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Everything posted by ckreef

  1. I've never made this before and Mrs skreef has never even tried brie so after some Guru inspiration I figured I would try it out. I started by straining out some berries. I cut the brie in half and scooped some out making a pocket to hold the berries. I'm about to wrap it in puff pastry. After wrapping it I gave it an egg wash then put it in the freezer for an hour before baking. Baked in the oven (Yea I was being lazy) at 425* for 25 minutes. Not a bad first attempt. Will do this again.
  2. I may have bought my first one sight unseen but eventually I bought a second KK. One kamado is definitely not enough. I actually own 3 kamados - 2 KK's and an Akorn Jr. Three is probably enough for me and Mrs skreef.
  3. Got tired of waiting for the postman so took off to town. Got home and OMG! You outdid yourself @Jon B. Rotisserie Cornish Hens are on the menu for tomorrow. Will give the salt potatoes a try along with one of the BBQ sauces. Thank you for such an awesome care package. For an interesting side story: My dad (God rest his soul) grew up around Rochester NY. My uncle had a cabin near Naples that we visited every summer when I was young. I'm sure if my dad was still with us he would totally appreciate this care package.
  4. Pm me your address I have a couple of jars of Reef Jam left from last years canning. Will go just right to get you a little summer flavor into this cold winter. Charles
  5. The anticipation is killing me. The postman should be here any minute now. We're even delaying our trip into town waiting for him to arrive. That's really kewl they called you. We have a pretty decent small town post office.
  6. I didn't know that. I just checked it out. That's pretty kewl.
  7. Great looking KK. You're going to love the adventure.
  8. While a couple of nights ago you all were bustin chops on Coors I was drinking a Coors - LOL I'm not much of a beer connoisseur. Generally I drink the hard liquor but lately have been drinking cheap beer. Mrs skreef doesn't like me drinking the dark beers. I tend to stink up the bedroom at night - LOL
  9. Great looking first cook.
  10. Awesome Aussie Ora. The Grill Mates are a few new versions. I haven't tried them all yet but I'm working on it. The vegetable marinade packets are a bit strong so I mix per the recipe but only use 1/2 a packet especially for just 2 people. The two sample bottles I wanted you to try for possible future purchases. The lime has a lot of potential if you like lime flavored marinades. Could you that when mixing up the chili and lime grill mates. The orange is yummy just not sure what to do with that one. Maybe some type of drizzle for cheese cake? I've had those jars of Reef Jam just waiting to ship. Hope you enjoy them. Lastly what are you trying to say? Your package is coming with it's own personal DEA delivery driver - LOL
  11. I hear your recommendations but can't hardly call Brooklyn east coast anything - LOL
  12. That's right - who gives a shit about work when there's a surprise BBQ package awaiting you Priorities........
  13. @Aussie Ora your package is at your local post office. We you go out of the house this morning going to work you should be able to smell a faint wiff of peach in the air - LOL
  14. All these packages. The anticipation is killing me. I also have a generic knife sharpening system in transit. Where is the long range drone delivery service when you need it - LOL
  15. I could always send you a bottle of Ghost rub if you need to spice things up a bit
  16. Tasty looking thighs but where's the spicy part or did I miss something?
  17. Yea I noticed that. Hopefully customs isn't sampling the goods
  18. But we allow you to account for the exchange rate. You can always make your $4.67 AUD (or whatever it would be). It's surprising a lot easier than you would think to do a cheap cook with a little creativity and careful shopping.
  19. Very tasty and that was a $3 per plate cook She rocked out that challenge entry.
  20. Currently doing the FL distribution center shuffle trying to figure out how to get it back to GA - LOL Almost as bad as the Bermuda Triangle.
  21. @Jon B. Now that's a funny story. Peach Balsamic - so good you have to keep it in a locked cabinet Don't let him get away with it no matter what you do.
  22. That's what I always thought. Sometimes I sit with a head of lettuce, rip off a piece, drizzle on a little dressing and chow down. Continue with that until satisfied. That is sometimes my after work snack to tide me over until dinner.
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