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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/05/2020 in all areas

  1. Well... I take all the fat and connective tissue, render it down in a skillet, pour the liquid oil all over the pulled meat. No globs of fat or connective tissue in your mouth, and all the juiciness and flavor! The guests are none the wiser, all they perceive is pure, lean muscle in their mouth that is somehow moist and succulent. And all the browned bits from the rendering get divvied up amongst the coonhounds.
    3 points
  2. Tony looks like a meal from a 5 star restaurant!
    2 points
  3. Here is where to find the private messaging and the Forum list. You will see the member list on the right hand side.
    2 points
  4. Too kind, Bruce! Maybe if it had the raita to go with it - 3 stars maybe? 😄 Nice trick there, Doc! And I know them hounds love their special treat!
    1 point
  5. My pleasure [emoji4][emoji847]
    1 point
  6. Wow. just wow. You guys are all awesome bakers, these pics are truly gorgeous and yeah, I had to move my KB outa the way so as not to drool on it;-) I read most of this loooong thread, its tough coming late to the party, and I had some comments to add but, im tired and I dont think it would make any sense lol. The pic of those " spelt seedlings " is sprouted wheat berries and look pretty well modified by the looks of them. Bake on! Sue
    1 point
  7. You set a nice plate, hearty and welcoming
    1 point
  8. Tony, that dinner is looking a lot like a nice feast.
    1 point
  9. I'm on this thanks for the head's up... ****Changing the location of the handles on future DBD pans to their natural balance point would seem to be a more elegant and simpler solution.**** With 7 grills/sizes we do have a problem from time to time with handles from different models being used at times, this is very tough to spot for our QC gals too.. I believe the lower rack is a better place to put the drip pan.. down below will trap heat in the firebox and reduce performance..
    1 point
  10. Last night was Indian - kofta kebabs. Mix of ground beef and lamb, with lots of onions, garlic and parsley, with my house lamb seasoning with extra berbere spice tossed in. Direct, @ 300F, on the Frog Mat (they sometime get a bit crumbly), with coffee wood chunks. Plated with an herbed basmati and side salad. I wanted to make a raita to go with it, but when I pulled the cuke out of the veggie bin it had gone bad. Oh well!
    1 point
  11. Yesterday was brioche buns for burgers. Today is sourdough cinnamon raisin with 30% fresh milled hard red wheat.
    1 point
  12. Since the lockdown in the UK, I've either been in the garden or the kitchen. So I thought I'd share some of my endeavours. Tried baking in the 32KK for the first time. Made a banana and tahini loaf. If you like peanut butter and banana as a combination, you will like this. Used cocochar, had a very slight smokiness to it which was discernible from doing it in our fan assisted oven. Crumb was great in both but I think a savoury loaf might benefit more from the KK's charms. Ordered some pork ribs from the butcher who now identifies me as 'the meat enthusiast' and recognises a kindred spirit. He has made some suggestions on cuts and modifications to recipes and I must say, it's a match made in heaven. Pictured are pork ribs which he cut long so we had a large piece of non-rib which I think is a cut used to make bacon. Applied our own house dry rub which has around 250 ingredients (feels like it at least). My wife is pictured applying it as she is far better at getting the membrane off the ribs so got to be the kid and get covered in rub mix. Cooked then in the KK rib rack at 105 for 4-6 hours and then grilled to finish with lots of sticky BBQ sauce. I cheated and used bottle sauce to glaze as I was low on sugar and am trying to clear the fridge out of BBQ sauces (I swear they've been breeding). They were superb and I ended up wearing the ribs. I got told off by my wife for spilling food all over my t-shirt. I may have grunted and slurped some sort of acknowledgement whereupon she said I was like an overgrown caveman child. I think it's a compliment. We have Wild Garlic growing abundantly in the woods behind our house so in our prescribed daily exercise, we foraged some and I'm currently working up some recipes with it. Wild Garlic Oil to go on to a pizza with goats cheese and onion. I think some might find its way into a Pesto and there'll be some gnocchi pan fried with sage and wild garlic on the cards this week too. I'm debating a wrap for whole fish slow cooked on the KK. A bit like a banana leaf. I've attached some pictures for interest if you don't know the plant. You use the leaves of the plant which are quite succulent. Slightly different smell to regular garlic and doesn't have the same pungency and heat you can find in garlic bulbs. Hope everyone is in good health and spirits (and using this time to perfect their KK cooks). 🙌
    1 point
  13. Thank you for all your advice. I have definitely decided to ditch this stupid sourdough starter I’ve been keeping and go all in on your NY crust recipe. While it wasn’t perfect this week it was damn good and 200% better than my initial attempt. A few more cooks and I should have it down. Your help has been immense and my girls thank you
    1 point
  14. Great burgers require great buns. The rules: #1 - make it brioche, and #2 - make it yourself. The burgers...they be of the smashed variety to maximize the char. Superheat a baking steel, then flatten two 2.5 oz balls o’ boeuf with a heavy flat spatula. The chez is of the American variety. Not really cheese, but a must have, like beet root. Great burger meets great bun.
    1 point
  15. This was a small bottom round, it's always a favorite. Sorry no plate shots, too many projects on another plate. You gotta love the roto, very dependable.
    1 point
  16. I'm guessing it's just a tad small.. or either the pan or grate's handles are leaning a bit too much. Those welds should be plenty large to not have an issue if you tapped the handles with a 2x4 or something with a little heft..
    1 point
  17. I have been given grief , and rightly so , for not posting pictures of cooks done on a custom soapstone made for my KK 23" Ultimate . To my personal shame I was reminded " No pictures , it didn't happen " . Finally here is evidence of the existence of the said stone and my some what limited cooking ability. I humbly request everyone's forgiveness . The Maillard reaction was fantastic.
    1 point
  18. Hotel Turkey breast with no tell sauce. Foiled on the left too protect the thin and closer side running by the fire.
    1 point
  19. In these times anything goes for supper, tonight it was homemade spaghetti, sauce and meatballs with a side of steamed cabbage with butter and lots of pepper.
    1 point
  20. Peach maple glazed swine tenderloin.
    1 point
  21. I have a Donabe rick cooker. Love it. The only issue is it take a bit more attention than a regular rice cooker. You turn off the heat right after you see steam exiting the hole in the lid.
    1 point
  22. It’s a rainy day in the 757. I decided to toss 8 porterhouses on YOLO the Dragon. Porterhouse Pork Chops today.
    1 point
  23. Went to the restaurant supply on Friday and picked up this 17 lb. choice angus ribeye. It is very delicious, I was hungry and forgot to take a pic of the finished steak. Saturday I had half a pork belly ready to smoke. Sliced the bacon yesterday, it turned out very nice. Cold smoked 3hrs, lit the grill to hot smoke to an IT of 130 This pic is a huge rookie mistake 🤪, make sure you have your drip pan/ foil under your meat! I had to pull the rack out of the grill to let the missed fat cook off. B.A.T. sandwich And todays roadkill turkey Kook on fellow KK'ers
    1 point
  24. When I recently went to my bread pan, I thought I was cheating. LOL I switched because I wanted the bread to fit in the toaster better and since I've had this hiding in my cupboard I decided I might just as well use it. It is an Emile Henry ceramic pan and they are making an Italian model and others.
    1 point
  25. This could have been a KK bake and one day it will. Testing out slight improvements on my 15% fresh ground whole wheat bread that I use mainly for toast. It looking and tasting good to me. It is a 2 day process and this loaf was baked about 7:30 AM. Did the final fermentation in the cold room which runs about 55 F. It was in there for around 10 hours. Baked at 450F for 38 mins. right from the cold room. Down the centre of the loaf I spread about a good 2 inch strip with some of the bran that was sifted out of the flour, the rest went into my smoothie along with my fresh turmeric. Make no mistake fresh turmeric does have flavour, lots of it. The crumb.
    1 point
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