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Everything posted by Sanny

  1. Re: Thank you for all sugestions... Hey, Krypto! Don't think you have to keep feeding the beast to do a big butt cook. A ceramic cooker is a very efficient thing. If you fill up your lump basket and light a few of the coals (to keep the temp low), you can cook for almost a whole day on one load of lump. There are "experts" on here that have a preferred method of stacking lump, to get maximum efficiency. I think they call it the minion method. Search the boards on that term, and you should find it. Or go out onto the web and look. It involves placement of big and medium and little pieces. Unless you use a lump that makes so much ash it snuffs out your fire (ask me how I know THAT one!), you should be able to keep cooking low and slow all day. Just don't keep opening the lid of the cooker. Trust... Yes, I know it's hard. Have big fun!
  2. We've got a whole flock of sooty sheep. I have a Mexi-K5...
  3. Krypto, try WalMart for big bags of lump charcoal. You want lump. NOT briquettes!! Also, ACE hardware sells Cowboy brand all year long. Check out http://www.nakedwhiz.com/lump.htm, which is our own Whizzy's database of charcoal. He has reviewed all the available and less available brands, and rates them for us. He'll let you know which ones are more talk than action, and which are the quiet miracles. Q on!!
  4. You think that's a good thing? Wait til you graduate to a Komodo Kamado! You'll be out there TWO and THREE times a day, cookin up a storm. Welcome to the ceramic club! And welcome to the boards. I have a K5, so I've not graduated, either - there are several of us here with a cooker made by Another Manufacturer. They do just fine. But the KK cookers seem to be luxury itself. What's your favorite cook so far, Krypto? I think those turkey legs sound great. I like a soy/ginger/garlic/rice wine/sesame oil marinade on turkey legs. And a light baste with hoisin sauce.
  5. Sanny

    Heat Diffuser

    Re: Results! Deej, how much of a savings in time was that? How long does it usually take? And what's your usual temp? So many questions, but since you're doing all that research, might as well find out. I agree with Bob. Nice butt. I guess it's almost time for me too cook another one. Mother wants an anniversary of her fence party for the guys in the neighborhood who put it up for her last year. She wants pulled pork. And the mail room guys here at work are due for some Q (ribs or butt). Spring has sprung - time to Q outdoors.
  6. Or use them for new belt, since old belt won't be big enough. Sad. The Curse of the Q!
  7. Sanny


    (I didn't get a KK)
  8. Sanny


    Re: Paella Oooh! Another innovation from the people at KK! lol
  9. At home, it's fine. Licketty split loading pages and photos and whatever. Here (shhhh!) at work, it's misery lately. No tellin why. I'm just grateful it's not blocked, along with everything else.
  10. Just as a matter of information, when you send someone a PM, an email notification is sent to them. -=Jasen=- If they have it set up that way. I, for example, don't have email notice. I just look on the forum under the masthead, to see if I have any messages. So far, works fine.
  11. Sybil.... the custom tiled KK... Lots of pics of Sybil. http://www.komodokamado.com/forum/viewt ... ight=sybil http://www.komodokamado.com/forum/viewt ... ight=sybil She's beautiful!
  12. I have never painted or drawn any ducks but it would be no different than any other subject. I think it would be different. The glass would quack more easily.
  13. If your turtle is even a hint of what you do in oils, WOW!! Oh - I said that twice already. But still WOW!!! Yup, time for a beer and some Q. It's weekend, finally. Aaaah.
  14. Dennis did. He posted pics. It was very shocking! I think he had a new cooker and no lump, or something, or was in a hurry and didn't want to wait for lump. But he did it!
  15. Re: Fourmorgy What's Tony C's? I have Dizzy stuff, but I'm finding them usually too spicy for what I do. I do like them, but just not always in the mood to burn.
  16. My mother will be in Hbg next weekend (at the Farm Show Complex on Cameron St). I usually go (annual event), but I'll be at a wedding in NC. Which has nothing to do with bbq, except they do sometimes have pulled beef bbq on a bun at the food area.
  17. Well done. That's what we like to hear.
  18. Maybe if you waited more than 15 mins, someone else would join the conversation. My theory is, you need to read an interesting post now and then - might as well be your own, right? Playing, Conodo. Never been to a BBQ show, but sounds like fun.
  19. Lookit what you did! Neato! Almost want to feed it bugs, or something.
  20. Re: OTB vs K7 cooking area.. I hear that sort of thing happens sometimes. NOW I get it - didn't realize someone said a K7 was bigger than OTB. Hmm. Why would someone go and say a thing like that? Someone DID make a nasty sound, once, about how it's harder to flip stuff in the OTB, because it's several inches below the lip of the cooker. I can see that, maybe, with a pizza, but since you have an upper grill, the pizza sits on that, well ABOVE lip level. (not to be confused with mouth level, of course) Other stuff, not a problem. Plenty of room to flip things, using tongs or spatula. As for roast meats, I think it's nice not to have your roast banging against the insides of the lid, or the back of the thermometer. But that's just me.
  21. How come you're showing a round grill inside an OTB? Aren't your grills OTB shaped? Hmmm.... Is this a demo, and I'm not getting it?
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