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Everything posted by ckreef

  1. Definitely let us know what you find out. @Aussie Ora have you tried the other flavors?
  2. Nope just dumping from the bag until the bag is gone. Then hopefully we'll move on to bag #2. Getting close to the end of bag #1 at this point. Maybe the fines along with the ash will clog the lump basket. I have dumped fines and dust into the lump basket on previous occasions (with no prior ash buildup) without issue. I guess that is all part of the experiment. Will continue onward until it fails.
  3. If you go to the Outback Spirit website they say they will ship out of country. I can post a link later today if you need me to. This will be my goto for any cook where I need to salt and pepper the outside. I was really impressed with the flavor and the fact that my son liked it even though it was a "pepper" taste (he hates pepper).
  4. I believe you are correct. I'm posting this experiment on Guru also and letting everyone come to their own conclusions.
  5. TY shuley - not always fancy at the Bistro. Sometimes just regular food. Things I wouldn't normally make a big cook thread for.
  6. The Energizer Bunny - LOL Since the lump basket doesn't appear to be clogging I think this experiment might last a while.
  7. Great looking thigh dinner. That's another good one. I knew you had talked about peach rubs before so when I saw that I scooped up a bottle for both of us. Was a pleasant surprise for me.
  8. I wanted to try the Tasmanian Pepper Salt. I figured thick sliced potatoes would allow me to really taste it. I coated in oil, sprinkled on the Tasmanian Pepper Salt then baked in the 16" KK. Very tasty. Looking past the salt component it has a nice mild pepper taste. Not overpowering like black pepper can be. Almost a sweet pepper taste. Everyone loved it even my son who would never put pepper on anything. And it gives your potatoes a sort of purple color to them.
  9. For now on I'll skip the pouring lump picture unless it really enhances the post. All lump is poured directly from the bag. Cook number 5 Cook number 6
  10. I've now done 2 batches of chicken stock in a crock pot. Here's what I've figured out. Small oval crock pot works fine for 1 carcass. Final yield about 36 oz. Wash carcass to remove any residual rub for a cleaner chicken stock. Unless of course you want a slightly rub tasting stock. Set to low temperature is right at 212* and a very low boil. Set to "Keep Warm" temperature is a steady 155*. With that figured out proceed as follows ..... Set on high for 60 minutes (to get temperature above 140*) then switch to keep warm and let it ride for 12 hours. Strain through 4 or 6 layers of cheese cloth. If I'm going to do this on a regular basis I need to buy the larger fat separator. I currently own a small one. Crock pot is a very easy method for making chicken stock. Uses a very minimal amount of electricity.
  11. Magic Mojo is pretty good stuff.
  12. So far 1 spot with a MAPP torch.
  13. Looks fantastic. Can't wait to see the grand finale.
  14. Tasty looking steak and salad.
  15. ckreef

    Bacon, Part 2

    All right all is forgiven for your previous injustice - LOL You rocked out that homemade pasta. Last time I made homemade pasta it was hung on coat hangers - LOL
  16. Nice picture. I We don't really get colors like that. If I took a picture right now it would still be full on green. But then again don't really get the white pictures either.
  17. I do expect it to last a while but eventually the bottom will fill up.
  18. Cook number 4. Forgot to take an on grill picture. I had Brunswick Stew going in my 16" so I cooked a pan of muffin top corn bread in the 19" for this cook. I did include a money shot.
  19. Another thing I did with the stand is put a couple of pavers to get some air between the bottom of the 16" and the wood. I know Dennis says it's not needed but that bottom SS gets pretty hot when high heat searing. I was just worried that over time that heat would start to char the wood if set directly on wood.
  20. ckreef

    Rubbed up

    It's been a really fun adventure. Will have to do this again in the future. As I travel around I'll grab strange American BBQ items. I'll let you know when I have another stash ready to send.
  21. Thanks for the offer but I think I have the eating part covered with a 17 year old boy in the house. He usually eats as much as me and Mrs skreef combined - LOL
  22. Thought I would bring back a little fun from days gone by. Using a 19" KK table top model and Royal Oak lump I want to see how many cooks I can do without stirring the old lump before it clogs up and causes temperature problems. Started by cleaning out the KK and opening a new 17 lb bag of RO. I filled the firebox by dumping straight from the bag. Each subsequent cook I'll take a peak at the leftover lump and WITHOUT stirring it just top it off by dumping straight from the bag. I think I'll be able to go through at least 2 x 17 lb bags of RO before running into issues. We shall find out. Here is cook number 1. Here is cook number 2 with lump leftover from the previous cook. Here is cook number 3 with lump leftover from the previous cook. Check back often to see where this experiment ends.
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