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tony b

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Everything posted by tony b

  1. @tekobo - Portland is a amazing city for great food and beverages - coffee, beers, ciders, whatever trips your trigger!
  2. POSK = Piece of Sh!t Kamado. I'm shocked yours lasted as long as it did. Notorious for shedding tiles and cracking, especially the later ones made in Mexico. Mine was one of the first made in Indonesia, so it held up longer than most. If that rib technique works for you, go for it. But, you won't need a water pan on a KK. That's one of the things that sets it apart from other kamado style smoker/grills, it's moisture retention. I promise you, it will make the juiciest whole chicken you've ever cooked without any effort at all - no brining, no water pan, and PLEASE, no "beer cans."
  3. We talk quite a bit on here about all things "adult beverage," so jump right into the conversation whenever it suits you!
  4. Au Contraire, Paul. Guinness is quite good for you! Liquid bread!
  5. Nicely done, MacKenzie. looks quite tasty. I don't think that's too thick at all for focaccia, it's not flatbread after all.
  6. Karma at work! You were meant to have a BB 32. Can't wait to see the pics when it arrives. You are going to be flabbergasted at how different a KK is from the BGE in both construction quality and in the food quality coming off it. Welcome to the Obsession!!
  7. Yeah, Aussie, what's the prognosis on this year's crop?? I've been hoarding the last of my Purple Crack stash for the last year, seeing as how bad it was last year. Don't think that I'll be able to stretch it out for 2 years!
  8. Used mine on Friday to cold smoke some pork chops that I'd brined for 5 days, then cold smoked for 5 1/2 hours with a mix of pecan and fruit wood pellets. I did use the alcohol soak on a handful of pellets for the first time. Worked great. I'll be using that technique for lighting it going forward.
  9. That joke was so bad, I thought that Poochie had posted it - LOL!!!
  10. So, you owned a POSK, too. Several of us here were previous owners. I had a #7, too. You have definitely UPGRADED! Welcome! Jump right in. I'd be cooking on mine tonight if it were in the twenties here (the windchill is Minus 20F today!) I cold smoked some pork chops for 5 1/2 hours on Friday with temps in the mid-20s. I don't know how you're going to hold back for a week now that you've unpacked it and see what a beauty it is?? Not a big fan of 2-1-1 ribs, personally. I don't like to wrap them at all and I'm a dry vs wet guy, as well. But, do what you do. You'll love the results. And, again, Pictures! We want to see this beauty in action.
  11. Many of us here a big fans of the Pig's rubs. I have most of them in my pantry. Eager to try the new one - the Spicy version of Dizzy Dust!!
  12. No worries about asking questions, as that's the primary purpose of this Forum - to share knowledge and cooking experiences. Ask away! Most of us don't use the big ceramic heat deflectors at all anymore. It really slows down heating up the grill, for not a lot of noticeable benefits. We use either a drip pan or just some aluminum foil on the lower grate to do indirect cooking. If you're so inclined to use yours, they normally sit on the handles of the charcoal basket - at least the single one in the 23" grill does (not sure about the 32" being 2 pieces like that?) You can also put it on the lower grate as well. BTW - seeing pictures of you new KK are typically the "price" we charge for such advice!
  13. That's what I've always done. I've used my Guru in the rain before. I put the controller in a ziplock bag with the corner snipped off for the wires to run out.
  14. Amen to that, Sister! Portland has some amazing breweries, too. Plus, the donuts! Blue Star, all the way!
  15. I'm glad that I'm not that into high end coffee making. Don't think the bank account could take on another expensive hobby!
  16. Thanks for the tip, MacKenzie!
  17. Unlike the Aborigines in the video foraging, I'm talking about actual farms raising them as a food source. https://munchies.vice.com/en_us/article/vvxxgm/the-future-of-food-according-to-andrew-zimmern
  18. I have 2 of these that I got for "free" - they came with the chorizo. I use mine on the KK all the time. Didn't know the trick about the garlic clove on the bottom, but I've not had any issues with mine, plus being free, I've not sweated them cracking. https://www.cubanfoodmarket.com/chorizos-caseros-16-oz-with-free-9-clay-casserole.html You can buy them, too and they come in various sizes. They also have cheaper paella pans. https://www.cubanfoodmarket.com/paelleras-pans.html
  19. Forget about Soylent Green - insects will be a major source of protein in the future.
  20. Yeah, I have to periodically go "diving" into the bottom of the chest freezer to see what's migrated down there over time. I just did a turn over this past week after coming home with a lot of meat from the market.
  21. It's more like a meatloaf in patty form than a burger from the whole egg and panko in it.
  22. I have several ideas in my head on how to use it - now, if only the weather would lighten up so I could try them out!
  23. Hear ya, Bruce. My old side-by-side in the kitchen didn't have hardly any actual freezer space after the ice maker took up 1/3 of that side, so I went out a long time ago and got a cheap chest freezer for the basement. That's my stash for when I hit up Costco or when my local supermarket has a good sale on meats. It was a great investment coupled with the Food Saver.
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