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  1. Chickens spinning. 2 ~5lb birds, brined overnight, Italian herb and garlic butter. Used the Fogo super with pecan and apple. Started direct, but added a steam table pan as a deflector 30 min into the cook to balance things out.
    6 points
  2. I needed fajitas and margaritas a couple of weeks ago after a solid day unpacking. I picked up that gallon yeti when I was living in Austin; buy one if you don’t own one - so good!! Make one batch of margaritas and they last all arvo and evening
    5 points
  3. Love the peach glaze on lamb bloody awesome Sent from my SM-T835 using Tapatalk
    4 points
  4. Hand forged in Serbia. 1.07 lbs and extra sharp. Tried it out on some chicken tonight. If you get your finger in there it would be a full clean amputation. Pack it in ice and head to the hospital. I'll hide it from Mrs skreef at night just in case I pissed her off and she's feeling a little Iike Loraina Bobbit. LOL
    4 points
  5. Gave some corn a slather of plum..then grilled them on the jr. .patted it down ..And gave it some butchers rub tony sent me yum..on it goes over cherry.. Sent from my SM-T835 using Tapatalk
    3 points
  6. All, attached are some photos of my new 21” that I received yesterday. Uncrating and everything went well. Planing my first cook on the grill tonight .....some Cornish hens, sweet potatoes and corn. I’ll work on taking a picture of this as well. The one issue I’m having is the clearance on the spit rod. I understand how to adjust the length of the rod, however when I finally get the clearance to insert rod on both sides it looks like it will fall out of the left side (not stay seated) of the grill. I’m concerned that when I go to use this it will not spin properly or stop spinning altogether. Any suggestions out here in forum land is much appreciated. (Note I’ve successfully set up the length on my 32” and have no issues with this) I’m also excited that I was able to order 20 boxes of CoCo charcoal and 1 box of Coffee Charcoal. I’m going to give away 2 boxes of coco char to some friends with BGE’s in hope that they like it and will want to do a combo / pallet buy the next time I need some. Who knows.......maybe they will even convert to becoming KK owners!!! Best, Paul
    3 points
  7. Single serving Italian Meatloaf wrapped in Prosciutto and stuffed with a tomato that had been stuffed with a spinach and mozzarella mixture. Served with angel hair pasta and homemade Spaghetti sauce. The basic ingredients. Sweated down baby spinach, panko, fresh mozzarella balls and Italian seasonings. Stuffed into hollowed out tomatoes. Italian Meatloaf mixture Lay down 2 pieces of Prosciutto in a cross on parchment paper. Make a meatloaf bowl then wrap the Prosciutto up and into the bowl. Put a stuffed tomato in the bowl and form the bowl around the tomato. Baked in my Komodo Kamado at 350* indirect for about 40 minutes (I think). Served with angel hair pasta, homemade Spaghetti sauce and fresh grated parmesan.
    2 points
  8. Looking good. Handmade tortillas are a must here — nice call. Need to look into that gallon sized yeti. Lasting an arvo (hmmm...autocorrect doesn’t like arvos or chooks it seems...odd) would be good.
    2 points
  9. Now you're talkin'. Challenge thrown down!
    2 points
  10. Something different: made baba ganoush, humus and pita bread for the house warming party. Eggplant (aubergine/brinjal) and garlic on the cooker with some coffee chunks, and then cooked the pita bread on there too. I tried whole flour with the pita bread - I won’t do that again as the bread flour ones taste heaps better (photo of that cook in here too)
    2 points
  11. Hello Houlester, in the KK forum there is a section called “KK Reviews / Happy Campers” in about the 9th thread down there is a thread titled “Comparison between KK 21” and KK23” that was done by Tekobo. This is an excellent thread and helped me make my decision on which one to go with. Good Luck! Paul PS - I choose the 21” and just received it today!!!
    2 points
  12. That looks more like a lumberjacks axe. Isn't cutting up chicken with this a bit like driving a tank down a bitumen road? Post the photos when you cut up a whole cow. Please
    2 points
  13. Ha ha. The ability to move the food closer and further from the fire with ease is one of the fun things about this grill. There was an option to split the bed so that you could move the two halves independently. I/we decided not to go for that option because that would have involved reducing the space available for grilling. I am expecting to use a combination of moving coals around on the bed to create cold and hot zones and raising and lowering the grates to control and vary the temperature. The ODK should be ready in time for The Husband's birthday in late October. I have bought him the Seven Fires book by Francis Mallman who he likes. I have bought myself a book called Charred & Scruffed by Adam Perry Lang. Interesting views about grilling meat and he does do "clinching" a lot. Lots to explore!
    2 points
  14. Yes I am happy with the space and no more clandestine operations. I think I am 90% unpacked so should have more time to sit around cooking and drinking beer A bit late: but here is how the meat turned out. I have never done a scotch fillet roast before as it always seemed so damn expensive in Australia, but living in Singapore the price at home was about the same as 1 steak here! Happy with the results
    2 points
  15. Eighteen years ago I was in my office at the Naval Research Lab in Washington, DC, getting ready to drive to a meeting in Crystal City near the Pentagon, when the news started coming in about the twin towers in New York. First one -- a weird accident -- and then the other -- no accident. A bunch of us were standing around a TV when my friend Ted called and told me to run upstairs to the big back window of our building facing the Pentagon. I did. We stood there watching it burn, with a huge cloud of smoke starting to drift our direction across the river. A short while after that the lab director closed the facility and dismissed everyone. Simultaneously, the security folks closed the gates and put us on lockdown (government operation, or what??), preventing us from leaving. All of the folks in my division went outside to the parking lot -- we figured it was safer there than to be in a building at a military research lab in what was clearly a target area. We stood there in the cloud of smoke. Rumors started spreading of the State Department being hit. And maybe another blast near the Capitol. Then we heard booms in the distance. Lots of anguish and even more confusion. Are we at risk? Are we at war? Later we learned that the booms were from USAF jets being scrambled from Langley AFB to intercept Flight 93 had it made it that far. Finally, after hours of standing in smoke and confusion, they opened the gates and we drove home, watching the rest of the events on TV, holding our families close. Eerily silent skies, except for the one aircraft we heard later that evening...the return of Air Force One heading to Andrews AFB. The next day the stories started coming in. Of friends who were in the Pentagon being knocked to the floor and evac'ing on foot. Others who were dangerously close to the point of impact and barely made it out. Another...a colleague...I never heard from again because he was on Flight 77. As divided as we are today, it's often hard to remember that on that day -- 9/12 -- for a brief moment we became one.
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. Indeed! Lots of folks in that area are wishing that they had nice charcoal grills right now to help use up all the thawing foods in their freezers after days without power!
    1 point
  18. Can't wait to see pics of the finished ODK and some tasty cooks on the new grill!
    1 point
  19. Unusual cleaver, bone crusher...keep that hatchet in a steel box. Looks like a prop from a horror movie
    1 point
  20. That pic is actually just the center of the lower grate. I will post more for sure on here and Instagram of various cooks, however; the majority of my cooks have been small so far and set up for small cooks. What impresses me is that I’ve been getting a lot of reuse out of the lump, even after hot cooks. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  21. Those pittas and the baba ganoush look just great @BalconySmoken
    1 point
  22. I don't really do open flames they are more just extremely hot fresh coals for the sear. Maybe a little flames and some smoke.
    1 point
  23. Breakfast cooked on the Konro since the coals were still hot from the night before. It was like camping out in the ODK. I saw this pair out the kitchen window but by the time I got my camera they were having apple treats in the orchard. The bacon is so much better cooked over an open fire.
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. Tasty looking wings. I guess I can overlook the ketchup - LOL
    1 point
  26. It's been a long time since I've had baba ganoush, Everything seems to have turned out perfectly. I think if you had ground your own wheat berries the whole wheat ones might have tasted much better or maybe just use a percentage of the flour as whole wheat and the rest white flour.
    1 point
  27. I bought my original Kamado 7 in 1998 from Richard. In 2004 I bought a Kamado 3 for my girlfriend apartment. They sent it directly to my girlfriends apartment just like I had requested; however, They sent the bill to my house. That did not make my wife very happy.
    1 point
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