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Everything posted by Sanny

  1. Remember a few posts ago, I did 2 butts for an engagement party? Well, the party was yesterday. The hostess had them bagged in the freezer, and defrosted them and put them in a crock pot to serve. They were a HIT! Of course. No kidding, the guests sucked down pulled pork sammiches. I watched them! I'd made 3 sauces, and one guest (a chef) kept drooling over the raspberry chipotle. The hostess sent him home with pork and raspberry sauce leftovers. Woo hoo! Etc. (Nothing for F's day. Dad was going to his in laws' house.)
  2. There was just a tsunami in the ceramic cooker world, and everyone else washed away. Only the KOmodo left standing. Incredible...
  3. Sounds familiar You know, that sounds familiar... I have a similar thing at my house. Set it and forget it for hours and hours, if I want. I don't have to twiddle with a temperature dial or an upper grill, or anything. I can do meat in it, of course, but it's just as good for bread, or pizza, or vegetables. And it's got a very generous capacity. I've even done entire meals in it at the same time. Like your friend's, it has no lump or coal to light, or anything, and nothing to shovel out after a cook. I never have to remove any of the parts to add fuel. In fact, I just clean the grates now and then. Ok, hardly ever. It's called an oven...
  4. Ok, first post was at 4:16 ("hope it comes out well, it's in the cooler"). Second post was at 5:21 ("wow, that was good"). In ONE HOUR or less, you served the lamb, sucked it down, cleaned the table, and posted a report?? You gotta slow down, man! There's indigestion in your future!
  5. I think you can also clean grinders by running dry rice through them. Grind the rice until it comes clean.
  6. Hey, Cozy, would you take a photo with something next to it, to demonstrate relative size? An egg, a quarter, beer can... something? Hard to get perspective.
  7. Glad to hear you're safe. As for high ground, it's all relative, I suppose. I mean, I'm out near the east coast, and about 80 feet above sea level. So, if there's much global warming, I could be beach front in NJ! Or gone completely, if the Delaware River overflows or expands about 7 miles eastward... Ugh. (Hey, Secret Agent! June 20 is opening day of Get Smart movie! )
  8. Cozy, you're amazing! You never cease to surprise us. That's just the neatest thing!
  9. Ok, all you Iowa people and midwesterners, check in and let us know you're ok. Looks bad on the news, at least to us on higher ground. Festervalve (our resident secret agent)? Johnnyboy? You ok? Wishing you well.
  10. Re: Hey I've never cooked with a bone in! They sure don't make em like they used to, huh Dennis?
  11. Um... you know that sushi's not cooked on a KK, right? I repeat what I said, though. You're a BABY!! Some reason, I pictured you as older. I mean, you're from Europe. That's the "Old Country." So, you MUST be older, right?
  12. Why, TLinder! You're just a BABY!! You're the little guy in the middle, right? Philadelphia! You were 8 miles from me. Ok, maybe more, depending on where in Philadelphia you were. Sigh. I'd have treated you to sushi at my favorite spot. You wouldn't even have to catch the fish yourself. Looks like a wonderful visit. And that's a great photo of Curly, too. Or is HE the little fellow in the middle? Curly blonde head? Fun to see pictures of people who we know and love, and yet DON'T know. I hope you get to visit with the Family Curly in Switzerland, too.
  13. You take the high road, and I'll take the low road, and you'll get to 50 (and 70) afoooooore me!
  14. Happy Birthday, Johnnyboy! Yet another person older than I! Whee!
  15. Well, I do bone out. Why? Because my usual sources of butt (Costco, Genuardi's...) have already hacked the butt to death by the time I get it. I have to tie it with string to keep it a uniform shape for cookin. On the plus side (one does try to find one, of course), I can put my bbq rub on the inside of the meat, too, before I tie it.
  16. You left Moses in the bullrushes... Glass black is beautiful, of course. No question. But my favorite is still Moses colored.... Enjoy!
  17. Happy Birthday, Dennis! I take comfort in knowing you're older than I am. In fact, more people should be! :
  18. I'm proud to say I'm a quick learner...
  19. When you opened it, lucky it didn't flash back and ruin your whole day... Horrors!
  20. Johnnyboy, you mean the Grandpup checks out the usual suspects, huh? Never know when one might need attending to.
  21. Re: perfect application for using coconut extruded charcoal. Ugh. Hope he/she didn't try to make you settle his outstanding bill...
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