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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/03/2018 in all areas

  1. Just wanted a quick an easy cook. Marinated the wings for about four hours, indirect heat for thirty minutes with two basting, and about four minutes on the lower level to crisp the skin. Just served with a simple salad. My toddler who loves any meat on a bone ate two wings clean. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    5 points
  2. Today I decided to do another attempt to bake my regular pumpkin/sunflower seed sourdough bread in a Dutch Oven. I wasn't happy with the oven spring in my last one, although the bread tasted fine. This time I made sure the dough ball was tight when I put it on to proof. Here it is ready for the oven. While I was waiting for the bread to bake I needed quick lunch. Remember that carrot/onion pizza I made this fall? Warmed up and ready to eat. Bread is just out of the oven. It is all over but the singing. And how it did sing. I love love that sound. The crumb shot.
    3 points
  3. Well. All I can say is: delicious! I stopped the cold smoking after 3.5 hours and introduced a bit of heat by lighting a couple of coals with my MAPP torch after 2.5hours. The whole "cook" took 5.5hrs by which time the breasts were at 62C. Left to cool and re-fridgerated overnight before having some for lunch today. Definite "do again". Just as soon as i have tried another recipe that The Husband found for goose breast proscuitto. That will likely be closer to the Milan experience but this German version is very very good too.
    3 points
  4. You must be fun to watch going through an airport security line! I get beeped, wanded and swabbed to the extend that I no longer go flying. I had a hobby that involved explosives and it is pretty hard to convince the average TSA person that such hobbies exist. Should have heard the commotion that was created by one of our club members that controls the powder magazine for a major timber company since he was their licensed blaster. When 9/11 happened the BATF tried calling him, but he was off doing something else. The 3rd message they left on his machine went something lioke this; "Jack, if you do not respond to this were are coming to find you", which he was listening to when they drove up in his driveway. After a thorough interrogation and a trip to the magazine to inspect it and account for all the explosives they took him back home and were leaving when he calmly said, "I don't know why you were so nervous about all that other stuff, what about the stuff under the sink?". Needless to say that got their attention so he demonstrated what a proper mixing of grocery store chemicals was capable of doing. He now flies all over the world giving lectures about I.E.D's for the Feds. His stories of the TSA are amusing at minimum. Remember that shoe bomber the Feds caught after he tried lighting his shoes in flight? We got a demonstration of the compound and its effectiveness and believe me that a 1/4" thick insole in his shoes would have brought down an airplane. What was demonstrated to us was a 1/4" x 2" x2" , like a pat of butter, chunk laid behind a hill 100 yds away from us. When it went off it ruffled my shirt.... I was a weapons track driver in Vietnam and we handled a lot of thing that went bang and this compound was as good or better than anything we had although it was not as stable as ours. I steer clear of airports...
    2 points
  5. That sounds creppy lol. Thought I would wing it gave the chook some baking powder ..after an hour in the fridge I got rid of the excess buy giving them a shake..then put them in a pan to keep it all clean..I have finger tasted the rubs tony b sent me and was pretty impressed .was stoked he sent me his open .yes open number five lanes desert rub wondering if that sparked the dogs interest lol I reckon because I love it it's like dizzy pig pineapple head with a twist cheers tony.so anyway I mixed these two together. ..they blended so well the wings got them..and now for the star of the show I am truly thankful to introduce the one and only lol..gave the chooksome sauce. .looking ready..got Ora ready..and on they go..after an hour and a few turns..I threw them on straight for a few minutes each side.. .then threw them back in the sauce..after another 15 minutes. .they are resting under some foil. And plated with some veggies. Uncle dougies has a great bite ..dee loves the spicy taste . Outback kamado Bar and Grill
    1 point
  6. Heard this tonight on Sirius XM. And, what a cool name for a band!
    1 point
  7. Tyrus, I would just put it in the KK without doing anything to the outside of the pot. Don't forget to season it before you use it.;)
    1 point
  8. I’ll have to keep it in the garage until the sheet of ice thaws.To get to my patio I have to go between pond and upper deck and it has a pitch towards the pond.When I went to get the forks on the tractor Friday I got a good scare sliding towards the pond.
    1 point
  9. In heaven there is no beer that's why we drink it here
    1 point
  10. Don't let them bring you down Ed. Fact of the matter is when it finally does arrive you'll soon dismiss it all
    1 point
  11. Pretty bread mac, as always. Have to ask, I know you have a black La Chamba stew pot. My question would be is that when using it in the KK what would be your concerns to the outside of the pot. Do wrap the outside in foil, soap down the outside or use it without concern? My 4 quart stew is coming today and I will season it as instructed Thanks
    1 point
  12. Butter. Just a nice thin layer. Like Bruce, I could well eat one of your food pictures Mac.
    1 point
  13. Sounds like you are down for adventure
    1 point
  14. Very tasty wings and I see you are raising the young one properly.[emoji4]
    1 point
  15. Quite the baker you are! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  16. Yummy that looks so good Outback kamado Bar and Grill
    1 point
  17. Oh boy that bread looks so yummy. I love bread. Mac you are the bomb!
    1 point
  18. I’d say you nailed it!
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. I know it will work out but these big companies just don’t care or are considerate about the small guys.
    1 point
  21. As a compromise to brisket, do a bottom round or chuck roast. Cook it just like a brisket, (Franklin method).
    1 point
  22. As I was eating them I was thinking the same thing regarding liking them better than brisket. This has jumped over lots of my bbq faves. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  23. Heck yeah! Nicely done. Beef ribs are one of my favorite cooks on the KK. I like them more than brisket. From a party last summer. Could have easily done 4 more racks with room to spare.
    1 point
  24. Well 5:30 no delivery they said 10am to 3pm called at 5 sorry ran out of time.This amazes me that no one cares anymore no phone call to let customers know.The woman chuckles and say sometime Monday told her not happening.Told her to call me Monday and I’ll let her know when I am available.as she stutters it is on the truck I chuckled and said not my problem but if you want to pay me to take a day off that’s fine and hung up.
    0 points
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