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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/12/2019 in all areas

  1. We have had less than an inch of rain over the last 8 weeks then last night..... kaboom. 5.5 inches last night in an hour. What a glorious clear day today brings. Clean air with a max of 31c ( 88f) and a midnight low of 23c- 73f.
    3 points
  2. I'd take those temperatures right about now in F, not C, as our high today is only about 22F. Supposedly, we're going to be in the 40s for a couple of days, so I'm hoping to get in a couple of grilling sessions.
    3 points
  3. I was in Sydney last week and managed to liberate my purple crack from my mum. With a full eski I fled back home on Sunday and got test it out today. Dry rub of purple crack and salt on a sirloin and two scotch fillet steaks. Reversed seared them using the warming rack (first go of that rack also). it tasted awesome - probably over did the crack as the girls found it a bit spicy. It is a really unique flavour - starts kind of sweet with a pepper after taste. I’m hooked! warming great worked a treat for reverse sear cinzano Rosso and ginger ale over ice - so refreshing nice and even cook - aiming for medium rare and I reckon I am pretty close on it
    2 points
  4. Especially the following day when I used some of the leftovers to make a Cuban sandwich!
    2 points
  5. 1 point
  6. Yes, SSgt93, love it and the tanks seems to last forever.
    1 point
  7. This is my starting method as well. You can do a quick tap for low and slows or quickly light a bigger area to help get the grill up to temp quicker. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  8. Lat grill looks kewl .Love the side basket for wood Sent from my SM-T835 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  9. Well it's nice and toasty today we have not had thes3 temps so early in December .And to make things worse like the east coast we have a major out of control Bush fire happening .feel for the fire fighters Sent from my SM-T835 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  10. I'm looking at a bunch of rain over the next week or so - bummer
    1 point
  11. I just converted c to f,wow it’s going to be hot! What Basher said keep hydrated for sure.
    1 point
  12. Not sure about the bar. Mine and all I've seen only have the little pegs. The pegs are used for the lid to rest on. My left side peg is a little bent down. No worries as the lid sits flush on them. Although a litter cheesy, I really like the lid. Definitely traps heat (and smoke) above your food. Good for chicken cooks and such.
    1 point
  13. It was a bit of a challenge going out every 5 mins or so to turn it 90 degrees. However, I'm not concerned about pork being medium. Nice and juicy. Folks are still living in the last century if they fear pork that's not cooked to death!
    1 point
  14. @ckreef Charles...I was studying the cooker and there is a side-to-side bar that is on the internal frame in front of the adjustable cooking grate. It is shown in some of the photos and appears to be missing in others. Looks like there are little mounting pegs sticking out of the frame that the side-to-side bar attaches to or rests on. What the heck does it do?? (a rest point for the cover?) Thanks!
    1 point
  15. So, I sucked it up and went out in the near zero windchills and fired up the KK for dinner last night. Trader Joe's marinated (rosemary & cracked pepper) pork tenderloin. Direct, main grate, 325F over peach wood. Plated with salt potatoes and roasted carrots.
    1 point
  16. Ñuke Delta Argentinian Style Wood Fire Gaucho Grill Overview | BBQGuys Wow. I want one!
    1 point
  17. Had a snow squall blast through here this afternoon. Could hardly see across the street. As soon as it came, it was gone. Just a dusting of snow, but the winds are still gusting quite a bit and the temps are dropping fast. I had planned to grill a pork tenderloin tonight, but the windchill will be approaching Zero about the time that I have to start the grill. The cast iron skillet on the stove top is starting to look pretty good right now! Well, I sucked it up and braved the near zero windchills to grill the pork tenderloin (Pics are in the cooking thread). Fortunately, my KK is like 3 steps from the kitchen door!
    1 point
  18. Looking forward to seeing your cooks and copying them!
    1 point
  19. When I said slightly less than freezing I meant 30*-31* f Hopefully we won't know real cold weather this winter Wouldn't want to have to go out and buy a true winter coat.
    1 point
  20. We haven't really hit winter yet. It's only dipped down slightly less than freezing 2 nights so far. It's a double bottom steel paella pan. The double bottom helps with evening out the heat from a live fire. I've never used a CI pan for paella so I can't really do a comparison. I have a long Christmas vacation coming up (12 days off). I hope to do some kewl cooks on my various grills. Keep your fingers crossed for decent weather.
    1 point
  21. I'm pretty sure a number of us use this one hand torch, the TS8000 with the Map/Pro canister (yellow). It has a quartz one click replaceable igniter and adjustable blue flame. Quite powerful and does the trick for a one hand convenience. Screw on bottle and whole kit $55. Doesn't have that kind of horsepower but hey 30-40 seconds and your done
    1 point
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