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Everything posted by Sanny

  1. Re: Chicken Cook: Torch Good, Probe Bad
  2. Some of our more "large equipment oriented" people have fork lifts and the like on the front of their "gentleman's tractor." I guess depends how far you want to go with it. Too far for sheets of plywood and a shove, huh? How are you with "wingardium leviosa"? "Locomotor cooker"?
  3. RATS!!! Who knew I was that close? I flew into Greensboro, NC, first weekend in April.
  4. Oooh - tato rolls. ooooh, home made slaw... ooooh!! spectaculous!!!
  5. Sounds like a single shipment to the States, with distribution from there, is in order. I'd say I'd volunteer, when you ship my KK, but, um... I haven't ordered one yet. Sigh. Some day. It's a choice between a KK, and my quarterly property taxes. Rotten choice. But, that said, I'd still volunteer to be the distribution person. Just put address list in the package.
  6. Sanny

    Red Pork Part 1

    I gotta ask... With all that chile, is it so hot it blows the top of your head off? Hot, as in spicy...
  7. Our Deej.... SUPERgenius! Neato torpedo, Deej! Good for you for being the mother of invention. I especially like that you made a wife-friendly gadget. Well done!
  8. That's so funny. Who knew that my calling his creation "jammies" would stick! hehehe. Yup, baby needs jammies.
  9. Good for you! We're all so pleased for you! MazelTov! You should pick up a onesie for your baby from our own Johnnyboy ([email protected]). A worthwhile investment, in my opinion.
  10. Sanny


    Unraveling the mystery... So, our Paul the Aussie produces the food videos? That can't be right. He said he was going to ask the producer about using a KK next time. And he's prolly not the woman in the tight tee shirt. One at a time, we'll tease out the facts.
  11. Sanny


    Nope, not at all! I saved the link, for the other exotic recipes. It's not the video that's shameful (ok, except the cooing about tender meat), but the prominent placement of a gasser. However, Paul has explained that the KK star of the show was not available yet, so the understudy went on, instead. And he DID seem properly repentant.
  12. Sanny


    Paul, for those of us watching without sound (sorry, but I was at work), are you somehow responsible for this shameful promotion of a gasser??
  13. Ace hardware has Cowboy year round. But you have to have an Ace hardware, I guess.
  14. I got a hip high bag of hickory lump at the local Depot. Big ol' chunks, at least half-fist size, usually a bit bigger. Probably a 20 lb bag...
  15. Wonder what the stats are on INTENTIONAL deaths by doctors vs. by guns? I'm just sayin...
  16. So let it be written. So let it be done.
  17. I'll see your K7, and raise you a K5! lol Mine dream KK is the purpley blue green teal wonderful mix. sigh... Editor's note - my K5 works fine, looks fine, etc. It's out there staring at me. I think it's saying "I dare you..." Not sure what it's daring me to do...
  18. And knits some more... Today's masterpiece? More socks. These have a lace rib on the leg, and a bit of a ruffle at the top. They're made of washable merino wool. Very soft.
  19. Sorting lump Krypto, I think the lump sorters do something like this. Take the largest pieces and place them first, then fill in with the medium sizes and finish with the small. Filling in all the gaps as you go (as well as possible) this helps each piece light its neighbor before it goes out. Use a chimney or torch or something to get just a couple of lumps burning on the top of the pile. Bring the cooker to temp. As each little lumplet burns, it catches its neighbor. By sorting, the lump sorters make sure that lumps touch each other. That way, the fire doesn't go out for hours and hours. And hours. (My eyelashes on the right are almost the same length as the left ones, after 6 months or so... careful with the flashback!)
  20. Re: Thank you for all sugestions... Hey, Krypto! Don't think you have to keep feeding the beast to do a big butt cook. A ceramic cooker is a very efficient thing. If you fill up your lump basket and light a few of the coals (to keep the temp low), you can cook for almost a whole day on one load of lump. There are "experts" on here that have a preferred method of stacking lump, to get maximum efficiency. I think they call it the minion method. Search the boards on that term, and you should find it. Or go out onto the web and look. It involves placement of big and medium and little pieces. Unless you use a lump that makes so much ash it snuffs out your fire (ask me how I know THAT one!), you should be able to keep cooking low and slow all day. Just don't keep opening the lid of the cooker. Trust... Yes, I know it's hard. Have big fun!
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