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Everything posted by johnnyboy

  1. What the heck!!! Now I see it....... go figure; all the other pics were there but the rack!! Really!! Made you look though!! Ha!!
  2. Awesome. Good trick with the blowing action!! I'll give it a try next time. Thanks mucho Bud!!! Can't belive I've been doing it wrong all this time....
  3. FM, I didn't see the main grate or any meat hangers. Did you use the main grate, or hang the meat some how? Thanks.
  4. FM, are you saying I only need the cornmeal on my peel to get slide action; not a dash on the baking stone too? Interesting; I'll have to try it. I've always been afraid the pizza dough would stick to the stone without cornmeal, like it does to the peel. Maybe now I won't have to fight so much cornmeal burning on the stone.
  5. Looks awesome awesome awesome FM!!! If I had guessed what the meat in it's raw stage was I'd of guessed a ground loaf versus solid piece of meat.
  6. Those look great FM!! No cornmeal or anything, just placed on a bare stone? Nice. You always do such a nice job. I'm friggen jealous dude!!!
  7. You obvioulsy had too much air Jackie. Guru wasn't even needed/called for. I think your best bet, if you think your meat is done to your liking. Wrap the meat in celephane (keeps juices in), then foil, then heavy towels, then place package into as smallest ice chest you can, or microwave. Use plenty towels for insulation. It'll hold a few hours. Good luck.
  8. Aparantly, and I agree, BBQ is used with multiple meanings. The funny part is, thinking the ones we're talking to understand; when in reality they may not!! Ha!! I now keep it simple; no sauce no BBQ. It's either grilling or doin a low and slow........ add sauce, it's BBQ.
  9. Jeff, now tell us what exactly is BBQ? Coming from the West; cooking on a outdoor grill was called BBQing. We barbecued everything from hot dogs to burgers to steaks. There was no pork butt or anything...... Ha!!! Then I learned in the midwest it's called grilling! My first couple years in the mid west everyone thought I was putting BBQ sauce on everything, because I always said I was BBQing!!! Ha!! Kinda funny...
  10. Nice looking butts there Dave!! You did awesome from the looks of things.
  11. Ah ha.... a close up reveals it's real idenity........
  12. Nice job FM!! Superlicious looking I have to say!!
  13. Very cool JD. Great pictures. And I too like the cook format you used. The only thing else I can think of I'd like to see is the meat weight, and possibly thickness if it were a steak.
  14. Ditto Nice job Dennis, and good Luck. I suspect your phone will be ringing off the hook.
  15. I'd say your methods are fine. I've been doing mine that way for years. There is a temperature rating, Sunbrella provided it to me years ago, I just don't remember it. Seemed it was explained more like a melting point. I'd say if you can't put your hand on the surface because it's too hot, then it's too hot to cover.
  16. If doing a long low and slow, and your pit probe is only an inch from the meat, I'd suggest using your dome temp versus pit temp.
  17. I have the same question; where is your pit temp probe? If your dome thermo is reading 310+, and your pit probe is reading 250 I'd say maybe your pit probe is placed too close to the meat, potentially picking up the meat temp.
  18. The more beer you drink, the more beautiful she looks! Especially if she's wearing "black"!!! ...I have a black cooker, so I guess I have to wear black to cook in! Maybe Johnnyboy can make me up something in black! You bet Trish; but instead of sending me your largest circumference; I think I'll come take that measurement myself...
  19. The more beer you drink, the more beautiful she looks! Especially if she's wearing "black"!!!
  20. If adhesion is anything like paint, adhesives, etc. scratching the surface goes a long way too (sand paper). But, I'll let Dennis address that; just an idea/thought.
  21. johnnyboy

    Bacon Explosion

    And don't forget the BURNT FINGER BBQ!!!! Boy were they trying to push that or what???
  22. Okay so now you've peeked my interest. Yes, I've heard this before too, but never understood why coming up to room temp outside the grill was any different than coming up to temp inside the grill. In other words meat starts out cold, and finishes done. At some point it hits room temp before it hits done. What am I missing? Does meet need to sit at room temp for X time? Do you use a thermometer to know when it hits room temp? It's no kidding, I've been taught unchilled meat spoils. Aparantly there's a time factor to it. I just don't know if I want to play around with it. Is there really that much benefit, and what is it? Thanks,
  23. Probably has something to do with the tiles on the black one still being attached Hey you funny guy; opinions seen it before the tiles fell off, and still prefer the black.... And just so everyone is clear; they're not KK's!!!
  24. Ditto!!! I'm too glad that's cleared up, I wondered the same thing. Sanny don't need no Harbison Walker for her complexion for sure!
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