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Everything posted by PaulR

  1. PaulR

    Aussie TV

    Not often we actually have US BBQ's on national television (ABC is the government supported Australian Broadcasting Corp; not like your ABC!)... http://www.abc.net.au/foreign/content/2008/s2157744.htm Saw some BGE's no KK's...maybe next year? Has anyone heard of the Jack Daniels Invitational???
  2. Strangely enough it cleans easily using a quick handwash I thought it would be "hard" but it isn't? It's slightly too big to fit my ozzie dishwasher (not sure about the size of dishwashers in the US?)
  3. Welcome aboard...the more KK's down-under the better.. Any model KK would be great (I saw Dennis was buidling a smaller model as well). Just one tip make sure you not what you're up for re import costs; they are steep!! (well can be steep)
  4. Re: Reasonable ocean freight to Australia That brings back some bad memories... The actual government charges are not to bad; it's the importer "adding" to these charges that makes it expensive... But you live and learn..
  5. Happy new year mate, here's to more great reviews! Have a great 2008!
  6. PaulR


    Woken up to a new year.... It's all good, just waiting for the NY ball to drop... Happy new year
  7. PaulR


    Best wishes for 2008............ (well already been in the new year for 2 hours so about time) May you all have the best BBQ's (and never run out of charcoal!)
  8. I reckon we can have a lot more komodo kamado's on this site (2 currently). Good thing the first "pit" is a KK!! http://www.ncre.biz/DATsBBQ/PitGallery/PGM.html
  9. Member #148; and I'm the same age as the wiz! (ask anyone! )
  10. I'll try this one over the weekend, will let you know whether I finally can get the texture right?
  11. I thought the cockatoos in our backyard were big... That's a monster bird (judging by the size of the KK).
  12. Wow, what island is this on? oops read it it's on Maui! It'll become the mecca for bbq lovers visiting Hawaii
  13. PaulR


    Looks great, reminds me I gotta cook me some ribs soon!
  14. I think you can talk here, as long as the first message has a recipe... It's in Dj's rule book page 956 section d.1 Otherwise Dj can move some replies....
  15. I've already PM-ed you with the details! party on!
  16. Not a bad effort 81% of all users online at the same time. However without Sanny + myself....how good was it really?
  17. I didn't know DJ posted on youtube with his latest gas gadget?
  18. Was there a big KK party?? Most users ever online was 193 on Sat Nov 17, 2007 10:03 am
  19. Not sure yet, depends on how long I'm taking of work (2 or 3 islands?) definitely stay in honolulu for a few days. Beyond that dunno, our neighbours lived in Hawaii for years (in the sixties so probably changed a bit). My wife went years ago as well... So suggestions?? (Deej is going to move this out of the thread whaddya reckon??)
  20. I was being half earnest/half joking I do enjoy my reds and figure (giving the whole process and volume of wine involved) it's not going to make a taste difference otherwise sommeliers would go like: hmmmm nice bouquet and peppery finish but I reckon the winemaker hasn't washed his feet in (has another sip) Oh 2 or 3 days?? I would love to visit your farm (to pick up a bottle of wine) when I next come to the states but the mainland trip has been postponed for another year (Hawaii next July though).
  21. Thanks for ruining my wine appreciation, I thought that was only done last century (well mid-last century), So I'm drinking stuff that people had their feet in.... PS If you know something like this about the beer making process DON'T TELL ME
  22. U2 man is good... Received the other knob, but realised I have to do some work (as the dial knob is "welded" to the dial)... Hmm need to change knobs but don't have welding materials....
  23. That's the one I'm hoping for, however just read the stoker thread and monitoring my KK remotely via my laptop sounds great too!!!
  24. Hi Deej, I thought you would have waited for the remote controlled version??? maybe that version is wishful thinking on my part So you have two now (I'm thinking of asking one from Santa)
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