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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/09/2018 in all areas

  1. It's finally strawberry season in Georgia!
    6 points
  2. It has taken me a while to get around to trying out a Nigerian/West African recipe in the KK. The arrival of my La Chamba pots encouraged me to try this rice dish in the KK while it was heat soaking for pizza. Ingredients (approx - it is different everytime) 2 cups of long grain rice 14oz can of plum tomatoes 4 scotch bonnet peppers, seeds and all (too hot, even for me, will dial back next time) 1 red capsicum pepper 1 red onion 3 teaspoons of Carribean curry powder salt, pepper Some vegetable oil A slug of chicken stock Method Parboiled the rice in IDK for about 10 minutes so the grains still had a bit of bite to them. Made up the tomato sauce by blending all the other ingredients up to but not including the vegetable oil. Heated the oil in the pan and added the tomato blend. Cooked for about 15 minutes or so. Mixed the rice in with the tomato sauce. Added in a bit of chicken stock. The stock probably wasn't needed as the rice came out a bit softer than usual. Here is the pot in the KK after about 30 minutes. And now for the "party" bit of the recipe. I didn't know this until I started researching recipes but, because food at big parties is cooked by caterers over wood fires, the smoky taste of Jollof rice at parties is distinct from that which you cook at home. I asked my mother about this yesterday and she said yes, she had a friend who would always go to any party that was on just because she loved the taste of smoky Jollof rice. My mum then lamented the fact that caterers generally use gas cookers now and so that taste is not so common. Well, I got to reproduce it last night by putting the cooked rice into my other KK with the cold smoker for about 40 minutes. Yippee, it tasted just like it should.
    5 points
  3. Hello everyone, Talked to Dennis only last week and pulled the trigger on a Big Bad 32. Talk about service. Just got the word my cooker is in town!! Stay tuned... Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
    4 points
  4. The timer was stopped at six years and a few odd months when we finally pulled the trigger the other day after a few weeks of talking to Dennis who is a true gem of a human being. Our 23” inch Terra Blue with almost all the accessories it can come with will be arriving on Friday the 13th! I wanted to say that we are very excited to finally be a member of this awesome worldwide family and look forward to posting pictures of the arrival and virgin cooks next week.
    4 points
  5. My pizzas take about 5-6 minutes when I’m the 500-600 range. I do thin crust. I just read Ken Forkish’s pizza book and I’m thinking of adding the cheese when there are only a few minutes left. My cheese cooks way quicker than everything else. I’ve had such a swing of experiences with my pizzas it’s my nemesis right now. Limiting my carbs so pizza night is only once a month so it’s a long wait in between victories or failures. Literally launched my failed pizza into the meadow next to my house last time. The pizza wheel makes a good launcher [emoji23] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    4 points
  6. Close, @tony b. I picked up some cheap pig cheeks at the supermarket. Normally I would use them in a bourguignon recipe but yesterday I made up the Le Pigeon recipe for pork cheeks with ouzo and feta. This is the first stage, waiting to go in the KK in the La Chamba saute pan. It went in after my pizza cook and cooked overnight in the residual heat. Will form part of a future meal so you'll have to wait for the verdict on the taste. I did use the olives and Pernod in the end.
    4 points
  7. Hi people, sorry been busy of late but a quick update. Ended up getting the BB32 TBlue, Dennis's team sent me 2pics a few days ago (we all like pics), loaded in a 20' container and vessel should be entering Singapore as we speak. Also been busy prepping a spot for it, transplanting repotting, bit of paving re-aligning and some more garden lighting Will get more pics when it arrives, cheers all
    4 points
  8. Could use some tips on that one! Here's the rack on the back of the pantry door. And the rest of the pantry. I can't even walk into it any more!
    3 points
  9. I'm NOT looking......I'm NOT looking...........I DON'T need any more cooking stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have been avoiding stopping at Bosco's house to see his two new cookers for the same reason.........NO will power ! OK Charles...............because it is you...............maybe I'll take a peek. WoW....that really looks great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    3 points
  10. Yeah, I know @Bruce Pearson, it sounds weird when you say "smoked rice" but I promise you, it is good. The main thing about the recipe is that it is adaptable and you could add Creole spices or even @Tyrus' foreign (to a Nigerian) Bebere spice. I am sure many Nigerians would want to extend the list of ingredients with their favourite additions. The worst sin is for your food to be declared "neither sweet nor hot", or "ko dun, ko ta" in my language, forever damning you to the land of the bland. @Stile88, it is a little alarming when your beautiful pots go all grey in your cooker but I knew that film would wash off. They are now clean and waiting for me to find somewhere to store them! The husband had some this afternoon. He covered a small pot of the rice in pepperonata, broke an egg on top and baked it in the oven. He said he enjoyed it and didn't think it was too spicy. And finally, @amusedtodeath, thanks for the compliments. The "maze looking thingy" is a cheapo cold smoker from amazon. You light it with the candle that comes with it and the whole thing can go on smoking for up to 10 hours. I've never needed it for that long so I stop the fire by jamming in a piece of crunched up foil and save the box for another day. A bit messy to store but nice and easy to use. I didn't get the cold smoker from Dennis when I ordered my KKs and then promptly discovered I needed one for lots of things I like to do, hence this solution. Oh yes, and to answer your other question, I bought bags of different smoking dusts and refill when I have burned a maze's worth.
    3 points
  11. Finally did our first pizza cook yesterday. A plain margarita. We both loved it. Didn't love, quite as much, the follow on four cheese pizza that I managed to burn but hey, that is part of learning! Happily there is one ball of dough left over and I can try again tonight. Made it on the 21" and the pizza size was just fine for us. Grateful for critical feedback if there is something I should have done differently. I heat soaked the KK for an hour to 550F then put the stone in. Waited for the stone to reach about 450F and then put the first pizza on. Could I have just put the stone in from the start?
    3 points
  12. Ok...ran quickly into the butcher and the girl who cut it was there. She thought my request was odd but she cut it anyway. She agreed regardless there was way too much fat. The manager will call me tomorrow and make it right. She said she included the lifter and can separate it next time. I didn’t get an ill will vibe from her and I didn’t push why she put so much fat. Just let it go as life’s too short. I’m now more educated. Thanks for all the comments. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3 points
  13. I'm going to use this thread to document my WFO Installation for anyone interested. It'll probably get an update once or twice a week as progress is made. I'm guessing this is going to take 4-6 weeks before we have ignition. Let's get started. I figured we need to start with a before picture for future comparison. I scrounged around the yard and came up with some extra pavers. This should be enough for a small work area in front of the WFO. If I come up short I could probably scrounge up a few more. Removed a fence section and relocated Mrs skreef's rose bush. Just outside of that opening will be a 3' deep work area using the pavers from above. The WFO oven will sit behind that with a small counter top off to the side to put hot items on. On Saturday we went by a large landscaping supplier. We have our building blocks picked out and will buy them towards the end of the week. I do have an underground electrical cable (for the pond pump) that I need to dig up and reconfigure. In the end I'll have electricity out at the WFO. This is going to be a pain in the rear but it basically needs to happen before I can really move forward (hopefully next weekend). Stay tuned more to come.
    2 points
  14. Oh my goodness, Tony, you need an intervention, maybe a group of us could get together and conquer.
    2 points
  15. Similar challenge here. The Husband has declared it a "moving parts puzzle". Next date night will involve agreeing what has to go where or go altogether.
    2 points
  16. http://www.amazenproducts.com/category_s/12.htm - makes different sizes and shapes. I have one like tekobo's, that is to say I have the maze style from amazenproducts.
    2 points
  17. As has been said, we are here and we aren't leaving until we see those delivery pixs.
    2 points
  18. I like any type of pizza including carrot pizza but I tend to put a lot of toppings on mine and like my KK to be no hotter than 550F and the stone higher than 450F, probably more like 500F. I am doing one this evening but it is sooo cold and windy outside that I'll probably use the kitchen oven.
    2 points
  19. We’re waiting [emoji51] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  20. Good looking pies. Like McKenzie, I put my stone in once the fire is going well. I got my stone up to about 700 last time but I think I’m going back to 500-600 for consistencies sake. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  21. Desided to do some burgers.made the patties and gave them some key lime rub..prepend some pineapple with some pineapple head.then gave some bacon a sprinkle of red eye express..prepped some beetroot,lettuce,tomatoes and the buns..on they go..looking good..added some cheese..then the bacon..yum..then the pineapple..and plated with a dash of lanes sweet and spicy..best burger I have had in ages Outback kamado Bar and Grill
    2 points
  22. Haha true. But I would take canned beetroot in a burger over vegemite any day. I hope they don’t push me out of the country for saying that. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    2 points
  23. Pizza sure looks tasty. I usually put my stone on much earlier, it does that quite a while for it to get to temp. Probably put mine on just after I know I have a good fire going. Seeing your pizza has pushed me into starting some dough.;)
    2 points
  24. I got the good stuff - home made whipping cream... Worst case scenario, a large can of RediWhip extra creamy... and of course, always Ben & Jerry's vanilla ice cream in the freezer!
    2 points
  25. I'm really excited about this too. Never really thought I would spend the money on a WFO but then again thought the same thing about my 2 KK's. Going to get this together as quickly as possible but some of the delay has to do with funds. Trying to get this accomplished out of extra paycheck funds not savings and there is a bunch more to buy.
    2 points
  26. Ordered a WFO from a company in AR. Delivery was going along as expected until it got to a local delivery terminal/company. There it sat for 3 days. They wouldn't answer their phone or respond to emails. Not a peep from them. Yesterday about 1:30pm they called. We're about to deliver your pizza oven in an hour. I laughed at them since I was 2 hours from the house. Ohh - they decided to deliver it today instead (so much for delivery appointments). I would be the last on the truck making it the first to deliver. I stayed home from work today patiently waiting. Around 9:30am got a call. The guys screwed up and put it first on the truck making me the last delivery stop. Fine! As long as it delivers today. I went to work for a couple of hours then once again came home and patiently waited. At 3:30pm got another phone call. We have a problem, the delivery truck broke down on the exit ramp to your house. I have the part needed to repair it. Any mechanics near by? Otherwise we're going to have to tow the truck out of there. WOW, not so fast! I know I can solve my problem and I'll try and solve yours. Bring the part to the truck and I'll bring tools. So basically using my tools, me and the driver fixed the truck and my WFO finally arrived at the house. The bright side of the story is the owner of the delivery company gave me $80 for helping fix his truck and the WFO was sitting in the yard just were I needed it - LOL Here is the broke down truck. That's my orange tool box. Also notice the trailer behind my car. That oven was coming home one way or another. So here it is finally arriving about 6pm. Look at the determination. I didn't know Mrs skreef was snapping pictures. I was a little preoccupied. The red thing is a 4' level for size reference. The inside. The door, thermometer and free ceramic baking dish. This thing is huge. Can't wait to build a stand and get it fired up. I also ordered a SS chimney extender and rain cap. More to come over the next month or so.
    1 point
  27. That's OK as long as he still has the "triplets."
    1 point
  28. I’m going to wait until the Meater block comes along. I need the WiFi as I’m not in the mood to have my iPad being out of service during all of my twelve hour cooks. Looks really cool. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  29. We'd probably end up on taking notes on your spice sources.
    1 point
  30. On second thought, you'd probably serve us some of your awesome beer and that would be the end of any intervention.
    1 point
  31. I think he’s embarrassed because he bought a pellet pooper.
    1 point
  32. " Ok, I have to admit, that looks pretty tasty - I don't see how one little piece of carrot could do any harm. " Don't be fooled, there is no tomato sauce but there is a carrot one.
    1 point
  33. Ding, ding, ding - we have a winner!! At least, at my house. I am stymied on buying new cooking toys, as I've run out of storage space for anything of size in the kitchen! I've even gone so far as to put some stuff in my beer brewing room in the basement, but now it's practically full, too! So, no new brewing toys either!!
    1 point
  34. Awww Tony, what have you gone and done? I generally manage to save on rubs by making them up myself or winning a bet or two. This message from you and everyone else's talk about Dizzy Pig finally pushed me over the edge. Amazon stocks individual sampler packs here but better still is this website where they appear to be having a mega sale on the full size packs https://www.riversidegardencentre.co.uk/catalogsearch/result/?q=dizzy+pig. What do you think? Which would you recommend if I was to constrain myself to just two or three or four?
    1 point
  35. Going to be fun watching from the sidelines!
    1 point
  36. Well, that's not much of a concession; most anyone would take ANYTHING over Vegemite!
    1 point
  37. amusedtodeath, just wait until your wife gets back, she is going to know what you did.
    1 point
  38. amusedtodeath, you should try it, it is tasty.:)
    1 point
  39. Depending on the thinness/thickness of the crust, and amount of toppings, mine usually go from a minimum of ninety seconds(margherita), to about four minutes maximum. I don't think I remember more than four minutes except for a truly deep dish pie.
    1 point
  40. Congratulations! Charge up your camera battery and clear some storage space!
    1 point
  41. I'm with you on that. I like a stone temp at 550 and dome at 650-700.
    1 point
  42. Thank you everyone for the warm welcome. Looking forward to sharing all the cooks I do with you all and learning from you as well. Definitely taking a half day off on Friday so I can unpack the Dragon Egg!!!
    1 point
  43. Very cool post. @tekobo, what is the maze looking thingy with the compressed smoke wood in it? Did it come that way or do you refill it? You just light the end with a torch?
    1 point
  44. The weight maybe close but this was definitely easier on the wallet. It was also an easier sell to Mrs skreef. Not sure she would have gone for a 3rd KK (4th kamado).
    1 point
  45. Nice setting, I really like your color looks just like mine. Can’t wait to see it in place and first cook
    1 point
  46. Yeah, it's funny how it takes so many of us so long to acclimatise to the idea of spending that much money on a cooker and then when you do finally take the leap you wonder what took you so long! Welcome.
    1 point
  47. Welcome aboard - you picked an awesome color
    1 point
  48. Epilogue: Burley Hurley, cap’n of my moving crew, is now my future son-in-law. My daughter disagrees, but we all know it was the steak that did it. KK’s deliver more than food, folks. Just sayin’!
    1 point
  49. Klaus, when you upgrade to the KK you will have no problems with the pizza or any other cook.:)
    1 point
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