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Everything posted by PaulR

  1. I've had one for a year now.. Wouldn't want be without one.. they're great very responsive (only takes 3-4 seconds to get an accurate reading). My only "gripe" is that you can't easily switch between C and F
  2. Looks great Deej, great idea with the "suspended" guru probe... If you have it underneath the chook don't you run the danger of drippings (and your probe temp going awry?) Did you get crispy skin??
  3. Re: Was it They don't smell...now wombat ribs phew On the subject...mine smelled a bit too at the start but haven't had it coming back so...
  4. Thanks Jeff, if the KK is running at temps for a while wouldn't the "surface" temp of the grill be the same as the ambient KK temp?? Yup I didn't take "science" in our equivalent of High School....
  5. Probably a dumbo question but what do you measure? I have a thermapen for meat temps (inside) and I have either my dome temperature and my stoker/guru pit probe to measure the BBQ temps. What would the IR thermometer add? PS Thinking of getting one anyway because it IS a gadget so...
  6. Thanks, I was just hoping that putting wood chips in a smoke box would have a better result than just chucking them on the coals (where they definitely ignite... Maybe by closing up most of the holes and using your paste method???
  7. Yeah Sanny, please don't tell us you're actually some burly bloke!
  8. I have used a small cast iron box (once) to put my smoking chips in (yeah we don't have chunks down-under; well not for sale in the stores anyway). Don't really understand why I would seal the lid with paste as the smoke goes out via the sides (or in your case the bottom?). Should I use the paste method???
  9. PaulR

    Roto Chicken

    Looks great Questio: at 320 (where did you have the pit brobe?) how was the skin?
  10. Re: How many servings from 9lb bone-in pork butt? Not sure if it's expert info but it should be easily do able? The KK holds it temp very well (which is good) but if you do a high temp grill (600-700?) it should reach that very quickly at which time you cook your steaks i.e. about an hour from start (fire up the KK) to finish (remove your steaks)??). After grilling the steaks just close the bottom vents and "almost" close the top one you'll find the temps drop to more slower temps very quickly (around 225-250) and you can do a low and slow. Ensure that you loaded enough coals at the start and obviously don't allow the temps to go rampant (those 1000+ temps ). If you intend to put the low and slow on a few hours after the steaks are done and consumed (take some time to enjoy dinner) there really shoudn't be an issue!
  11. Good to hear from you (and see that you still frequent this board) I for one missed your insights!
  12. Not sure if anyone knows but what happened to porkchop?? His website doesn't work anymore and he hasn't posted in a long time?
  13. PaulR

    Dry Aged Brisket

    Not sure if the "pudding" analogy was the best but to me it sounded like it melts in your mouth (which is a great way to describe some meat textures). It's the way i like a great chateaubriand (hard to get here but once you've tasted a proper one.... )...
  14. Re: Nice But my beautiful puppy has reappeared! AND more importantly eyes are back!
  15. Re: I'm off to Bali for the week.. When is the move happening... Might be another reason to for us to visit Bali (it's becoming a big Aussie tourist drawcard again 6 years after the bombings). Have fun!
  16. Re: Nice Not starting a flame war here but am I the only one who gets confused with all these new avatars??? Majestik remains the same as ever; and I find it easier to recognise who's saying what...Also Sanny's beautiful eyes have disappeared PS Agree with you M totally
  17. Happy 4th to y'all (even though it's already the fifth where we live!!)
  18. Maybe it's true what they say. Familiarity breeds contempt? Sad. I'd even order a pallet! I believe I need a container to make it worthwhile which is a bit too rich for me...
  19. Aargh how come I'm one of the closest KK owners to Dennis but can't get it... Good on ya Dennis though for creating another great product!
  20. Re: Looks great.. Baah! Hi Dennis, the pan was mainly to cook the potatoes on..added bonus is that they soak up some of the juices and they were delicious... Boil the taters for 5 minutes and add pepper/salt/olive oil and place in the same pan as the lamb (same duration as the lamb cooks which in this case was 75 minutes at high temps 340-350).
  21. The guru has some little round "plastic" washers (in front of the butterfly screw) I just hung it of the roti bracket... (will post photos tonight?); no additional heat.... It works fine and is on a nice level to keep an eye on...
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