@Troble - a bit early, but Welcome to the Obsession.
A couple of things to add to what the others have offered for advice.
#2 - rotisserie is a "must have" in my book. One Grill is where you get the motor and they have lots of basket accessories, too, so I'm sure that you can find what you are looking for there. I was an early purchaser of the OktoForks - almost never use them anymore - not a fan. I have cut myself on them too many times and also had issues with food falling off them into the fire. If I have to tie the food onto them to prevent this, what's the point? - stick with a basket and regular tine forks.
#3 - in addition to the rotisserie and cold smoker, the pizza stone is a must have (assuming that you plan to do pizzas and breads). The extra charcoal basket makes it easier to swap out when you want to use the basket splitter for smaller cooks.
#5 - See #2 - they have lots of options for grilling baskets that will hold a whole fish.