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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/13/2019 in all areas

  1. I know you didn't think I was talking about a nice house or piece of property. Grill Grates makes my NuKe Delta a really nice piece of grilling real estate.   Custom cut to length they fit perfectly. The way I configured them you can go full Grill Grates or 1/2 Grill Grates and 1/2 regular grate depending on what I want to cook.
    6 points
  2. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3 points
  3. yep, the $300 jokes wins that easy. Do you remember their joke about the two budgies sitting on a perch and one turns to the other and says, " do you smell fish?" My kids groan when I tell this joke. That makes me laugh. Then they tell me that I shouldn't laugh at my own jokes.... which makes me laugh even more..... then they tell me, " just because I'm laughing it doesn't make the joke funnier.... then I'm howling at them them while they roll their eyes.... I try to explain that I'm laughing at their reaction.... but at 12 and 13, they don't get it. I love being a dad! lol
    3 points
  4. That should work out perfectly. I am in no rush to get home. Got all the time in the world my little brisket piece is on the stall.
    2 points
  5. 2 points
  6. Tyrus, I'll pick you up on my way by, if that works for you. I don't think we will get tekobo involved in this road trip, she'd tied up with her own cook.
    2 points
  7. No worries. With tonight's chicken dinner we'll start dressing them up
    2 points
  8. Those searing grates are looking way to clean, they look much better when they're all dressed up.
    2 points
  9. Seriously slick! Max Flex is the way to go!
    2 points
  10. Preaching to the Choir, son! Preach on, Preach on!!
    2 points
  11. Looks like a great grate.
    2 points
  12. Was kind of obvious Toney, that leaf has a distinctive form. She smiled, and began to instruct me on cultivation. AS far as Florida is concerned let me tell the boat a ya, Guess whom the best customers are for this particular herb in the sunshine state, that's right, works on glaucoma, arthritis, relaxes you while your driving and I even heard it's great on brisket. You realize I'm only kidding right, not sure about the brisket...it's what I read in Mad Magazine but, everything else is Gospel. Honest Injun
    2 points
  13. I bet tekobo is laughing at us as she munches on that old funky cow.
    1 point
  14. You better get that sorted because Tyrus and I are on the way and there is turning back.[emoji13]
    1 point
  15. Well it’s done. Putting my 23 up for sale. Question is where to post on this forum? Want to post it here first for a week before listing elsewhere.
    1 point
  16. You are a devil my dear.
    1 point
  17. Mac and I had plans, oh well, a picture is worth a thousand miles. And Vietnamese being my favorite, spare me...don't say you brought home extras. Oh, the humanity of it all ! AHH,, Raincheck I presume
    1 point
  18. I just did. She said, A woodchuck would chuck all the wood it could if a woodchuck could chuck wood. Smart girl but, my girl is Alexa.
    1 point
  19. Gonna make chuck out of woodchuckLOL. have you ever asked suri how muck wood could a Woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
    1 point
  20. They were real good Bruce, much better than the market. Funny story Bruce while I got you here. This morning I let the dogs out and they bee lined right for the garden and shed area and began sniffing intently. I inspected the garden and found my cucumbers that were climbing up the fence devoured. I suspected a woodchuck done me in and I had the trap to do him in. The trap was set with celery, one of Ckreef's cherries and a slice of red pepper and then left the house for about three hours on errands. Came back and there he was sitting pretty in the trap if my name ain't Jerimiah Johnson and all the food was gone. So I decided we needed to take a ride down some lonely dark country road...............nah I didn't kill him, just moved him into a new neighborhood. The next time this happens and I trap his big brother I was thinking,, Mac lives in the boonies, it could make a good cook, maybe she'll share one of her woodchuck recipes. You know up thare in Nova Scotia they don't waste a thing
    1 point
  21. Funny ... I have been hoarding my cocochar from when I bought my kk - only use it on mission critical low and slow's (it can fire my kk for at least 2 days). Still have 10 boxes and just added 15 more plus 15 of the coffeechar
    1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. I'm eagerly awaiting my shipment of it. I've never used it, so I'm not much help other than what others on the Forum have said about it. I have the chunks of the wood. I tend to only use them on beef or lamb, if I want a more subtle smoke than say mesquite or post oak.
    1 point
  24. Well Mac looks to me like living in the boonies is a pretty good life. When I was younger I wanted to live in the country but I’m sorry to say over the years I have been cityfied. LOL
    1 point
  25. Bruce, that is a far cry from where I live. I love the boonies.
    1 point
  26. Tyrus I’m sure they will be “all dressed up” pretty quickly.
    1 point
  27. I wish I had a place like that down the street from me. It looks so rustic and homey. Alas I live in a town of a population of 240,000 and If they keep building The apartments and condominiums like they have been we will have a population of over 300,000. The city council this is definitely defacing the beauty of Fremont. Oooops sorry about my rant. Tyrus I’m guessing the sausage was delicious?
    1 point
  28. Can I invoice you for a new keyboard after I ruined mine by drooling all over it? 😮 My lunch really does have an inadequacy complex now.
    1 point
  29. Unfortunately no leather seats. And even worse, push button ignition but no remote start (almost a deal breaker). That was a new 2018 still on the lot. They wanted it gone. A good deal with a bunch of factory cash back. A decent down payment. Fortunately I have good credit so I got my own financing. Without all that I would have never been able to afford it. I am having a blast learning the grill. Will try out the grates hopefully tomorrow (weather permitting).
    1 point
  30. A great Grill Grates - LOL
    1 point
  31. So, I am feeling more confident about things. I have a running order and a plan for the beef. In love with Spanish restaurant Sabor and am indexing their cookbook for Eat Your Books. All the sides for this meal come from that book. So, here goes: The Husband in charge of drinks. He has proposed Aperol Spritz. And mojitos for people like me who don't like bitter. To go with drinks we will have banderilas - basically short sticks with stuff on them to eat in one mouthful with your drink. Olives, peppers, ham, stuff like that. Will also be trying an on bread tapa with lardo and salted anchovies. Will trial run tonight to see how that tastes. Sides for BBQ will be a roast/grilled cauliflower dish with dried spanish chillies and nice Marcona almonds, a tomato, avocado and fennel salad and a green salad. Green salad will have my non-Spanish favourite dressing of the moment - black garlic vinny courtesy of the Le Pigeon recipe book. Will have skewers with monkfish, prawn and tuna and a bit of courgette on. Planning to let guests grill them themselves on the konro. Hoping that works out OK. Now for the beef. I weighed it on bathroom scales this morning. It comes to 8.5kg. Not massive and includes bone. Going to try something in the KK that I have done in the IDK before but never outdoors. Will sear the raw meat in the 21 and then move it to the 23 to cook at 60C. Holding the KK at 60C may be a fantasy but that is the level at which it is supposed to cook for about 6 hours to reach internal temp of about 50-55C. Then it needs an hour to rest. I think I will smoke for the first hour or so but not longer because I don't want to over power the meat. What do you think? Any additional advice before I embark on this mad task tomorrow will be gratefully received. And I am sure I will panic about quantity of food and add something in when The Husband isn't looking. Maybe sliced smoked goose breast will make a nice tapa.
    1 point
  32. About 8 years for me now. Unfortunately, I don't head in that direction when I venture out because the road system is a little long. Definitely on the radar now
    1 point
  33. So as promised, pictures of the place. This place is definitely going to be a keeper for sausage night or those special guests. She had quite the selection of sausages obviously but, inclusive were things like candied jalapenos, chilli with 5 local contest trophy's for it on display, bangers, bratwurst, ribs, pulled pork southern style and a variety of marinated meats. Inside the small shop a wood stove sat in corner for winter heat and the inside was all dressed in old knotty pine as well as the floor. A picture of the cooker shows a 250-300 gallon oil tank one would have kept in there cellar as heating fuel storage tank. With the advent of LPG and natural gas piping many converted for it's cleanliness and convenience and some storage tanks were lucky enough to end up as bbq cookers. As I looked out her business window I couldn't help and comment to her from seeing the plants on her back deck how well her marijuana plants were doing. She smiled,..... and assured me they were not in the sausage. I said, you never know...could be a big seller. The splitting area for wood was right out of a magazine, wood stacked under a shed roof quite a distance and about 7feet tall with a number of rows, all oak, white and red. The place just reeked BBQ ambience. So here it is, not the greatest photographer so excuse the lack of detail in quality
    1 point
  34. Skip the seafood kebabs. Actually sounds like lots of fun and great eats.
    1 point
  35. Two reasons I didn't try the beer. I don't have a beard and I don't like beer. I am a cider girl.
    1 point
  36. We had a late lunch at a Vietnamese restaurant so the current plan is to fire up the grill at 7 pm.
    0 points
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