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Everything posted by GoFrogs91

  1. Wow MK. You've outdone yourself again. Gorgeous pics.
  2. Outstanding day for you tiny! She sure is pretty.
  3. Well worth the wait tiny. Get ready to have some fun
  4. Wasn't yesterday, but appears fine now
  5. Great product. A bit of a challenge to set up, but Naked Whiz has a great tutorial.
  6. Good man Dennis. I don't see them listed in the store. How to order?
  7. Naughty, naughty Dennis. Where is the retrofit for the 23"? Inquiring minds want to know.
  8. MK, that purple meteorite is back......".....you should run!
  9. Did my own first run at the cracker crust. After several tries, middle rack of the oven at 450 resulted in bottom and top being ideal.
  10. Priceless. I just spit out my drink. Reef, you go and flavor your flank any way you like.
  11. Awesome presentation reef!! Looks great
  12. Normstar -WARNING!!!! If you have sugar in your rub, don't go over 325. It will scorch around 350 or so. If you are doing a true high heat shoulder, use a rub without sugar.
  13. I think you have that bread thing perfected
  14. Well done reef. Looks like a great meal
  15. Congrats mk. Nice trophy!
  16. Congrats and welcome! Time to have some fun.
  17. Love the color contrast and am sooooooo jealous of those meaty ribs. I can never find good ones.
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