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tony b

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Everything posted by tony b

  1. Exactly! Just got back from 2 weeks in Greece - one of my "bucket list" places to visit! I don't know if you saw me, but I waved at you as my plane flew over Nova Scotia on the way home Sunday night!
  2. So much has changed since then - both good & bad, but that's the way life is!
  3. @MacKenzie - these young whipper-snappers! 50 was so long ago!
  4. Nice way to celebrate it, too!
  5. Looking forward to seeing the results!
  6. WOW! All I can say. Can't wait ait to see that thing covered in meat!!
  7. Not the 1st time I've been called that and I've been called much worse, trust me! No blood, no foul in my book.
  8. Happy birthday! 1/2 box should be enough for your cook, but no harm in playing it safe.
  9. Way beyond me. I'll stick to King Arthur and be perfectly happy.
  10. Not in my house. When I remodeled the kitchen, there is no full oven. That space is pull out drawers for pot and pans.
  11. Hurray! Off to a great start. Keep those pictures coming.
  12. Glad the roasted pumpkin is for soup and not for making beer! A guy in my brew club does a roasted pumpkin saison. I cannot stand it.
  13. tony b

    Pork ribs

    Hurray for the purple crack!
  14. That's the trick. Do the high heat sear at the very beginning before the KK heat soaks. Then you can drop the temp down to do the slow roast with the water pan.
  15. Did you pan sear them or use the brulee torch?
  16. I attempted porchetta once. I did it in the rotisserie basket over a drip pan. But, like you, my skin didn't crisp up. It was like gummi bears. Might have gotten better results without the drop pan, but I was concerned with all the dripping fat creating bad smoke. Good luck. Hopefully you can teach me how to do it.
  17. Looking good Aussie.
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