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Everything posted by PaulR

  1. Hmmm yummy, reminds me I should cook chooks more often. Here's where I learned how to spatchcock a chicken and it teaches you to remove the breastbone as well (easier when you cut it up before serving) a video http://virtualweberbullet.com/butterflychicken.html PS Nothing wrong with TNW's page!!!!
  2. Um, excuse my down-under ignorance but what is a "dehydrator"? I like jerky but have only ever had store-bought! Your buffalo jerky looks great!
  3. Actually, Magnificent Fubar (another member here) posted the following link: http://www.exoticmeats.com/store/index.php?cPath=24_50 Eat Skippy! (I personally don't like it) That's a US seller, I doubt that buffalo meat would be allowed through customs. They're super strict here with food imports especially meat! We're probably going to the states in the next few years. I'll make sure I'll have some!
  4. Looks great! Doubt that we can get buffalo down here... How often have you used the rotisserie? It looks nice and new/clean! Did you get the 6" or the 8" ?
  5. Go for it, make your day!!! I'll use this thread as supporting evidence in my ongoing case to get approval from my wife...
  6. Don't you get a choice of temps? one with a range between 200 -750 and the other one up to 1000? I probably got the ranges all wrong and will try to find the post... Found it: viewtopic.php?t=185
  7. Hi DJ, since I also have a guru (just the competitor) but have yet to burn out any of my probes (might not be cooking at high enough temps (mainly below 350). What caused yours to fail? I saw the stoker but I figure I'm going to swap my guru between BBQ's and possibly mainly keep using it on my WSM if the KK really holds its temps without me having to check on an overnighter? (lazy lazy).
  8. PaulR

    Pizza Stone

    Hi, on the website it states under the description of the Supreme that you get a Pizza stone/ heat deflector and listed under the Deluxe it just says Pizza stone. Are they one and the same or is the heat deflector something different? Thank, Paul PS Should I have asked this question straight to Dennis?
  9. All went fine down-under; if there was a down-time we didn't notice it!! (our ptime time is your evening?????) Great timing!
  10. I'll make sure I'll ask Dennis to confirm that they can actually deliver it to my place and get it of the truck; I have to get it "around" the back of the house and the access is shocking about 90 cm clearance past some rock...should be fun (or maybe through the house...) I'll make pictures when it gets here ... BUT I NEED TO ORDER ONE FIRST! Question; is it hard to bring the tempreature down??? I have a WSM and a guru and the temp comes down quite easily. But since it's not a ceramic it doesn't hold the temperature in it's walls (which would cause it to cools down slower????)
  11. Hey, we do notice the spam messages (well sometimes); But they are usually removed pretty quick (including the userid); So that's what the admin have to do as well....install the patches...saves you work! Regards, Paul PS So I take it "Doing chores asap" wasn't on your new years resolution list?
  12. What size rotisserie is that? 6 or 8? Was the skin as crsipy as it looks??? Hmmm 325 for 2 hours? I do 1 chook at around 300 for 90 minutes; we must have smaller poultry? Great photos! Paul
  13. Thanks for your post Steve, it really explains some more things for me (just have a couple of Weber's including a WSM) since I haven't cooked on a ceramic yet. Did you notice anything about the taste of what you cooked? (juicier/drier?). Look forward to seeing pictures. I'm assuming that when I order one and they deliver they will have enough people (or a crane on the truck?) to get it of the truck? Regards, Paul
  14. Just saw the morning news... That looks bad, good that you and your family are okay!
  15. Did you ever try a Westmalle triple? beaut beer! Possibly you find the Belgian beers to sweet?
  16. Thanks Curly, likewise! Hey DJ nice collection of glasses (I vaguely remember at least one of the german beers). I've always been a belgian beer drinker myself (and gallons and gallons of the regular Dutch beers) in my younger years in Europe. Have one on me!
  17. Best wishes to you and your family. I didn't realise there were any bombs in Asia? Let's hope 2007 will be a bit more peaceful than 2006!
  18. IT'S 2007!!! (well here it is!) All the best to everyone on the forum (and their families, friends, BBQ-lovers everywhere) Have a great 2007!
  19. Here's the finished product (no ceramics involved)...
  20. The stubbie is on the left (its to protect the beer from getting to warm to soon). It can get hot in Oz (just not today it's only 25 C...). Made out of the same stuff that you make wetsuits from? A couple of specialty beers (however I don't mind the standard VB) and a heineken (it's better on tap in Holland but hey beggars can't be choosers)
  21. Our party (mainly neighbors) starts in an hour so am having a quiet one behind the PC (do you have stubbies?) whilst my wife is putting the finishing touches on the food (BBQ-ing is easypeasy just stand around an have a few beers... jay!) I'll make pictures of the finished products (you'll probably see them in this post before you guys are into 2007!!) Sydney always has some nice fireworks so should be good tonight (we can at least see it on the TV). since we're about 20K outside of Sydney CBD. Have a good one!
  22. Not too high (4 meters down and than a slope towards a creek (we live in a small valley) and our house backs onto the bush (well it's a sorta big park)... The dogs are waiting for some grub!
  23. Well 8 hours to go in Oz for the new year... 1 barbie is fired up (6 hour ribs...) and the 'ol gas weber will be fired up in a few hours to cooks some snags, drummies and pizza burgers! And hopefulyy I'll get my KK some time next year so I can send some photo's cooking on a ceramic!! All the best to you and your families for the new year!
  24. PaulR

    Starting a KK

    U convinced me! So when I order my KK I should get the extra gas gizmo and top grate... Hmm wonder if my wife will let me get away with ordering the EZQ accessory (so I can just order the motor/kit from EZQ later)..
  25. PaulR

    Starting a KK

    She'll be right then? I'll ask one of the local BBQ places what size we use.. Do you have yours connected all the time and where do you have the gas bottle?
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