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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/13/2023 in all areas

  1. Haven’t strayed much from the usual chicken thighs and steak cooks lately, but a friend of mine dropped by yesterday and brought some goodies to grill up. Lamb kofta and a middle eastern sausage which he wasn’t entirely sure the composition of. Grilled and eaten alongside a handful of peppers, some foil pack potatoes, and pita bread with a delicious yogurt sauce he whipped up while I got the coals going
    5 points
  2. Haven't used the Yakitori grill for ages, but we had summer today so a friend and I got together to do meatballs and veggies.
    3 points
  3. I bet it's similar to doing a pork "brisket." These are damn tasty cuts of pork goodness, too! Pork Brisket – Porter Road
    2 points
  4. Road trip. Very long road trip. We drove 15 hours on Sunday to the South of France and a further 6.5 hours into Italy today and my 16KK came with us: Here is Dan the Man, helping us load her into the back of the car Sitting pretty in the boot My husband had originally planned to attach loads of ties to the KK but instead decided to leave the back seats up and we packed all the rest of our stuff around the KK. Resting now after all that driving. Will post photos in a few days when we have her all set up and ready to go.
    1 point
  5. Yep, time to break mine out, too. Maybe Suya Pepper beef skewers?
    1 point
  6. Bought a bag of the Lumber Jack once based on this review. I didn’t have the same experience as the reviews. It wasn’t bad, but not worth the price point and was mostly medium chunks. My go to is not usually in reviews anywhere, likely because it isn’t available in retail stores similar to KK’s. I mostly use https://kalamazoogourmet.com/products/kalamazoo-quebracho-charcoal/. It’s consistently very good. I also pick it up locally and don’t have the shipping costs…that could definitely change my mind on things if I had to factor that in every time. My favorite I’ve ever cooked with was still the KK Coffee lump. It was a sad day when I burned through my last bag of it. I’m sure I’m a bit bias too, but I just really liked the flavor profile, especially for yard bird and whitefish. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  7. Even with that price increase they are still worth every penny. It is the last cooker anyone should ever need.
    1 point
  8. Pork belly cooked like a brisket. Sweet heat rub, coco char, coffee wood chunks. Cooked until 165° internal, wrapped in butcher paper, finished at 203°. I highly recommend this!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  9. Forgot about this page and made a post on KK cooks - sorry for the duplication! Hello all KKrs. It has been a while since I've posted but not for lack of cooking. Did my first beef cheeks this weekend for the purposes of a good old barbacoa taco. Smoked at 260ish for 4 hours with only an S&P rub, leaning heavily on the fresh ground pepper. I made an adobo with guajillo and ancho chilis, onion, garlic, fresh graded cinnamon, dried mexican oregano, salt, and white vinegar, and water. Since I couldn't find wagyu beef cheek and took whatever was available at the store (I assume choice), I added about 1/2 a cup of wagyu tallow to the dutch oven as it started heating alongside the cheeks the last 30 minutes of the cheek smoke. Put the cheeks in the adobo in the KK after 4 hours. I realized 3 hours into the adobo braise I'd forgot to put the lid on the dutch oven so the sauce had cooked down a lot. I added a couple of cups of water, put the lid on, then continued the braise in the KK for another 1.5 hours, 4.5 total. Then shred the meat, scoop off some of the extra fat from the adobo, return meat to broth. Before serving I'd put the meat in a bowl and mash with a spoon to get the liquid to the surface, returning the liquid to the pot and leavingn the meat flatted in the bowl. Finished off with a fresh roasted tomatillo salsa that was fiery from the serano. Canned charro beans from HEB (they're fantastic - just add some S&P while heating). Smokey, rich with fat, spicy (not hot) from the adobo sauce - it is perfection on a corn tortilla Lunch is going to kick-ass for the next few days!
    1 point
  10. Pork Rib cook today. The KK was rock solid for 5 hours at 250F. I hope these critters are not out tonight. I don't need them up at my KK. There are twins roaming around and a single bear.
    1 point
  11. Had my neighbor and his family over today, asked him what he wanted me to cook he said brisket. So I made brisket again. This time I took a page out of @C6Billbook and used Holy Cow. Turned out great Caesar salad, rosemary/garlic/sour cream/Parmesan mashed potatoes & cornbread
    1 point
  12. Reminds me of an old saying, "have KK will travel" or originally said, "have gun will travel." A very old western Tekebo, depicting a gentlemanly-gunfighter for hire. You've taken it to another level Tekebo, all the other BBQ's are hiding & shaking in their boots.
    1 point
  13. My husband and I managed to lift the KK out of the car between us. Here is the base coming up the apartment building in the lift. And being wheeled through the apartment once we got it on the base. Here is the KK, spring back in and the couple of tiles that came off in the move re-grouted into place. Lovely bundle of asparagus from the market. Lamb chops followed. Feta and lemon zest enhanced the asparagus. Yummy dinner. Welcome to Italy!
    1 point
  14. I asked for a rack of ribs from my Italian butcher yesterday. When he heard they would be going on the BBQ he insisted on cutting them between each rib like this: I suspect it is because they don't use smokers as much here and expect to have to cook their BBQ ribs a bit more quickly. Anyway, I followed the Italian theme and marinaded with balsamic vinegar, peperoncino and salt. Had to cut the rack in half to fit it on my 16KK and it only took 2.5 hours to cook at about 150C. A bit too salty and slightly dry so I think I may shred and eat with pasta later in the week. Fun to try but will need to take a different approach next time if I do go for the pre-chopped rack.
    1 point
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