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tony b

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Everything posted by tony b

  1. Good luck. Hope you get your money back so you can get the "real McCoy!"
  2. Trader Joe's makes a nice pizza dough that's pretty good, and cheap too!
  3. Yeah, what @MacKenzie said! Not fair, not fair at all!
  4. Not taking the bait, @Poochie. Not gonna do it. Wouldn't be prudent. (tip of the hat to Dana Carvey as Prez Bush the 1st).
  5. Carryover is usually on the order of 5 - 10 degrees, so plan accordingly. I'd wrap it in butcher paper, a layer of foil, a beach towel and into a cooler for the transport. It will stay nice and warm for hours.
  6. Or as I call it - Ta-Kill-Ya! I love it; it loves to kick my ass! 😄
  7. Good luck. I think you'll be OK. Proof of the pudding, as the saying goes!
  8. I have the standard OneGrill motor for my 23" KK. Never had a problem with not enough power. But, I rarely use the rotisserie for a hunk of meat over 10 lbs.
  9. Agree with the others, not a 23" KK. A smaller one for sure based upon the shape. Looking at the specs for the 21", I'd agree with Jonj that it's a 19" KK. It's a decent price. You just need to figure out if it's big enough for your needs?
  10. Then your calibration nut is loose and needs to be tightened up. It shouldn't do that.
  11. More important to wrap in pink butcher paper after it exits the stall, somewhere around 165F.
  12. @Poochie - you left out a bad joke or two! LOL
  13. Got several cuts of lamb in the freezer, so y'all got me thinking.
  14. No worries. I still have a few boxes from my previous orders (I hoard them like the precious treasure they were before Dennis started shipping again!) I only use it for very long cooks (briskets and pork butts) and then, only a few pieces mixed with regular lump. So, a box goes a long way, at least for me. YMMV
  15. @BARDSLJR - a 50F difference between dome and main grate temperature is "normal" for a KK, especially early in the heatup process. With a long enough cook (hours) they will tend to equilibrate a bit closer, typically within 20-30F.
  16. Has nothing to do with it. In fact, this is an old trick that I learned years ago on the POSK Forum - I intentionally turn the dome thermometer to where my target temperature is at 12 o'clock high. Easy to see where the temperature is at relative to target from the kitchen window. Don't have to be close enough to read the dial to know if I'm close.
  17. @C6Bill - perfect use for the MEATER+, if you have one.
  18. Rivaling @MacKenzie - who also has one. The King 👑 has to be @ckreef for the amount and variety of grilling toys.
  19. @mguerra - as the saying goes - Each to his own taste. If you think it works for you, by all means keep using it. The majority of us, including Dennis, don't share your enthusiasm for using the deflector stone. Not saying this to spark another debate (see the other thread for that), just to point this out to the new folks who've joined the Forum since then.
  20. If you want to use a shop vac, you need to get a drywall/dust filter for it, as the ash is pretty fine and will clog up the vacuum. https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B0060EUA0K
  21. Could be a plan if they're interested? Cheapest delivery is to a commercial address over a residential one.
  22. How about posting some pics here - we never get tired of seeing a KK in its new home?
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