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Everything posted by DennisLinkletter

  1. Re: Charcoal Storage Issue? Why take a chance..
  2. Great food for thought on both sides.. Great food for thought on both sides.. Let's get back to meat from the grill..
  3. I just want to chime here and wish everybody a Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at Komodo Kamado. I am truly thankful for everybody's contribution here on the forum. I'm very aware that Komodo Kamado was partially developed and definitely fine tuned here on the forum. And now that the KK is a mature product, it's your posts and enthusiasm for cooking on them that helps fuel sales.. I believe that this next year KK's presence online will really soar.. Our average daily unique IP hits went from mid 300's last year to mid 400's this year with two months averaging mid 500's... May we averaged 579 daily unique IP hits. That's a big group of people on our sites. As you can imagine I'm very pleased, now if the economy would just turn around... Once again.. Happy Thanksgiving and thank you all..
  4. Very well carbonized charcoal has little to no smoke.. Just a note... It's the volume of unburned volatiles in the charcoal that determine how much smoke/flavor you get from the charcoal.. Very well (over) carbonized charcoal has little to no smoke or flavor.. but is a total bitch to light. When making charcoal there is a fine line between leaving enough volatiles to make it easy-ish to light and have flavor but not so much to where you get flames from off gassing and harsh acrid smoke/flavors.. That's why the old timers burn wood down to charcoal, then BBQ. This way there is no guessing. They know how far it's gone and exactly what it going to give them flavor wise. You can heat any charcoal to burn off these volatiles and then add your target wood for a more focused flavor.. You can bring the basket to high temps then shut it almost all the way down to get very clean burning smoke/flavor-less charcoal..
  5. Re: Ham recipe So I'm assuming you're not the one fully cooking the ham.. It's a store bought. Why did you decide not go the full distance and start with uncooked meat? Have you been unsuccessful in getting the consistency or saltiness you wanted thru brining? I'm actually pretty picky and always ask for a slice of many hams in the deli before finally settling with one.. But if you are smoking I'd recommend apple wood..
  6. Re: Rib Rack for the 19.5" OTB Yes it does.. Here is the larger 23" Gen II Ultimate OTB Rib Rack sitting in a Lil' Isla 19.5" OTB So we clipped the first section and it fits perfectly...
  7. New customers first cook This was sent to me by a new KK owner.. Her first cook.. 9 racks. She said they were great. (of course;-)
  8. Ham..That recipe sounds great I've never purposely done a ham.. In my early days.. I once over brined a bone-in and the results were pretty much ham. That recipe sounds great, I can't see how you could go wrong.. Good luck, please take some shots for us..
  9. Great job.. Great job.. as a furniture designer I love the little details like putting the dowels on the posts corners..
  10. Re: Emergency Fire Starter And then once you get just a little orange glow going, blast it with a cheapo hair drier... Lots of fun.. brings out the 10 year old pyro in us all. Ace hardware here ran out of propane bottles about 8 months ago.. as a last option I purchased a bunch of those small wax starters.. I now dig a little hole with my super larger tongs, drop in the burning starter and make a little charcoal igloo over it.. Come back in 5 minutes and blast with the hair drier. In 2-3 minutes you have a raging inferno.
  11. Yo Fetz.. 80# butt cook and no photos.. Criminal! Next time ok? Thanks in advance!
  12. Looks great.. Looks great.. I gotta cook some birds.. been a while. That shot has gotta go up on the new KK website that's going up soon..
  13. Pretty graphic... Pretty graphic... Gives being porked a whole new meaning!
  14. and the pile grows and grows.. They harvest the coconuts for the meat and milk.. The shells are a byproduct/ leftover from that. The reason there were piles of them where you were diving is that there was a street vendor selling young coconuts in the shell as a drink and just tossed them aside.... and the pile grows and grows..
  15. Motor and lamp.. This is a pretty slick combo.. Motor and lamp.. I just wrote them.. I hope they can budge on their 500 pc minimum http://itaco12.trustpass.alibaba.com/viewimg/photo/11728501/Rotisserie_Motor_ISM15L_1_.jpg.html http://itaco12.trustpass.alibaba.com/viewimg/photo/11452703/Rotisserie_Motor_ISM15L_2_.jpg.html
  16. Going thru my photo gallery I came across a few cooks that I have not posted. This first one's a first. I had a large sack of Coffee charcoal that had gotten wet. I brought my KK up to 250º dropped in the heat deflector then added the lower grill with tin foil spread and folded around most of it leaving just a sliver left and right. Then I poured out the contents of the bag.. left it at 250º for an hour and the crackling, popping and slight steaming subsided. Your KK makes a great charcoal drier but I don't recommend anyone using moldy charcoal as spores don't always die from heat. Local TriTip cut into strange shapes but tasty none the less.. ATB and some ribs, bathed in the white vinegar al la Chris Lilly.. Sai left some seeds in the jalapenos which had everybody huffing and puffing.. Fresh Mahi Mahi cooked on one side at about 400º untill the fat comes up and the meat is semi firm to the touch.. Amazing! Reverse sear with Char Crust I found in a suitcase.. Super cool green and red bug that landed on my 19.5 Lil' Isla - No we did not eat it Beef ribs.. took them up to 200º and when the bone pulled out easy and clean.. a bit greasy and still had some nasty chewys but great beefy flavor. Cleaned it up and made an awesome sandwich Mguerra's pineapple juice, brown sugar and cayman chile Salmon .. Kids favorite.. lightly smoked with apple wood.. Even better the next day with a bit of Best Foods mixed in as a dip.. Argh soo tasty.. Multi Kudos to the Dr.. We're big sushi eaters so I always purchase the salmon at the Japanese market in the Sushi area and leave the thickest part just barely cooked. Simple reverse sear steak and salad dinner.. Mguerra's pineapple juice, brown sugar and cayman chile Salmon again and again.. Used some of the damp charcoal and it caused the skin to stick to the grill so I did not flip it but it was still luscious.. When seared the brown sugar and cayman chile make magic! Pork Cheek.. Odd looking meat. Smoked it slow but obviously not long enough as it had all sorts of nasty sticky almost glue like stuff inside.. I know this is a delicacy but my dog barely ate it.. Any tips how to cook this?
  17. Komodo and Hand Hewn floors get a new factory this week. My previous landlord is giving my previous space to his two sons who just graduated college. I've leased two buildings like this... 24 X 75m each. 3,600m2 or 38,736 sqft.
  18. New factory for KK.. great for charcoal production too.. As of right now.. I can't find anybody who can consistently produce the charcoal I want to sell. This means that I'm going to have to make it myself. I have found a place that produces activated carbon from coconut shells that has proper professional retorts and can consistently supply the quality necessary. This week I've been moving the factory to a new location and there is a big open area where I'll be setting up a couple of retorts for charcoal. I've leased two buildings like this... 24 X 75m each. 3,600m2 or 38,736 sqft. To answer your question.. I'll be taking my time so probably not until this next spring.
  19. You can make charcoal from all of it but.. You can make charcoal from all of it but some shells are much thicker than others.. transportation (to where they will be heated and turned to carbon) for the thin ones is much more as they take up much more space (per ton) in the truck. Or you can have it carbonized in the village in 55 gallon barrels but then you end up with a product that is not very uniform in quality.. I'm actually getting my coco carbon from another island there they have thick shells..
  20. That's a lot of tar... I can't say I've ever heard of the type or volume of buildup your talking about. I'm guessing it's basically creosote and grease. The outside of my boiler in the factory is coated in thick tar from the oil in the teak we burn. I can't think of anything besides the ceramic gasket that would work. I'd start with a grease remover.. and then slowly step up to light solvents. When it's hot you might be able to remove some by adding some silica sand and scrubbing.. Maybe it will pick up some of the deposited material like you use kitty litter to pick up oil under cars.. Silicone can only handle about 520ºf so that's not going to work long term. Kudos on burning your first 2 tons of charcoal and half ton of wood your KK!
  21. In this case does firm up mean dry out? In this case does firm up mean dry out (a bit) ? Just some hot airflow? Gasser eeh? Hot air gun might work too...
  22. There are now three different types of stainless and teak side tables. One has the same high end German CNC cut stainless as in the rear hinge and is folding. The slatted recycled teak table is also removable. These are available for both the new 3 bolt side side plates as well as the earlier two bolt side plates. The rotisserie motor can be used with them installed but they can't fold with the motor installed. $288 each / $576 pair + UPS ground. There is now a new rod in tube non-folding version with the same beautiful slatted recycled teak table. They are $180 each / $360 pair + UPS ground. Another new rod in tube non-folding version with a simple smaller slatted recycled teak table. They are $140 each UPS ground.
  23. Killian My bestest friend for 14 years Happy Bday to you Dollly.. You got a great thing going.. give her a hug for me.. This is my Killian... She was the sweetest Akita ever. Never barked outside of play her whole life. Lost her in March after the best 14 years I could have asked for. When I went out or left town, she sat by the door and waited for me. When I was in the house, she never was more than 3 feet away from me.. 110% love. Here are some of my favorite shots of her.. notice how she went grey with me..
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