Mrs skreef is a pickup truck, country gal. When I came home almost 2 years ago with a brand new Nissan Rogue she wasn't really thrilled. For almost 2 years I listened to her whining about the car. Last weekend we took the Rogue for an oil change. Instead of an oil change we came home with a brand new Nissan Titan V8 4x4. It's a full size 4 door pickup truck with a short bed. Really big on the inside and a very comfortable ride. Mrs skreef is very pleased with this purchase.
The world has a saying, "Happy wife, happy life." I have my own version of that saying, "Happy wife, time for another grill!!!"
So with that thought in mind we took the new truck to Lowes and got a few more pavers. Let the new grill project begin. Will post a detailed thread as progress is made and the new grill arrives. Hopefully I'll order it this weekend.