff is a comin! (by the way, I never did get the gas burner working. I just use fire starting stick things. Wax and sawdust, compressed.)
  8. Rain date I offered to take Mom out to our favorite sushi spot before or after church (we go on Saturday evening), but she decided to take a rain check. She'd been munching at a baby shower all afternoon. But, a friend's daughter is getting married, so You Know Who has volunteered to make pulled pork for the engagement party at the end of June. Two butts, two sauces on the side. Raspberry chipotle, and Dennis' Lexington. And a jar of grocery brand in a bowl, for the faint of heart. I think I'll do them this weekend or next, and freeze them. They'll defrost just fine, and be full of the famed porky goodness for the party. Mother of the bride says woo hoo!! An excuse for me to do butt. Maybe do 3, and bring one in for work guys. Makes them happy.
  9. I THOUGHT that whole break in thing was unique to Some Other Company. Good to know I was right. Cook on!! Steaks and shrimp!! Baked potatoes! A chicken! ALL of that! woo hoooo!
  10. Do we need to get that tooled into a bracelet or pendant for you, Gerard? A talisman, to wear always?
  11. Gotta love a responsive company owner! Every wish granted. smooch. Happy Mother's Day to the lovely Mrs. DennisLink! xo
  12. I'd have some meat already seasoned and ready to go, so you can fire it up as soon as it arrives. We hate delayed gratification!
  13. Hmm. I must not have remembered correctly.
  14. That one was a Deej project. He was testing all sorts of different materials and all. I think he finally decided on a Trojan.
  15. cookin with gas Yup, it's been done. In fact, our own Dennis has cooked without lump. Others have, too. It's posted around on the boards somewhere. I think the topic came up recently, in fact. There was discussion of being able to get to sufficiently high temps on just gas. Sorry I can't be more specific about where/when the thread was.
  16. Were they still attached to the live pig? If so, I bet Gerard would not be the only one squealing about it!
  17. Primemeats is your man. He's our own professional butcher! He can tell you exactly what to do. Maybe send him a PM.
  18. What? You're afraid you'll have to fish it out of the bullrushes yerself.
  19. Well, then, Dennis is going to have to get moving! He'll have to construct 22,000 KKs to ship along with the plugs!
  20. That's one SMALL piggy! Baby chops. Looks wonderful! Yes, please!
  21. Yah, that's my favorite color... sigh.* The bluesypurpley one. And the blue COULD be like waters of Nile, from which Moses was fetched. Or the Red Sea (it wasn't red) that he parted. I knew a guy in Delaware (very nice guy) who had a 79 foot boat named Mosey. Was a very purty boat. I hadda picnic on the Chesapeake Bay on it. But the boat wasn't blue. And she was a she, not a he. * except for Tish's custom, of course.
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