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tony b

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Everything posted by tony b

  1. I haven't used mine in years. Tonight's cook was a simple aluminum foil wrap on the lower grate, as I wasn't expecting much drip (country style ribs.) If you are cooking a large hunk of meat - butt, brisket, etc. that has a lot of fat, then use the drip pan. The pizza stone is a completely different formulation of ceramic than the deflector stones, which are basically the same material as the walls of your KK. They are NOT interchangeable.
  2. Thanks, Bruce. The spud was twice baked - 1st bake in the microwave to just barely done, then scooped out and mashed with the stuffing (I left out the salted chives in the description - Ooops!), the final cook was in the air fryer (20 mins @ 325F). The secret ingredient is the black garlic, this stuff is extraordinary! https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B013EM8IRW
  3. Not really, but I am quasi-ambidextrous. Why did you ask?
  4. Every time that I've been there, I ended up ordering nothing else - appetizer, main course, dessert! These things are truly addictive if you love oysters!
  5. I was referring to the wavy lines - that's not standard.
  6. Steak Night! While doing the weekly marketing, spotted this bad boy in the "special sale" section of the meat counter. I couldn't say No! Injected with Sriracha Stix (classic garlic butter), rubbed with Sucklebusters Hoochie Mama and Dizzy Pig Montreal Steak rubs. On a direct fire in the split basket, with coffee wood chunks. Finished with some compound butter (garlic, parsley and Parmesan cheese) - leftovers from doing Drago oysters. Plated with a killer twice-baked potato (boursin cheese, black garlic, sour cream, butter and S&P), green salad, crusty bread and a nice bottle of red wine. Can't get any better than this!!! Ready for my close-up, Mr. DeMille! Bon Appetit, ya'll!!
  7. Nice, but I really love that spoon! Who's your friend swimming in the soup, MacKenzie? And, I don't even want to know why you cut that squash like that - crazy!
  8. @Tyrus - lots of good intell on the web about SV cooks (Moderist Cuisine, Serious Eats). MacKenzie and I have experimented on several cooks - see posts in the Sous Vide section of the Forum. Only thing that I've struggled with was mashed potatoes - I found that it takes longer and a bit higher temperature than the standard literature says. MacKenzie experimented with some malted enzyme. It made the potatoes very creamy, but I didn't like the flavor it imparted to the spuds. We also tried to optimize a "hot & fast" method for poaching eggs, as the preferred "low & slow" method takes 45+ minutes. MacKenzie got it down, but I bailed because it was taking 3 steps to get the whites set without setting the yolks - sous vide, then ice bath, followed by boiling water bath. I just plan ahead now for the longer cooking time.
  9. tony b

    Purple Crack?

    Can't wait to hear what ya'll do with them, once you get them? @Tyrus - I think that they'd rock a Bloody Mary. Would add that "je ne sais quoi," similar to using black cardamom.
  10. Yeah, make sure that you're using food grade paper and not just regular "kraft paper." Here's the Amazon link for what I get: https://smile.amazon.com/Butcher-Durable-Approved-ORIGINAL-smoking/dp/B0757WVCJK
  11. tony b

    Purple Crack?

    I wouldn't pay $250/lb for it - that's more than Kobe beef for crying out loud. That said, I have had a lot of fun trying it and doing different things with it, like putting it in my beer. Try an ounce or two at their price and see if it's something that trips your trigger, then decide if it's worth it to pay the big $$ for quantity. Remember, harvest in Australia is in March, so the next crop isn't that far off, if you try it and like it, then order directly from them at 25% of the imported cost.
  12. tony b

    Purple Crack?

    Yes, Robert, it's the same thing, but the price is 4x as high - $250 for a single pound. A little goes a long way. I'd start with a dime bag (4 oz) - LOL!
  13. You should just call in sick tomorrow, as you won't be able to think about anything else but the delivery.
  14. Most of us here are big fans of Meathead (Wilbur excluded - you didn't think that I would remember, huh?) and quote his "myth busters" often. I'm a believer in Franklin's pink butcher paper technique for briskets. I don't wrap butts or ribs.
  15. Nice bird! The dark color comes from the smoke more than anything else. It kinda freaks you into thinking you've overcooked it, but it's OK.
  16. tony b

    Purple Crack?

    Goddamn the Pusher man! (old Steppenwolf song!) I gave it the name as it does stain most things purple and it's highly addictive! I keep a grinder by my stove and have a shaker mixed up with flaked salt. It goes on just about everything, including eggs!
  17. Like others have commented, you just hit "the stall." It's where the collagen and fats start to break down. Just part of the process. You can "plow through it," as you did by cranking the temp, or you can wrap it in foil or pink butcher paper, or you can just ride it out (next time account for the time in the stall - typically 2 - 3 hours.) I'm not a fan of wrapping butts, so I just wait it out. If I'm in a hurry to cook one, I'll go "hot & fast" - 325F and be done in about 1/2 the time. Good results - most folks can't taste the difference. And, I'm a huge fan of the cast iron smoker pot. Get one!!
  18. No, she's just the KK Goddess is all!
  19. Nice looking Bacon, Aussie, but where's the Purple Crack?
  20. Can't argue with that! Can't wait to see the bacon when it's done!
  21. While I'm perfectly happy with my Digi-Q II (Guru), the Flame Boss variable speed fan does sound like an upgrade in technology.
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