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Everything posted by Sanny

  1. Whizzy, you are a thoughtful man. Nuts, without question. And you have WAY too much time between charcoal tests, I think. But you're thoughtful!
  2. Oooh, aaaah! Like the space shuttle of cookers! Only without the exploding and death, I hope (however infrequent).
  3. Re: its the other side of the world Down, I hope?
  4. Antici .... pation! Makin you wait.
  5. Bob! YAY!!! Wheee!! Woo hooo! Three cheers for your new cooker! Though why you'd put all that delicious meat in the FREEZER where you won't be able to cook immediately (take at least a day to defrost), I have no idea. Instant gratification, the name of the meat cookin game. Can't wait to see pics of your triumphs. Remember, if there are no pics, it didn't happen!
  6. You television celebrities.... You're so NEEDY. Need this, need that... lol
  7. Re: #9 otb? Prolly, if you want only Dennis to respond, best to PM or email him. Otherwise, the whole Peanut Gallery will weigh in. We live sheltered lives, you know, and any sport is interesting to us...
  8. Sanny

    Pulling pork

    Oh my, yes! That's why I have them, too! If they're sitting there next to the grill, I remember to put them on, burp the grill, and open slowly. My eyebrows are also grateful.
  9. Maybe he's meltin ore into steel, and needs the home blast furnace feature...
  10. We're satisfied Johnnyboy Jammies customers too! Happy to convert others.
  11. Sanny

    Pulling pork

    I have a pair of red ones, ribbed. Not Orka, but another brand. I reached into the coals and gave them a shake - worked great. And yes, can pull the meat off (wash after poking at coals, and before playing with cooked food). But unless you're just going to paw at the meat, not much in the way of dexterity. Light whack with the plastic bag covered tenderizer worked great! I'm a convert.
  12. Sanny

    Pulling pork

    Sure worked for me, Johnnyboy! No burned fingers. Instant "pull."
  13. Johnnyboy! No no, I mean I made one pile of lump, and lit it on two sides. I don't do chimney, and haven't gotten the gas thingy to work nicely. So, I put fire starter sticks (compressed wax and wood) on two sides, light them, and cover with lump. Only one "took." The damp lump is cowboy. Not damp because of an inherent defect. Just the bag was not sealed, and lived in the shed all winter. Some of the lump lived in the cooker all winter. Just not completely dry, so it wasn't "matchlight," as it could otherwise be. I try not to use the extruded that I have. It has never done well by me.
  14. Sanny

    Pulling pork

    Re: ahem Sheesh, Majestic. If anyone had READ my pitiful post on "what's going on the grill this weekend" thread, they would have KNOWN that it was a whole weekend of imaginary cooking. Imaginary ribs (6 racks), imaginary butts (2) and imaginary barky bits. Even an imaginary father! Someone's Mother has liberated the digital camera. She didn't abscond with the charging cable, so the battery will run out eventually, and I'll get the camera back.
  15. I like Crocs. Mine are light blue, and have charms in them. You and your KK were spectaculous!! I thought the you showed the lid opening so easily! But I'm used to Another Manufacturer's lid, which would have required lots of gymnastics, and your tush would have been in the camera shot. Do it all the same next time. xo
  16. Sanny

    Pulling pork

    Three cheers for Gadgetgeek! In his post, here, he said he uses a mallet and plastic bag to pull pork. Well, I modified that some. Cookie tray covered in plastic, where I was pulling the pork. I used my meat tenderizer! I wrapped it in a plastic bag, and pounded (gently) away. Then I pulled the pieces apart. Saved LOTS of time. YAY!!!
  17. I think these are the ones that Cozy uses. http://store.weber.com/items/?pid=1286
  18. Magnificent! And the first minute was a fabulous shameless plug for KOmodo! Dave in his Crocs. Most wonderful.
  19. Question for the experts Bedtime, I went to bed. Cooker was a little hot for a very long cook (overnight), so I adjusted it down. Zzzz. Wake up. Cooker still cooking! But under 200. Meat is 133. Has the meat BEEN to 190 and come down? Has it never reached 190? How to tell? I sliced some from the middle, and it was very delicious. But not "pullable."
  20. Rib repair Well, Mother tried a rib, and said she'd prefer them "softer." Yup, extra hour in the cooker would have been good. BUT, that's why they make foil in the oven, right? So, I foiled and sauced, and put them in the oven at low heat for an hour. Now they're fine. Butts are in the cooker overnight. Pray the beast stays lighted! (remember, folks, this is Another Manufacturer's cooker, not a KK, so my rantings are not directed at this forum or the KK.) Besides, this is operator error, I'm sure, not mfg error, anyway. Sigh.
  21. They are good, Chunky. I had a couple for before bedtime last night. And (not that I spy on my neighbors) I could smell the neighbors reheating them this morning. Smelled wonderful! I'd have preferred them a little softer (more cooked), but they are good. Butts are trussed, and liberally coated with Dizzy Dust. I like the rub from the ribs, but I didn't have any more pepper already ground. And no WAY I was going to stand there and grind over 1/4 cup of pepper in a grinder! I stopped at the grocery to get some, but WAY too expensive! I'll hit Costco on Monday (weekly trip with Dad to grocery and Costco)and I'll get some for "time of need." Can you IMAGINE? Grocery wanted $6 for a small shaker! Costco had food service size for that or slightly less. That works just fine for bulk rub. I do wish Costco sold bone in butts, though. One of these was hacked to bits from someone's trying to debone it. I didn't have a string bag to put around it, so had to truss it in all different directions - a straight butcher's tie wouldn't hold the parts in. But think how easy to pull later! Already falling apart.
  22. The cold, cruel light of morning... Ok, here are the results of the post mortem. I started the coals on two sides. Although it appeared that both sides caught, that wasn't the case. Only the right one stayed lighted. The fire drilled down into the ample pile of lump, and made a tunnel, but never caught the whole pile! So, the fire went out. I think if I'd gone in through the front damper and poked a tool up to the fire box, and given it a shake during the cook, that would have avoided the problem. I'd have collapsed the tunnel, and kept the fire going. Note to self... I started the fire this morning, and got it good and hot, just to clean out the insides and get the grill hot enough to scrub with wire brush. The lump caught much more quickly than yesterday. No doubt because it was good and dry. Depending on the weather, I'll do the butts tonight into tomorrow, maybe. Maybe. Sigh. But I don't have freezer space for two giant butts, and I don't think it is a good idea to keep them uncooked in the refrigerator until next weekend. In case you're wondering, I did share some ribs with the neighbors this morning. I figured since I was smoking them out so early, they should have some for breakfast.
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